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Press Conferences

Sergei Ordzhonikidze, the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG), held a series of meetings over the past few weeks with the Geneva-based regional groups to brief their members on the Secretary-General's priorities as well as the main themes and outcome of the general debate of the 63rd session of the General Assembly. He conveyed, in particular, the Secretary-General's concern with the current international financial crisis and the risk that its negative impact on the world's economies may undermine United Nations efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals or to address the effects of climate change and the food crisis. The Director-General informed the Permanent Representatives of latest developments in the field of United Nations reform. He then described efforts undertaken by his own office to strengthen system-wide coherence among organizations of the United Nations system in Geneva and to improve UNOG's ability to service Member States and other users at the Palais des Nations in an adequate, safe and cost-effective manner.

The gatherings were welcomed by all groups as a useful opportunity to be informed of important developments at United Nations Headquarters and in Geneva. Many shared the Secretary-General's concern at the potential effect of the crisis in the financial markets and the current economic situation on the most vulnerable segments of the world's population and expressed support for his efforts. They also reiterated their backing for endeavours to make the United Nations system more coherent, more responsive and more effective. A number of practical issues of interest to Permanent Representatives and related to the use of facilities at the Palais des Nations were also discussed. It was agreed that the Director-General would convene similar meetings on a regular basis.

For use of the information media; not an official record
