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Elects by Acclamation Seven Members of the Advisory Committee and Appoints Eight Special Procedure Mandate Holders
The Human Rights Council this afternoon adopted two resolutions renewing mandates on the Democratic Republic of the Congo and on the Central African Republic under the agenda item on technical assistance and capacity building, elected by acclamation seven members of the Advisory Committee, appointed eight Special Procedure mandate holders, and closed its regular forty-fifth session.
Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger, President of the Council, announced the election of seven experts as members of the Advisory Committee by acclamation : from the African Group : Dheerujlall Baramlall Seetulsingh (Mauritius) and Nadia Bernoussi (Morocco). From the Asia-Pacific Group : Buhm-Suk Baek (Republic of Korea) and Ajai Malhotra (India). From the Eastern European Group : Patrycja Anna Sasnal (Poland). From the Latin American and Caribbean Group : Elizabeth S. Salmón Gárate (Peru). From the Western European and other States Group : Catherine Van de Heyning (Belgium).
Ms. Tichy-Fisslberger announced the appointment of Pedro Arrojo-Agudo (Spain) as Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation ; Gerard Quinn (Ireland) as Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities ; Mohamed Abdelsalam Babiker (Sudan) as Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Eritrea ; Mumba Malila (Zambia) as member from African States, for the Working Group on arbitrary detention ; Miriam Estrada-Castillo (Ecuador) as member from Latin American and Caribbean States for the Working Group on arbitrary detention ; Dorothy Estrada-Tanck (Mexico) as member from Latin American and Caribbean States for the Working Group on discrimination against women and girls ; Aua Baldé (Guinea-Bissau) as member from African States for the Working Group on enforced or involuntary disappearances ; and Ravindran Daniel (India) as member from Asia-Pacific States for the Working Group on the use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination.
As proposed by the Bureau, the Council agreed to a list of extraordinary modalities for the thirty-sixth session of the Working Group of the Universal Periodic Review from 2 to 13 November.
The draft report on the session was adopted ad referendum after it was presented by Yackoley Kokou Johnson, Vice President/Rapporteur of the Council.
The webcast of the Human Rights Council meetings can be found hereOpens in new window. All meeting summaries can be found here. Documents and reports related to the Human Rights Council’s forty-fifth regular session can be found hereOpens in new window.
The proposed dates for the forty-sixth regular session of the Council are from 22 February to 19 March 2021.
Action on Resolutions under Agenda Item 10 on Technical Assistance and Capacity Building
In a resolution (A/HRC/45/L.53Opens in new window) on technical assistance and capacity-building in the field of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo , adopted without a vote, the Council welcomes the establishment of an inter-ministerial working group responsible for monitoring the implementation of the recommendations of the team of international experts on the situation in Kasai, and encourages the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to ensure that the working group meets as many times as necessary in order to assess regularly the progress made in implementing the recommendations, improve the coordination between the administrative authorities and stakeholders, and recommend appropriate measures to the Government. The Council decides to renew the mandate of the team of international experts on the situation in Kasai and requests the team to present a final report to the Human Rights Council at its forty-eighth session, during an interactive dialogue, and to provide an oral update at its forty-sixth session. It further requests the Office of the High Commissioner to provide technical assistance, including the necessary forensic expertise, to the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in order to support the judicial authorities in their investigations into allegations of human rights violations and abuses, with a view to bringing those responsible to justice. It requests the High Commissioner to present to the Council an oral update on the situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, within the framework of an enhanced interactive dialogue, at its forty-sixth session, and to prepare a comprehensive report on the situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and to submit it to the Council, within the framework of an enhanced interactive dialogue, at its forty-eighth session.
Burkina Faso on behalf of the African Group introduced the resolution.
Speaking in explanation of vote before or after the vote or in general comments were Germany on behalf of the European Union and Cameroon.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo spoke as a concerned country.
In a resolution (A/HRC/45/L.54Opens in new window) on technical assistance and capacity-building in the field of human rights in the Central African Republic , adopted without a vote, the Council calls upon the national authorities to continue their efforts to protect and promote the right to freedom of movement for all, including internally displaced persons, without distinction, and to respect their right to choose their place of residence, to return home or to seek protection elsewhere. The Council requests all parties to authorize and facilitate rapid, safe and unhindered access for humanitarian aid and humanitarian workers to the entire national territory, including by strengthening security on the roads. The Council decides to renew, for one year, the mandate of the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in the Central African Republic , which is to assess, monitor and report on the situation with a view to making recommendations relating to technical assistance and capacity-building in the field of human rights, and requests all parties to cooperate fully with the Independent Expert in carrying out his mandate. The Council further requests the Independent Expert to work closely with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.
Burkina Faso on behalf of the African Group introduced the resolution.
Speaking in explanation of vote before or after the vote or in general comments were Germany on behalf of the European Union and Cameroon.
The Central African Republic spoke as a concerned country.
Speaking in explanation of vote after the vote under agenda item 10 on technical assistance and capacity building was the Philippines.
Speaking in general comments by observer States after the end of the adoption of resolutions were Switzerland on behalf of a group of countries, Cuba, Egypt, United Kingdom, Switzerland in its national capacity, Azerbaijan, China, Turkey and Ethiopia.
Speaking in general concluding remarks were Haiti on behalf of a group of countries, Indonesia, Mauritius, Qatar, Viet Nam and Australia.
The following civil society organization also took the floor : International Service for Human Rights.