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Exposition : “Federico Fellini: Genius of humanity – a tribute to human rights”

Michael Møller

18 février 2019
Exposition : “Federico Fellini: Genius of humanity – a tribute to human rights”

Remarks by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

“Federico Fellini: Genius of humanity – a tribute to human rights” exhibition

Serpentine Bar, E Building, Palais des Nations
Monday 18 February 2019 at 6.00pm

Delivered on behalf of the Director-General by Ms. Corinne Momal-Vanian,
Director, Division of Conference Management

Ladies and gentlemen,
Chers amis,

J’ai le plaisir de partager avec vous le message de M. Møller, Directeur général de l’Office des Nations Unies à Genève, qui a le regret de ne pouvoir assister à cet évènement ce soir. Il vous transmet toutes ses amitiés.

“A very warm welcome to you all for this exhibition, “Federico Fellini: Genius of humanity – a tribute to human rights”. Let me begin by also expressing my appreciation to the Permanent Mission of Italy and the Fellini Foundation for kindly bringing this event to the Palais des Nations. I understand that this is only part of the Foundation’s extraordinary collection of Fellini artefacts. Congratulations also, Italy, on your election to the Human Rights Council, which this exhibition celebrates.

Films showcase humanity, reflecting our shared values, hopes and fears. They can cross cultures and unite us in our experiences, even more so when the human condition is at the heart of the filmmaking process, as the great Italian filmmaker Federico Fellini demonstrated. In his work, Fellini brought empathy to ordinary characters or those seemingly rejected by society; appropriate themes for us to keep in mind for the opening next week of the 40th session of the Human Rights Council.

Ahead of the 100th anniversary of Fellini’s birth next year, this exhibition allows us to explore Fellini’s most significant works and his impact through images, posters, props and the digital wall, giving us an insight into the artistry of the one and only Maestro. I also encourage you to enjoy the screening of the seminal classic “La Strada”, which will be shown in the cinema here at the Palais on Wednesday 27 February, at the end of the exhibition.

Fellini may have been Italian, but he is loved universally. It is therefore an honor for the Palais des Nations to host this beautiful exhibition, giving staff, the many delegates and visitors who will come during the Council an opportunity to see up close the vision and talent of a true genius of humanity.

Thank you. Merci. Grazie.”

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.