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Inauguration of the United Nations Dispute Tribunal’s Geneva Courtroom

Michael Møller

11 mars 2014
Inauguration of the United Nations Dispute Tribunal’s Geneva Courtroom

Delivery of the Secretary-General’s message by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Acting Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
Inauguration of the United Nations Dispute Tribunal’s Geneva Courtroom

Palais des Nations, UNDT Court Room
Tuesday, 11 March 2014 at 15:00

Judge Laker
Judge Cousin
Ambassador Mladenović
Dear Colleagues

Thank you for the invitation to be part of the inauguration of the Geneva court room. And thank you for placing me in one of the seats usually occupied by witnesses in cases before the Tribunal. Because I must say that it is a pleasure to bear witness to the inauguration of this important chamber and to the good collaboration between UNOG and the Office of Administration of Justice that has resulted in this beautiful and functional room, which will serve our common cause of ensuring justice for all staff members.

A warm welcome also to the colleagues joining us from New York and Nairobi, showing us the truly global nature of our internal justice system. Thank you for being with us.

It is my privilege to present to you the Secretary-General’s message for the inauguration:

“I am pleased to send my congratulations on the inauguration of the new courtroom at the United Nations Office at Geneva.

I commend the Office of Administration of Justice and the United Nations Office at Geneva for their close cooperation in providing this courtroom with state-of-the-art facilities.

The inauguration of this courtroom is timely as we approach the fifth anniversary of the new system of administration of justice on 1 July. As part of our ongoing commitment to internal justice, a permanent courtroom was established at Nairobi last year, and a permanent courtroom in New York is nearing completion.

The United Nations promotes the rule of law around the world. As such, we must always uphold justice in our own realm. This demands more than good facilities. It requires unbending integrity and commitment. I count on those who will work here to make full use of this courtroom to guarantee that all staff who come here receive the justice to which they are entitled.

In that spirit, I offer my best wishes for the great success of this new courtroom.”

That was the end of the Secretary-General’s message.

As I said at the outset, this room is the result of a strong collaboration between the Office of Administration of Justice and UNOG. And I think it sets a very high standard in terms of efficiency, creativity and functionality which can guide us when we start the Strategic Heritage Plan for the entire Palais des Nations.

The room will not only serve the UNDT, but can also be used for other meetings when the court is not in session so the space will serve the Organization in many contexts.

A warm thank you also to the Republic of Serbia for donating the art work that now hangs here. Thank you for this unique gift and for the commitment to justice that it symbolizes.

I hope that the spirit of fairness, impartiality, integrity and equity that is encapsulated in this room will inspire all who will use it.

Thank you very much..

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.