

Zambia has deposited its instrument of accession to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW), bringing the total membership of the Convention to 117 States parties. The accession ceremony took place during this year’s Treaty Event organized by the United Nations in New York under the theme “Towards Universal Participation and Implementation”.
As a State that was moderately affected by landmines and other explosive remnants or war during the political liberal movements of the 1970s and 1980s, Zambia underwent wide-ranging demining and explosive ordnance disposal programmes. Zambia’s valuable experience in overcoming such challenges will be advantageous to the work of the CCW and its Protocols.
Ambassador Jean-Hugues Simon-Michel of France, Chairperson-designate of this year’s CCW Meeting of High Contracting Parties, welcomed Zambia’s accession to the CCW and stated, “Zambia’s leading role on conventional weapons in Africa is exemplary. In joining the CCW, Zambia contributed to the strengthening of international humanitarian law and the protection of civilians from the atrocious effects of conventional weapons.”
Ambassador Simon-Michel also congratulated Bangladesh, which is already a State Party to the CCW, as it had acceded to the Amendment to the Convention (extending the CCW’s scope of application to non-international armed conflict), and has consented to be bound by Protocol V on explosive remnants of war. He stated, “It is admirable to recognize Bangladesh’s continued commitment to faithfully implement the CCW and strengthening the principles of international humanitarian law.”
For further information, please contact Bantan Nugroho, Head of the CCW Implementation Support Unit, United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, Palais des Nations, Geneva, tel.: +41 22 917 1151, e-mail:
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