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S-DEV Geneva 05: Innovating Cities Across the World

Sergei Ordzhonikidze

11 octobre 2005
S-DEV Geneva 05 - Villes innovantes du monde entier

Opening remarks by Mr. Sergei Ordzhonikidze
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
S-DEV Geneva 05: Innovating Cities Across the World

Palexpo, Geneva
Tuesday, 11 October 2005
Ladies and Gentlemen
Dear Friends:

It is a pleasure for me to be with you today for the opening of S-DEV Geneva 05: Innovating Cities Across the World.

The S-DEV forum is an original and forward-looking effort aimed at bringing together all stakeholders to engage them on the challenge of sustainable urban development. Research shows that by 2050, 6 billion people – or two thirds of our human family – will live in towns and cities, so it is clear that our developmental challenge is becoming increasingly urban.

As you are all aware, one of the central United Nations Millennium Development Goals – goal number eight – is concerned with the cultivation of a global partnership for development. It springs from the understanding that fighting poverty is a collective undertaking, in which we all have a stake. S-DEV Geneva 05 is an imaginative way of giving practical expression to that objective. The event is itself a platform for forging new and strengthening existing partnerships in support of a common aim: sustainable urban development.

Members of the United Nations family – in particular the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) – have been associated with the preparations for this event, and I am delighted to draw your attention to this constructive contribution of our colleagues in the United Nations system.

It is indeed very appropriate that this event takes place in Geneva. The research, the thinking and the policy development that takes place here – with the active support of the municipal, cantonal and federal authorities – has an impact that far exceeds the geographical size of the city. Geneva continues to exemplify that – with commitment and creativity – we can make a real difference when we join forces.

Innovating cities requires fresh approaches and comprehensive, coordinated strategies, implemented through collective efforts. I have no doubt that the exchanges at this year’s S-DEV Geneva will make an important and imaginative contribution in this regard.

I invite you to take full advantage of the rich opportunities offered by the conference, exhibition and workshops. Achieving sustainable urban development is a shared challenge. Let us strive to address it together.

Thank you very much.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.