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Cultural Presentation "Turkmen Treasures"

Michael Møller

20 juin 2016
Cultural Presentation "Turkmen Treasures"

Remarks by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

“Turkmen Treasures”

Palais des Nations
Library Events Room, B Building, 1st Floor, Door 20
Monday, 20 June at 12:00

Ambassador Haljanov,
Mr. Niyazov,
Mr. Rahmanov,
Ms. Gurdova,
Ladies and gentlemen,

It is a pleasure to open today’s discussion on the historical and cultural “treasures” of Turkmenistan, a special event marking the “Year of Respect for Heritage and Reformation of the Motherland” in Turkmenistan . I would like to thank the Permanent Mission of Turkmenistan for organizing this event and for their dedication to the activities of the United Nations here in Geneva and around the world. In December 2014, I had the honour of inaugurating the Turkmen Room of the Palais des Nations, a generous gift of the government and people of Turkmenistan to the United Nations. As a testament to Turkmenistan’s membership of the Central Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zone and commitment to conflict resolution, this room is now used by the Conference on Disarmament and the Intra-Syrian Talks.

The vibrant culture and ancient traditions of Turkmenistan go back 5,000 years and embody the legacies of great empires and the glories of its famed nomadic horsemen. The Turkmen carpets, that decorate the country’s national flag, have been for centuries a great Turkmen export and a source of national pride. The country is also home to several sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, including the fabled Silk Road city of Merv. Recognizing the importance of preserving cultural heritage at the international level, Turkmenistan has served on the Executive Board of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) since 2013.

Today, Turkmenistan is a valued player in the diplomatic and development activities of Central Asia. In February 2015, the United Nations General Assembly recognized the 20th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s declaration of permanent neutrality, highlighting the Turkmen desire to play an active and positive role in regional diplomacy. Last April, the Government of Turkmenistan also signed the United Nations Partnership Framework for Development for 2016-2020, a strategic programme focused on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the country.

It is this kind of commitment that will be needed to implement the four framework agendas forged in 2015 by Member States on sustainable development, financing for development, climate change and disaster risk mitigation. These ambitious agreements provide the international community with an unprecedented opportunity for global change. Geneva, as the operational hub of the United Nations System, will continue to be uniquely suited to foster creative solutions to the challenges of the 21st century.

Thank you again to the Permanent Mission of Turkmenistan for bringing the rich cultural heritage of Turkmenistan to the international community in Geneva. I wish you all a very successful event.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.