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Following are the remarks made today by Sergei Ordzhonikidze, the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, to the Group of 77 Chairmanship handover ceremony:

“First of all, let me wish all of you a happy and successful New Year. I am very pleased to be with you for this handover ceremony.

I would like, at the outset, to pay my respects to Ambassador Khan for Pakistan’s stewardship of the Group of 77 and China over the past 12 months. In leading the Group, Pakistan has made an important contribution to the work of the United Nations. It will continue to do so in New York, where Pakistan is taking over Chairmanship of the Group from South Africa.

Let me also take this opportunity to congratulate Honduras on its designation as this year’s President of the Group of 77 in Geneva. I greatly look forward to working closely with Ambassador Urbizo on the wide range of issues which the Group’s representatives will no doubt engage into over the next months.

More than four decades after its creation, the Group of 77 continues to play a crucial role in defending and promoting the interests of developing countries and in moving forward the global development dialogue. This role will become even more important this year because, after the establishment in 2006 of the Human Rights Council, the Peace-Building Commission and the Central Emergency Reserve Fund - all important achievements which the Group was instrumental in negotiating - attention will now turn to the Economic and Social Council.

Just yesterday, the Secretary-General expressed his hope to members of the Council that it could become the sole organ to assess and oversee the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals. He also underscored the necessity of close cooperation between the Council and the Peace-Building Commission.

I know that ECOSOC reform also holds particular significance for your Group. I am confident, therefore, that you will be fully engaged in the work of the Council’s new Development Cooperation Forum as well as in the Council’s first annual ministerial review.

The Group must remain a driving force behind the United Nations development agenda, so many facets of which are debated and acted on here in Geneva. It must ensure that commitment towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals does not weaken and that promises are fulfilled.

At a time when several regional crises risk escalating, the Group of 77 and China must also continue to lead efforts to defuse international tensions, solve or prevent conflicts and facilitate disarmament.

This year will be a time of change and renewal throughout the United Nations Secretariat, as the Secretary-General clearly indicated upon assuming his functions. The Secretary-General has stressed that he wants to restore the confidence of Member States in the Organization, enhance morale, professionalism and accountability among its staff, and improve its effectiveness and its ability to respond to new as well as long-standing challenges.

Meeting with your colleagues in New York, he also expressed the hope that new leadership at both the Secretariat and the Group of 77 and China would offer a real opportunity to advance our shared goals and build a better, stronger United Nations. The Group will play a decisive part in bringing forward the reform of the United Nations, so that the Organization may better serve the interests of the people of the world”.


For use of the information media; not an official record
