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Communiqué du bureau de l'Envoyé spécial pour la Syrie, Mr. Staffan de Mistura (en anglais et en arabe)
Arabic version
Geneva (19 August 2016) - On 11 August, the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria, Mr. Staffan de Mistura, made a particular appeal for the medical the evacuation of people with urgent needs from the besieged towns of Fouah and Madaya.
Today, Mr. de Mistura, therefore welcomes the news of the evacuation of those in need of medical treatment from the besieged areas of these two towns.
Up to 36 people were evacuated today by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) including several children and others needing urgent medical assistance.
The Special Envoy thanks all of those who made this possible.
“While this is a positive step, areas remain besieged by parties to the conflict and Syrians are in need of food and medical assistance to enter these areas,” Mr. de Mistura said.
Mr. de Mistura reiterated that in some places, such as Madaya and Fouah, no convoys have been allowed to enter for over 110 days, while there are reports of desperate need for food and other assistance in towns such as Darayya.
He urged all parties to the conflict to allow humanitarian access and to evacuate those Syrians in need of medical assistance.