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Communiqué attribuable au Porte-parole du Secrétaire général sur la Syrie (en anglais)

Déclarations et discours

The Secretary-General welcomes the announcement by the Governments of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Russian Federation and the United States of America of a de-escalation zone and arrangements to support a ceasefire and delivery of humanitarian assistance in southwest Syria.

This is a significant step towards reducing violence and increasing humanitarian access across Syria, in line with the pursuit of the goal of a comprehensive, nationwide ceasefire, as endorsed by multiple Security Council resolutions.

Notwithstanding this positive development, the Secretary-General urges all countries to preserve the right for all Syrians to seek asylum and enjoy refugee protection until conditions are conducive for return in safety and dignity.

As the United Nations reconvenes the intra-Syrian talks on a political settlement based on Security Council resolution 2254, the Secretary-General urges all parties to redouble efforts for a political solution to the Syrian conflict.