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Director-General's remarks at the Perception Change Project Awards Ceremony "Visions du Réel"

Tatiana Valovaya

Perception Change Project Award Ceremony – “Visions du Réel”

17 April 2024 at 20:30

Théâtre de Marens, Nyon


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am delighted to welcome you to the third edition of the Perception Change Award ceremony for the Visions du Réel documentary film festival. 

Let me begin by sincerely thanking Visions du Réel and the Diplomatic Club of Geneva for this fruitful collaboration.

Over the last three years, through this award, we have spotlighted pressing global issues, thanks to the collective efforts of filmmakers dedicated to bringing them to public attention. By raising awareness and shifting perspectives, these films increase the likelihood of meaningful action being taken.

Documentaries serve as powerful tools for raising awareness on pressing global issues, providing a platform to delve into complex topics and amplify voices that may otherwise go unheard. Through compelling storytelling and vivid imagery, documentaries shed light on social, environmental, and humanitarian challenges, sparking conversations and inspiring action. This heightened awareness is particularly beneficial for the United Nations, as it aligns with our mission to address global issues and promote peace, justice, and sustainable development. 

Moreover, documentaries serve as catalysts for policy change, emphasizing the urgency of issues and rallying public support for initiatives and campaigns. Additionally, they play a crucial role in holding individuals and organizations accountable by exposing truths, injustices, and the human impact of policies. This transparency and accountability are foundational to the UN’s efforts to promote good governance and human rights globally, contributing to a more just, equitable, and sustainable future.

Tonight, for the third Perception Change Award ceremony, I extend my gratitude to everyone who has dedicated time and effort to creating such documentary films. 

Choosing a winner for this award was a challenging task for the jury. However, they unanimously agreed that one film stood out, profoundly impacting their perception, and deserving special recognition.

I would like now to give the floor to Aziyadé Poltier-Mutal who will announce the winner of the Perception Change award. 

Thank you. 


This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.