Thank you for your upcoming visit of the United Nations Office at Geneva. Our team looks forward to welcoming you.
Tours last for approximately one hour. Information given during the tours covers the history, structure and current activities of the United Nations and the United Nations Office at Geneva, as well as related information on the Palais des Nations and its surroundings.
The historical and artistic diversity of Palais des Nations, together with the variety of United Nations activities in Geneva make this a unique place, one that we are very proud to speak about during our tours.
Tour Guides adapt information and presentation to best fit the age range of your pupils/students.
In order to make the most out of your tour, we highly recommend pupils/students prepare ahead of time.
A few rules to follow...
The United Nations Office at Geneva is a workplace: delegates hold their meetings in the chambers that you are going to visit. For everyone’s comfort, please kindly follow the rules mentioned below during the tour:
- Please ensure that your pupils/students remain quiet upon arrival and during the tour. Pupils and students will be able to ask questions during the tour and interact with the Tour Guide.
- Please divide up your pupils/students into groups upon arrival if required.
- Please stay together during the tour.
- Please note that there is no access to toilets during the tour. Please inform your pupils/students of the possibility to use toilets before or after the tour.
- The tour begins and finishes at door 39 of the Palais des Nations where the United Nations bookshop is located. You will be able to visit the bookshop after your tour.