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Culture for Peace & Human Rights Concert

Michael Møller

10 décembre 2014
Culture for Peace & Human Rights Concert

Opening remarks by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Acting Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

Culture for Peace & Human Rights Concert

Palais des Nations, Room XX
Wednesday, 10 December 2014 at 6:30 p.m.

Mr. President of the Human Rights Council
Mr. High Commissioner
Madam Honorary Mayor
Ambassador Basagoitia
Mr. Moratinos
Mr. Flórez
Dear colleagues and friends:

A very warm welcome to you all for this unique concert promoting a “Culture for Peace and Human Rights”. A special thank you goes to the organizers: first and foremost, Miguel Angel Moratinos and the ONUART Foundation, the Office of the President of the Human Rights Council, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and Ambassador Basagoitia and the Permanent Mission of Peru. I would also like to thank the Permanent Missions of Egypt, the Russian Federation, South Africa and Switzerland, and the Canton and the City of Geneva for their support in making this remarkable tribute to peace and human rights possible.
There could be no more appropriate venue for marking Human Rights Day and reaffirming our collective commitment to the promise of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In this magnificent room – generously donated by Spain with the support of the ONUART Foundation – the Human Rights Council comes together to ensure respect for the fundamental rights of all people – regardless of background. This work is becoming increasingly important, as it is the fundamental underpinnings of our broader efforts to promote peace, rights and well-being for all.

Tonight, world-renowned stars of the world of music join the world of diplomacy to lend their exceptional talent to the promotion of peace and human rights. These are universal causes and universal values that unite people across professions, across national boundaries and across communities.

I would like to say a special thank you to the Harmonia Symphony Orchestra. These outstanding young musicians from around the world have come together in their shared belief that music can break down barriers and help to change people’s lives. Their dedication and their conviction are just as inspiring as their artistic gifts are impressive. And they remind us that the vision of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights belongs to all generations and needs to be taken forward by all of us.

Human rights are the very foundation of a better world. On Human Rights Day, we pledge to uphold them for all people everywhere – 365 days a year.

Thank you and enjoy the evening.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.