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Following are the remarks by Sergei Ordzhonikidze, the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, delivered this evening at the Palais des Nations at the opening of an exhibition of paintings entitled “One World” and a concert entitled “A Journey of Art”, which are sponsored by the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva:

“It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the Palais des Nations on this very special evening, where we will be treated to a double pleasure: the exhibition “One World”, which we are opening here and the concert “A Journey of Art” coming up a little later. This evening, organized in collaboration with the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China, fittingly showcases through art the values and principles that are at the heart of the United Nations and that unite all Member States – mutual respect, cultural diversity, dialogue and peace. Allow me to express my deep appreciation to Ambassador Li and his staff for making this evening possible. The UNOG Cultural Activities Programme grows richer with each one of your notable contributions. It is also a great pleasure to have with us Mr. Hu, Executive Chairman of the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

Art and music, just like sport, are among the best ways for people to meet and get to know one another. They provide a platform, which rises above cultural and linguistic differences. I don’t think I am wrong in expecting that the artistic and musical treat we are in for tonight is a precursor to the sporting treat that the world expects exactly one year from now during the Beijing Olympics. China’s growing weight in the world, both economic and political, is increasingly aimed at contributing to constructive solutions in world affairs, and supporting the efforts of the United Nations. A particular focus of China’s active role is the objective of improving understanding and interaction among different cultures and peoples.

The United Nations is a forum where all opinions can be heard in order to establish a constructive dialogue for formulating responses to the complex challenges of our times. Be it mitigating the effects of climate change, promoting development, protecting human rights or advancing disarmament, the United Nations provides a unique forum to speak out as one voice, as one human family. Global problems demand global solutions. This task may not be as smooth and melodious as this evening’s concert but by uniting our efforts, I believe that we can get there. Let us act collectively to build a global society founded on a culture of peace. Thank you very much and I wish you a most enjoyable evening”.

For use of the information media; not an official record