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70th Anniversary of the International Road Transport Union (IRU)

Michael Møller

23 mars 2018
70ème anniversaire de l'Union Internationale des Transports Routiers (IRU)

Remarks by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

70th Anniversary of the International Road Transport Union (IRU)

Friday, 23 March 2018 at 16.00
IRU Headquarters, La Voie-Creuse 16, 1211 Geneva

Secretary-General de Pretto,
Dear Colleagues,
Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is a pleasure to be with you today – congratulations to the International Road Transport Union on your 70th anniversary!

I read a striking statistic the other day: Over the course of these past 70 years, the likelihood of dying in a car accident in Europe or the US has dropped by an incredible 96%.

Amidst news headlines filled with tragedy, conflict and strife, we do well to remember encouraging stories of progress like the one that lies behind this statistic.

Reflecting on who we have to thank for this quickly leads us right here to Geneva.

Of course, there is the technological progress, such as the invention of seatbelts and airbags.

But there is also the more technical, low-profile work that is a hallmark of Geneva as the operational heart of the international system: You see, in the 1950s, a working party of technical experts from the Sustainable Transport Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe met right here in this town and they developed the global rules to ensure the safety of cars.

Technical and low-profile perhaps, but looking at the countless lives it saved, the impact of their work was tremendous.

Since its inception in 1948, the IRU has been a critical partner in these efforts – raising awareness, training professionals, developing standards.

As we look into the future, the challenges we face are enormous. But with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we have a powerful roadmap to navigate them and arrive at a better world for all.

As we all work together to make the Agenda a reality, I am glad to be able to count on the strong history of partnership between the UN and the IRU.

Thank you for your contributions over these past decades, congratulations once again, and to Mr Couliau: Godspeed on your journey!

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.