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16.01.25 - L'Envoyé spécial de l'ONU pour la Syrie a informé la presse sur les préparatifs pour le lancement des pourparlers intra-syriens (en anglais)

Communiqué de presse

Today, Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura briefed the press on preparations for launching intra-Syrian talks. He will address invitations to the Syrian participants tomorrow, 26 January 2016, in accordance with the parameters outlined in Security Council resolution 2254 (2015). In line with the resolution, the agenda of the talks will cover four main areas: political process (governance, process for drafting a new constitution and elections), ceasefire, nationwide humanitarian access and fight against terrorism. The intra-Syrian talks will start as of 29 January 2016 in proximity format - separate meetings between Mr. de Mistura and the talks’ participants in Geneva.

Geneva, 25 January 2016