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Communiqué de presse du Bureau du Représentant des Nations Unies pour les discussions internationales de Genève (en anglais)

Communiqué de presse
Quarante-troisième réunion du mécanisme de Gali pour la prévention et le règlement des incidents

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On 22 February 2017, the 43rd meeting of the Gali joint Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) took place under the chairmanship of the United Nations. The atmosphere during the discussions was positive and businesslike.

The participants followed up on some issues discussed at the previous meetings, including the May 2016 murder case; as well as health and safety conditions of a long-term prisoner. In particular, they exchanged views on the validity of previously presented investigation documents and discussed provision of necessary material evidence to the court in order to move forward the resolution of the murder case. In this context, the Chair encouraged the participants to take pragmatic steps in order to overcome existing impediments.

The participants also continued discussions on the announced closure of two crossing points at the line of control, focusing on the possible implications for the movement of the local population. Information on the already implemented measures to facilitate the movement of the population was shared by the respective participants. The Chair and other participants appealed to look into the issue from the humanitarian perspective in order to minimize any negative impact in this respect.

The participants agreed to hold the 44th IPRM meeting on 21 March 2017.

22 February 2017