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Musical Performance “Culture of China: Colourful Yunnan”

Michael Møller

22 juin 2016
Musical Performance “Culture of China: Colourful Yunnan”

Remarks by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

“Culture of China: Colourful Yunnan”

Palais des Nations
Assembly Hall, A Building, 3rd Floor, Door 14
Wednesday, 22 June 2016 at 18:30

Ambassador Ma,
Vice Chairwoman Dao,
Ladies and gentlemen,

A warm welcome to the Palais des Nations for what promises to be a spectacular evening. Allow me to thank the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China and the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Yunnan Province led by Vice Chairwoman Dao Linyin for making tonight’s event possible. We are grateful for your commitment to sharing China’s cultural heritage and artistic vibrancy with International Geneva, and for offering us this glimpse of the contributions of Yunnan Province to the rich tapestry of Chinese culture.

Yunnan is a land of diversity. Its isolated and varied geography, fostered cultural and linguistic variety. While it only makes up four per cent of China’s landmass, Yunnan is home to nearly half of China’s 56 recognized ethnic minorities, which speak dozens of languages and have developed unique cultural traditions of their own.

Tonight’s event demonstrates the importance of cherishing cultural diversity, not only to protect art but to defend the universal human right to preserve and celebrate one’s traditions. This show coincides with the 32nd regular session of the Human Rights Council, here in Geneva. The Council has repeatedly taken up the call to defend cultural rights and protect ethnic minorities and indigenous populations. These twin goals are all the more important as we work to meet the ambitious goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In the words of the Secretary-General, this landmark road map for humanity “cuts across the UN charter” and “leaves no one behind.” In other words, the Agenda 2030 recognizes that peace, development and human rights are inseparable and progress requires that we incorporate the interests and concerns of every human being. International Geneva, as the UN operational hub for peace, rights and well-being, is uniquely positioned to assist with the integrated action required to address the challenges of this century.

The People’s Republic of China will play an essential role in our common endeavour to achieve the ambitious goals of the 2030 Agenda. China is a proven leader on issues across the United Nations agenda, as demonstrated by its dramatic success in cutting domestic poverty and hunger and by its contributions to global peace and development. Speaking before the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015, President Xi Jinping pledged to contribute one billion US dollars towards a new UN peace and development fund and to set up a new, permanent peacekeeping unit. China is already the largest troop contributor among the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. As we face the challenges of the 21st century together, I know that we can count on China’s continued commitment to help making this planet safer and more sustainable for future generations.

谢谢你们 [Xìe xìe nĭmen]
Thank you very much.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.