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UN-OIC General meeting on cooperation

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

1 mai 2012
UN-OIC General meeting on cooperation

Remarks of Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

Opening session of the general meeting on cooperation between the
United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation

Tuesday, 1 May 2012 at 10:00 a.m.
Palais des Nations, Room XXIII

Ladies and Gentlemen:
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Palais des Nations and to open this biennial general meeting on cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

On behalf of the United Nations, I wish to extend a warm welcome to our OIC colleagues, led by His Excellency Ambassador Hameed Opeloyeru, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Affairs of the OIC. I also welcome colleagues from across the United Nations system.

The United Nations Office at Geneva is pleased to support this important biennial exchange. We last hosted the meeting in 2008. Since then, we have witnessed profound transformations in several OIC member states. The United Nations and the OIC have continued to strengthen cooperation in this context. The United Nations system in Geneva has played a key role in supporting these transitions, whether through the Human Rights Council, providing humanitarian assistance on the ground or facilitating peace-building and long-term development. I appreciate that this experience can feed into the discussions over the coming three days.

We are at a crossroads in some of the transitions processes. The challenge now is to consolidate change, which is still fragile in many places, and to make progress irreversible through truly inclusive processes that correspond to the expectations of the people. I trust that the exchanges here will make a contribution in this regard.

I will now deliver the message of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon.

“Your Excellency Ambassador Hameed Opeloyeru, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Affairs,
Excellencies, Distinguished delegates,
I am pleased to greet the United Nations-Organization of Islamic Cooperation General Meeting.

Since our last such session in Istanbul in 2010, cooperation between our two organizations has continued to deepen. I welcome the establishment of the Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission as a principal organ of the OIC, and the assistance provided by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

I welcome, too, the progress made by the OIC and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs since the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement last November. The joint initiatives that we have carried out in Syria, Somalia and the Philippines offer models and lessons for other engagements, and I look forward to other operational partnerships that address humanitarian challenges and crises across the world, such as our joint efforts to assist those affected by floods in Pakistan.

I am pleased that the one-year mediation partnership between the Department of Political Affairs and the OIC is proceeding well. I look forward to closer cooperation with the OIC in preventing and solving conflicts.

I am also grateful to OIC members for the important role the organization played in resolving the deadlock on defamation of religion last year in the Human Rights Council. The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations continues to combat stereotypes and ignorance about religions, notably Islam.

In the light of the momentous events in the Middle East and North Africa, it is vital for the UN and OIC to develop creative means of mutual cooperation to promote democracy, human rights, good governance and the rule of law, which are central to meeting the people’s legitimate aspirations, particularly those of the region’s youth.

In Syria, the situation remains highly precarious. Unity among the international community is critical for the success of our efforts to find a peaceful solution. The establishment of the UN Supervision Mission in Syria is a welcome development. I greatly value the support of the OIC, which has been working closely with the UN on humanitarian assistance.

The dangerous impasse in the Middle East peace process also remains a major concern. I have appealed to Israeli and Palestinian leaders to embrace the regional changes and show courage and vision to reach a historic agreement. The two-state solution is long overdue. Together, we must create the conditions for meaningful negotiations that will resolve the core issues and end the occupation that started in 1967.

Continued fighting along the border between Sudan and South Sudan remains a serious cause of concern. I urge both sides to exercise maximum restraint, return to the negotiation table and resolve their differences peacefully.

In Somalia, the transition is due to end in August. At this critical time, the United Nations continues to support Somali stakeholders to conclude key tasks under the Roadmap. OIC countries were active in the Istanbul I conference, including through the Islamic Development Bank and the private sector, and I encourage similar engagement and concrete pledges next month at Istanbul II.

In Afghanistan, I strongly encourage the OIC cooperation with UNAMA in support of reconciliation initiatives.

And in Libya, the United Nations continues to provide assistance. The conflict there has had serious implications for Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Chad, and our organizations must mobilize wider support and resources to address the many challenges facing the Sahel region.

As is evident from this tour d’horizon, cooperation between the UN and the OIC has never been more relevant or necessary. I look forward to even closer ties in the period ahead, and I wish you a successful meeting.”

That was the end of the Secretary-General’s message. I now give the floor to H.E. Ambassador Hameed Opeloyeru to make a brief opening statement.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.