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“20 Years of Croatia in the United Nations” (en anglais)

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

3 octobre 2012
“20 Years of Croatia in the United Nations” (en anglais)

Opening remarks by Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
“20 Years of Croatia in the United Nations”

Palais des Nations, Room XXIV
Wednesday, 3 October 2012 at 2 p.m.

Ambassador Vuković
Distinguished Ambassadors
Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am pleased to welcome you to the opening of this exhibition highlighting Croatia’s contributions to the United Nations over the past twenty years. The location of this exhibition is not accidental. We are here, outside Room 24, because the Room itself represents yet another important contribution to the United Nations. On the 50th anniversary of our Organization, Croatia generously decorated this room. I would like to express my warm appreciation to Ambassador Vuković and the Permanent Mission of Croatia for this very special contribution to the Palais des Nations and for the organization of the event this afternoon.

As the photographs in this exhibition show us, Croatia has been an active Member State of the United Nations since its accession in 1992. It has made significant contributions to the work of the Organization, including in sustainable development, preventive diplomacy, peacekeeping and human rights. It has served as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, and currently serves as the Vice-Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission.

Importantly, Croatia has used its own experience to assist other countries experiencing post-conflict transitions. It has gone from hosting five peacekeeping missions to becoming a troop contributor itself. I was impressed by the words of Prime Minister Milanović at the opening of the General Debate of the UN General Assembly last week. He said that Croatia stands “ready to share [its] experiences and contribute constructively to the reforms in neighbouring countries…”, adding that its vision is not just a region devoid of war, but achieving “genuine political, societal and economic development”.

In addition to its contributions on the global level, I particularly appreciate the support Croatia has showed for the work of the Human Rights Council and the Conference on Disarmament, based here at the Palais des Nations. I truly believe that these two bodies are essential to the work of the United Nations in the collective efforts for a better world for all.

Ladies and Gentlemen:
Croatia has played and will continue to play an important role on the multilateral stage. I am pleased that we will be able to enjoy this exhibition highlighting this fact. I am also grateful that we will have a permanent reminder in Room 24 of Croatia’s generous contribution to the United Nations in Geneva. And finally, I hope that the Croatian experience will inspire and encourage other countries who are overcoming conflict to look ahead at how they can contribute to the global community, using their past as guidance for our shared future.

Thank you very much.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.