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Dynamic exhibition of the works of Vladimir Dimitrov : Expanding diversity at the Human Rights Council

Michael Møller

30 octobre 2018
Exposition de l'oeuvre de Vladimir Dimitrov: "Expanding diversity at the Human Rights Council"

Remarks by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

Expanding diversity at the Human Rights Council:
Dynamic exhibition of the works of Vladimir Dimitrov

Organized by the Permanent Mission of Bulgaria

Communal Space, Door 40, Palais des Nations
Tuesday 30 October at 12:30pm

Ambassador Kostadinova
Ladies and gentlemen,

It is a pleasure to be with you today to celebrate the culture of Bulgaria and the importance of diversity through the works of Vladimir Dimitrov, also known as “the Master”. My gratitude to the Permanent Mission of Bulgaria for organizing today’s event and sharing a piece of your country with us.

Art holds a special place in societies around the world because it helps us to convey our cultures, our histories, and our values. And at the same time, art has long been an important form of cross-cultural communication and storytelling. It reminds us of our common experiences and shared humanity, no matter where we come from. This exhibition is a creative way of showing the value of diversity, both at the Human Rights Council and indeed at the United Nations as a whole. The United Nations, by definition, illustrates unity in diversity.

Diversity makes us stronger. When we incorporate different backgrounds, experiences, cultures and skills, we break new ground. We come up with new ideas, new approaches, new solutions. And, importantly, it means that more people are heard and no one is left behind.

It is particularly special to have the works of the Master shown in the Palais des Nations. Not only do these vibrant colours bring warmth on a cold autumn day, which is always welcome, but they show one of the Master’s most examined topics: the relationship between humankind and nature, and how we need a more harmonious relationship between the two. In light of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the recent release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report on global warming, these artworks are a powerful reminder of the need to respect and protect our environment.

And, if I may, I also think that the Master, who himself was a delegate to the World Peace Council on multiple occasions, would appreciate his country bringing his work to the Palais des Nations and the City of Peace.

Thank you again to Bulgaria for this impressive dynamic exhibition, and my warm congratulations on your election to the Human Rights Council and campaign for greater diversity.

Thank you Ambassador, and thank you all for being here today.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.