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Press Conferences

Following is the address which was delivered by Sergei Ordzhonikidze, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, at Victoria Hall in Geneva on the occasion of United Nations Day 2007.

"On behalf of the international community in Geneva, I take this opportunity to warmly thank the Council of State of the Republic and Canton of Geneva and the Administrative Council of the City of Geneva for having organized this evening. I also thank the Orchestra of Suisse Romande, which honours us by playing for us tonight. The reception accorded to the international community is the embodiment of the steadfast commitment of our Host Country to the work of the United Nations. Be assured that we appreciate the full value of that support.

We come together tonight to pay tribute to the bold vision of a peaceful and prosperous world that inspired the creation of the United Nations. We come together to reaffirm our unwavering commitment to making that vision reality. Huge challenges remain: hundreds of millions of people continue to live in insecurity, as victims of violent conflicts, poverty, hunger, disease and environmental degradation. They are denied fundamental liberties and the right to live in dignity. As the Secretary-General of the United Nations stressed in his message today: 'Global problems demand global solutions – and going it alone is not a viable option'.

Tonight, we are generously offered the chance to celebrate the United Nations through the universal language of music. The Organization itself is a precious instrument of peace, development and human rights. The world needs a strong, effective United Nations. And the United Nations needs the support and active participation of all those it exists to serve, as we confront the challenges ahead.

As you know, birthdays are observed with family and friends. United Nations Day is an occasion when we – the United Nations family – come together not only as nations but as human beings united in our quest for a better world. Today, the entire human family joins in the celebration of their unique Organization: the United Nations.

The United Nations remains as necessary today as it was when the Charter was adopted. On this United Nations Day, let us redouble our efforts to ensure that our vision of a world of peace and prosperity described in the Charter becomes a reality. Let us promise to make that vision not just a priority, but a passion. Let us promise to make the United Nations a stronger and more efficient Organization for a better world.

I wish you all an excellent evening."

For use of the information media; not an official record
