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Exposition artistique “Novecento…Futuro”

Michael Møller

4 juin 2018
Exposition artistique “Novecento…Futuro”

Remarks by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
Art Exhibition “Novecento…Futuro”
Organized by the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva, in collaboration with the Boga Foundation
Monday, 4 June 2018 at 12:30 p.m.
Mezzanine, E Building, 2nd floor, Palais des Nations

The remarks were presented by Ms. Corinne Momal-Vanian, Director of Conference Management, on behalf of the Director-General.

Ambassadeur Serra,
Monsieur Blum,
Mesdames et Messieurs :

Le Directeur général regrette de ne pas pouvoir être parmi nous aujourd'hui et envoie ses meilleures salutations. Il m'a demandé de présenter les mots suivants en son nom :

“Ambassador Serra,
Mr. Blum,
Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends of Italy, buongiorno,

“Novecento … Futuro” is the title of this exceptional exhibition. It is about art and culture, but also about dialogue, or to be precise about different forms of dialogue. Firstly, it is about a dialogue of the past with the present. Presenting us with an exquisite selection of sculptures from the 20th century and juxtaposing them with more recent works of the Homini collection, it invites us to take a step back and understand the continuation of artistic expression. At the same time, it invites us to imagine the sculptures of the future.

Secondly, this exhibition provides the space for a unique dialogue between the different styles and aspirations of the artists. It brings to the Palais des Nations the inspiration of acclaimed masters who have their work displayed in top museums around the world. The different techniques and the know-how used to create these sculptures are a science in itself. It is not often that the Palais des Nations has exhibited the likes of Giacomo Manzù, Marino Marini, Francesco Messina, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Henry Moore and Salvador Dalí, all in one place. We are extremely grateful to the Boga Foundation for sharing with us these unique pieces.

Finally, this exhibition is also about the dialogue between the artistic and the political. The cultural diplomacy programme here, at the Palais des Nations, is all about how art and culture can contribute to political understanding, international cooperation, tolerance and mutual respect. Italy and the arts – they are inseparably linked and so presenting an art exhibition seems like a natural way to mark the Italian National Day, also known as Republic Day, which took place on Saturday, 2 June. On this day, as you know, Italy celebrates the referendum that, 72 years ago, led the country to abolish its monarchy and become a Republic.

I sincerely thank Ambassador Serra, the Permanent Mission of Italy and the Boga Foundation for celebrating their National Day with us and for sharing with us and for sharing with the public at the Palais des Nations these artistic treasures. Let me take the opportunity to thank Ambassador Serra, who will leave us soon, for the excellent cooperation we have had during his stay in Geneva. Under his leadership Italy has contributed significantly to the cultural diplomacy activities at the Palais des Nations. Thank you, Mr. Ambassador, and my best wishes for the next chapter in your life.

Ladies and gentlemen,

No Italian festivity is complete without some good food. Therefore, thank you, Ambassador Serra, for treating us to a reception. It will be our opportunity to take this dialogue offline.

Grazie a tutti per la vostra presenza e vi auguro una buona visita.

Thank you.”

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.