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Cultural event entitled “Heartbeat”

Michael Møller

21 mai 2014
Cultural event entitled “Heartbeat”

Message by Mr. Michael Møller, United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Acting Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
Palais des Nations, Door 40, Wednesday, 21 May 2014 at 13:30
Delivered on the Acting Director-General’s behalf by Mr. David A. Chikvaidze, Chef de Cabinet

Ambassador Manor
Mr. Koren
Ladies and Gentlemen
Gvirotai ve Rabotai:

It is my privilege to represent the Acting Director-General of UNOG, Mr. Michael Møller, who regrets that he cannot be with you today. It is my pleasure to deliver his message at the opening of this powerful and uplifting exhibition, dedicated to the life-saving work of Israel’s outstanding Schneider Children’s Medical Centre.

The message goes as follows:

“I am pleased to thank most warmly the Permanent Mission of Israel and Mr. Ziv Koren for bringing us this collection of moving photos and imaginative art works from the Schneider Children’s Medical Centre.

Each photo here depicts a unique human drama, eminently portrayed through the lens of the talented Mr. Koren. They capture our hearts and imagination with their individual stories of courage of the youngest patients in the face of grave illness, the endless patience and support of the families, and the commitment of the caregivers to a positive outcome.

Taken together, the images also tell us the story of our collective commitment as the human family to the next generation, our capacity for innovation and the ability to overcome what at times seem like insurmountable challenges. It is simply impossible not to be impressed by the technology and techniques we see here that help heal the most vulnerable, pushing the boundaries of what we thought was possible in the field of medicine.

It may not be common knowledge, but many of the policy frameworks and medical guidelines that enable facilities like the Schneider Children’s Medical Centre to save the lives of children have been discussed and agreed to right here – at the World Health Assembly and in the World Health Organization, working with partners in Geneva and globally. The impact of this work is profound and long-lasting – for children and for adults alike, no matter where they live in the world.

The touching artworks on display show us the potential of the incredible children of the Schneider Children’s Medical Centre. Our shared obligation is to enable those children – and children across the globe – to see their aspirations fulfilled, as they represent our collective future. We can do so only by building on the spirit of determination that is encapsulated in this insightful exhibit on the work of this group of outstanding medical professionals.

I have no doubt that this exhibition will inspire us all to constantly push the boundaries of what we consider feasible, to support the science and technological advances making it possible to do so, and to continue collaborating globally to ensure that the benefits are shared equitably.”

That was the end of the Acting Director-General’s message.

I join the Acting Director-General in expressing sincere appreciation for this excellent contribution to the UNOG Cultural Activities Programme which, very fittingly, is taking place against the backdrop of the 67th session of the World Health Assembly and in the month of the 66th anniversary of Israel’s independence.

I hope that you enjoy the exhibit.

Thank you very much – Toda Raba.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.