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“Biking in Solidarity with Small Island Developing States”

Michael Møller

4 juin 2014
“Biking in Solidarity with Small Island Developing States”

Message by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Acting Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

“Biking in Solidarity with Small Island Developing States”
Delivered on the Acting Director-General’s behalf by
Mr. Clemens M. Adams, Director of the Division of Administration

Bains des Pâquis, Geneva
Wednesday, 4 June 2014 at 17:00

Distinguished Ambassadors
Dear Colleagues and Friends:

It is my privilege to represent the Acting Director-General, Mr. Michael Møller, who very much regrets that he cannot be with you today. He has asked me to deliver a message to you in support of this important event:

“Today’s event shows the positive difference we can all make with our individual actions – with more sustainable lifestyles, with sustainable consumption, with sustainable choices. These are choices that we have to make every day in all that we do – against climate change, for biodiversity and for environmental protection.

All of International Geneva – the United Nations family here and all our partners – are working every day to enable people across the world to make those choices. Safeguarding our environment is a central pillar of our collective work. World Environment Day and the International Year of Small Island Developing States are important opportunities to highlight these efforts. Earlier this week, we welcomed Fiji as the newest member of our United Nations family of Member States here in Geneva, as another demonstration of the benefits of this work for the people of Small Island Developing States. We appreciate being able to show today – to Fiji and to all Small Island Developing States – our commitment and our solidarity.

Today’s slogan is: Raise your voice, not the sea level. I believe that we also need to raise our game and our level of ambition when it comes to a sustainable future. As the international community, we need to pedal effectively and consistently towards a legally-binding climate agreement and towards transformative Sustainable Development Goals that will preserve our planet for coming generations.

I am sure that you will all show them how that is done today by giving it all you have on the bikes – for Small Island Developing States and for a sustainable future for all of us.”

That was the end of the Acting Director-General’s message.

I join him in wishing you a successful event, with much pedaling!

Thank you very much.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.