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Press Conferences

Following is the statement by Sergei Ordzhonikidze, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, which he delivered at the opening of the exhibition entitled “Forces of Nature” on the occasion of World Meteorological Day 2006:

“It is a special honour for me as Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva to join you at the opening of this exhibition by Hans Erni, entitled “Forces of Nature” on the occasion of the commemoration of World Meteorological Day. We especially appreciate the presence amongst us of the artist himself. Indeed, the illustrious work of Hans Erni is familiar to not only those of us who belong to the United Nations family, but also well-known around the world. Allow me to therefore take this opportunity to pay tribute to Hans Erni, who has been a dedicated and committed friend of the United Nations for over half a century. Throughout his career, he has exercised his art in the service of the principles and values that our Organization defends and promotes, which is all the more fitting that we should mark World Meteorological Day with an exhibition of his works. He is a true citizen of the world with a unique insight into the contradictions of our world, which can nonetheless cohabit within the context of a common humanity that unites us. While many contradictory elements, forms, colours or ideas may be visible in his works, they coexist together in a meaningful way. His works mirror our humanity in all its variables, which serve as an inspiration for peace.

The works of Hans Erni have an ability to communicate not only an awareness of our common humanity, but also the global threats and challenges of our times. Indeed, some of the most pressing of those threats and challenges ensue from the terrible aftermath of natural disasters. And perhaps nowhere is our common humanity more discernible than in nature since it belongs to all of us and none of us at the same time. It is not the power of one man over another or of one nation over another but of something that cannot be defined by human designations of force. It is the force of nature, which serves to highlight the fragility of mankind. This however should not signify that we have to remain powerless. Indeed, we must put our forces together to make nations more resilient in the face of natural disasters and strengthen capacities globally. This requires a multidisciplinary approach, as well as the contribution of all stakeholders and of all nations.

Now let us enjoy this remarkable exhibition, which once again confirms Hans Erni’s unparalleled talent, as well as his long-standing commitment to peace and social harmony. I have no doubt that his artworks shall continue to inspire and motivate us in our own work”.

For use of the information media; not an official record
