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Concert "A Tribute to Arthur Rubinstein"

Michael Møller

18 juin 2015
Concert "A Tribute to Arthur Rubinstein"

Message by Mr. Michael Møller
Director-General, a.i. of the United Nations Office at Geneva
United Nations Under-Secretary-General

A Tribute to Arthur Rubinstein
Concert on the Occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations

Thursday, 18 June 2015 at 18:30
Assembly Hall, A Building, 3rd Floor – Door A15

Ambassador Henczel,
Ms. Rubinstein,
Ladies and gentlemen,

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the United Nations Office at Geneva for this exceptional concert paying tribute to one of the greatest piano virtuosos of the 20th century, Arthur Rubinstein. I would like to thank the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland and the Arthur Rubinstein International Music Foundation for making this event possible. We owe a special thanks also to Mr. Marek Drewnowski for treating us to some of the best loved pieces by Frédéric Chopin that convey so much of Poland’s musical identity, and which were particular favourites of Rubinstein.

If there ever was a classical musician that could be related to the United Nations origins, Arthur Rubinstein was definitely the one. Performing at the historic conference in San Francisco where the United Nations Organization was established, Arthur Rubinstein not only displayed his performing talents, but also his political awareness and sense of justice when standing up for Poland, his beloved home country.

From the original 51 founding members, including Poland, the Organization has grown to become a truly world entity of nearly 200 states. Seventy years later, the quest for world peace, justice, and rights for all still continues. This year’s anniversary is a major landmark for the United Nations on their way to a better world, as proclaimed in the United Nations Charter.

On our path, we have achieved many milestones: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with the promise of dignity and fulfilment for every individual; General Assembly resolution 1514, granting independence to colonial countries and peoples, which put on the map of the world dozens of countries in Africa and Asia. The Organization today is a foremost stakeholder in ensuring sustainable development.

These treasured musical pieces we will be treated to tonight, are a fitting tribute to the momentous pianist who was there at the birth of our Organization. Let this wonderful music inspire us to be faithful to the original aspirations of the United Nations’ founding fathers, for our Organization to continue to serve both present and future generations.

Thank you.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.