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Director-General's remarks at the International Day of Conscience "Conscience, Love and Peace" Walk the Talk

Tatiana Valovaya

The International Day of Conscience

“Conscience, Love and Peace” Walk the Talk

Friday, 5 April 2024, at 10.00 a.m.

Building A, Room VII, Palais des Nations

Delivered on behalf of the Director-General by Ms. Lidiya Grigoreva, Cheffe de Cabinet, Office of the Director-General


Ladies and Gentlemen, 

Dear friends,

Happy International Day of Conscience!

Warmest greetings from the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, Ms. Tatiana Valovaya, who could not join us today. 

On her behalf, I extend our sincere appreciation to the Caux Initiatives of Change International and their many partners for organizing this inspiring event. 

The International Day of Conscience was initiated by the Kingdom of Bahrain, and established by the UN General Assembly in 2019 (by resolution A/RES/73/329). It is based on the recognition of the need to create conditions of stability, well-being and peaceful and friendly relations for  building a sustainable world of peace, solidarity and harmony.

Peace is a reflection of values, attitudes and behaviours. Creating a culture of peace takes an effort. It requires education, participation and civic action. This International Day makes us reflect on the important foundations of peace - respect, equality, inclusion and tolerance, as well as communication and cooperation as means to resolve disputes peacefully.

Every day, we live in the world of global mistrust, where countries do not trust each other, where citizens do not trust their governments, where local communities have mistrust for minorities. We live in a world of geopolitical tensions where conflicts, wars, terror attacks have become people’s everyday reality.

The UN Secretary-General António Guterres emphasized peace as priority for 2024. He said: “People want peace and security. People want peace and dignity. And, frankly, they want peace and quiet”.

The International Day of Conscience serves as a platform to provide people with the “peace and quiet” practices to deepen our understanding of ethical decision-making, compassion, and solidarity. It reminds us of our shared responsibility to create a world guided by conscience, love, and peace.

It is very fitting that today we are gathered here at the Palais des Nations to mark this day through workshops, discussions and practices moderated by experts and activists, and I thank the organizers for bringing this event here again.

I hope this event will inspire us all for building a world of peace, solidarity, and harmony for all. I wish you all a meaningful and transformative experience.

Thank you!

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.