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Caux 2013 Initiatives for Human Security

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

6 juillet 2013
Caux 2013 Initiatives for Human Security

Message by Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
to the Caux 2013 Initiatives for Human Security

“Healing History: Overcoming Racism, Seeking Equity, Building Community”

It gives me great pleasure to extend my best wishes to the Caux 2013 Initiatives for Human Security.

At Caux, Initiatives of Change provides a unique space for dialogue across communities, institutional hierarchies and thematic lines, to formulate innovative, practical solutions for a better world. They show us not only that change is possible but that we are all agents of that change.

Through your participation, you are already changing the world and I commend your commitment. Many of you have come from complex situations in your own countries and communities. It is my hope that the spirit of Caux will inspire you to continue being forces for positive change.

In all regions, we experience every day the need for reconciliation, for reaching out to overcome distrust and division. In a world of increasing inequality and contradictions, we witness how individuals and communities become marginalized and vulnerable. Human rights abuse and disrespect for fundamental freedoms lead to greater polarization. This undermines the fabric of our societies and heightens the risk of conflict.

Our heritage and history are part of who we are. We are shaped by our past, for better or for worse. Our challenge is to build on both negative and positive experience for peace and development. This is not an easy task. A past of instability, violence, racism and other discrimination leaves deep scars. It undermines trust and damages human relations. It takes personal courage and collective will to move forward. We must resolve to use our histories for healing, and not perpetuate hatred and hurt. Ensuring justice and equality for all is essential in this process.

The United Nations is itself a response to the experience of the past. It is built on the lessons of the League of Nations and the calamity of the Second World War. In all that we do, we are working to channel our understanding of the past into our efforts to build a better future. We provide a platform for inclusive discussion of the challenges that affect us all, a forum where all voices and views are heard. We are conscious of our past and the responsibility that it places upon us, but we are not constrained by it.

We are going forward in partnership with civil society and we appreciate the close links we enjoy with Caux Initiatives of Change, working towards shared goals.

I have no doubt that the Caux 2013 Initiatives for Human Security will provide fresh impetus for action at both individual and leadership levels, to bridge differences, nurture understanding and foster mutual respect. The United Nations relies on your dedication. Only by acting together can we effectively confront racism and all other forms of discrimination.

I wish you strength in taking forward your valuable work across the world.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.