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The heat a kitchen revolution poster



Restaurant kitchens are a pressurized stew of brutal hours, high stress and sleep deprivation. But the familiar macho posturing of celebrity chefs has now reached a tipping point. With an influx of women at the helm of restaurants, and a younger generation unwilling to submit to the brutal conditions once considered the norm, the rules of “kitchen culture” as we know it are being rewritten.

The film was screened in English and had a runtime of 75mins.



  • Maya Gallus, Director of The Heat: A Kitchen (R)evolution
  • Isabelle Arpin, Michelin Star chef based in Brussels (Awarded 2017/2018)
  • Dagmar Schumacher, Director, UN Women Brussels Office
  • A representative of the Directorate-General for International Partnerships, European Commission
  • Caroline Petit (moderator), Deputy Director, United Nations Regional Information Centre