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“Fête de l’Escalade de la Pastorale”

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

6 décembre 2012
“Fête de l’Escalade de la Pastorale”

Opening remarks by Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

“Fête de l’Escalade de la Pastorale”
Thursday, 6 December 2012

Monsieur le Représentant permanent de la Suisse,
Monsieur le Président du Conseil d’État de la République et canton de Genève,
Monsieur le Maire,
Monsieur le Directeur du Centre d’accueil Genève internationale,
Mesdames et Messieurs les Ambassadeurs,
Mesdames et Messieurs :

C’est une grande joie pour moi d’être parmi vous ce soir pour la Fête de l’Escalade à la Pastorale et je tiens à exprimer toute ma gratitude aux organisateurs pour leur invitation.

Je voudrais également très sincèrement remercier le Centre d’accueil Genève internationale qui organise tout au long de l’année de très nombreuses activités pour les nouveaux arrivants à Genève. Ces activités permettent à ces nouveaux venus de se rencontrer mais aussi de mieux comprendre les traditions suisses. La soirée à laquelle nous assistons en est un bel exemple !

J’aimerais également exprimer ma reconnaissance aux représentants de notre pays hôte aux niveaux fédéral, cantonal et municipal, et qui sont présents ici ce soir. Leur soutien indéfectible est le gage de notre réussite.

Nous avons été très heureux de célébrer cette année le 10ème anniversaire de l’adhésion de la Suisse à l’ONU. Le Secrétaire général, Monsieur Ban Ki-Moon, est venu tout spécialement en Suisse pour prendre part aux célébrations de cet évènement historique. Dans le cadre de cet important anniversaire, nous avons tenu à ouvrir de nouveau les portes du Palais des Nations pour qu’un plus grand nombre puissent venir découvrir le travail de notre Organisation.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

La Fête de l’Escalade, which brings us together this evening, highlights the courage of ordinary men and women. The quest for a better world is deeply embedded in Geneva’s history and has contributed to making the city an indispensable multilateral platform.

This year has demonstrated, once again, how the commitment to addressing urgent challenges lives on in today’s “International Geneva”, and also inspires multilateral action across the world.

At the Palais des Nations, we hosted some 10,000 international meetings, among which I would like to note the ministerial-level Action Group for Syria meeting, held in June, which produced an extremely significant outcome document, outlining the parameters of a solution to the crisis. Action was taken in the Human Rights Council on Syria and other situations of human rights abuse. Geneva was also at the centre of efforts to confront humanitarian disasters in the Sahel and other regions.

This year is notable due to the historic Rio+20 Summit, convened amidst the continuing economic and financial crisis. At the Summit, leaders recommitted to a more sustainable future. The Seoul Nuclear Security Summit, held in March, brought together leaders to address key challenges related to nuclear security, also highlighting the regrettable lack of progress of multilateral disarmament in the Conference on Disarmament.

The first-ever High-level Meeting on the Rule of Law, in the margins of the General Assembly, focused attention on the need for greater respect for the law and legislation, as the indispensable basis for stability and economic progress.

All of these key issues on the international agenda are addressed by the United Nations system and its global partners here in Geneva. The Palais des Nations continues to host international discussions on certain problematic issues, as well as talks between conflict parties. We will build on this important foundation in the year ahead. I have no doubt that the spirit of the Escalade – the readiness to take action, the creativity and the determination to protect core values and principles – will inspire us in this work.

We are soon going to celebrate Christmas and New Year, and using this opportunity, I would like to wish you all every success in the new year. According to the Lunar Calendar, next year is the Year of the Snake. The snake is a very good animal; it is wise and patient. Let us all be wise and patient while serving the interests of the people. I wish you all good spirits on this important day, which is appreciated not only by Switzerland but also by us at the United Nations.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.