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“Let’s do it! Let’s clean the world together”

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

28 mai 2013
“Let’s do it! Let’s clean the world together”

Opening remarks by Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
“Let’s do it! Let’s clean the world together”

Palais des Nations, Door 40
Tuesday, 28 May 2013 at 6 p.m.

Ambassador Seilenthal
Ms. Kenk
Dear Colleagues
Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is a pleasure to welcome you all to the opening of this exhibition. I would like to thank the Permanent Mission of Estonia for organizing this event. I also thank Ms. Kenk and the “Let’s do it” movement for bringing such an inspirational message to the Palais des Nations. These photos and videos highlight both the problem of waste and the importance of individual action. This is essential, especially in the context of World Environment Day, which we will celebrate next week.

Reducing our impact on the environment is the responsibility of everyone – international organizations, governments, the private sector, civil society and individuals. It is clear that dealing with the waste that we produce is a critical issue. And one that is closely linked to our climate change challenge.
The methane gas emitted from landfills, for example, is thought to be 25 times more harmful over a 100-year period than carbon dioxide. Reducing emissions from the waste sector would also lead to reductions in emissions from the energy, forestry, agriculture, mining, transport, and manufacturing sectors. The UN, and in particular the UN Environment Programme, is pushing for a global, coordinated response in this area.

Taking new approaches to waste management and encouraging greater use of recycling are quick wins in our fight against climate change. They can help transition to the low-carbon, resource-efficient green economy urgently needed in the twenty-first century.

I am proud to report that here at UNOG we have cut our electricity, fuel and water consumption over the past ten years. As a major service provider for the United Nations family, we have taken the lead in incorporating an environmental dimension in our procedures and practices.

Dear Colleagues:
I have mentioned organizational efforts, but reducing consumption and waste also requires a personal commitment.
This exhibition and the “Let’s do it” movement are inspiring examples of the impact that each of us can have in creating a cleaner world. Small, individual actions, when multiplied, make a real difference. I am sure that the 7 million volunteers in 96 countries who take part in “Let’s do it” cleanups would agree.

I have no doubt that this exhibition will serve as a call to all of us to strengthen our efforts to take practical steps to enhance sustainability and reduce our own impact on the environment.

One by one, we can make a difference.

Thank you very much.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.