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Press Conferences

Following is the statement by Sergei Ordzhonikidze, Under-Secretary-General and Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, at the launch of the "Diplomat for a Day" event which was held at the Palais des Nations on Sunday, 25 September:

"C’est un grand plaisir de vous accueillir aujourd’hui à l’occasion de cet évènement intitulé «Diplomate d’un jour » qui fait partie des célébrations pour marquer le soixantième anniversaire de la signature de la chartre des Nations Unies.

I should like to take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude to the Federal Government of Switzerland, through the Permanent Mission of Switzerland and the Canton and City of Geneva, for their continued support and excellent collaboration. May I also thank all the partners of this event who have contributed to the organization of this event.

Today, you will have an opportunity to take part in a number of activities, which include the 60th anniversary art exhibition, information stands, screening of films and debates. Each in their own right will – I hope –, permit you to get to know better the United Nations and what it stands for.

I also invite you to visit the event entitled “Caravan of Peace”, organized by the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Bahrain, featuring 60 artists and 200 children from all over the world who will be painting pictures on the theme of peace.

Geneva continues to play an important role in multilateral diplomacy and to be a centre for international negotiations. Today’s event is special in that it not only forms part of the 60th anniversary celebrations, but is also an opportunity for local and international Geneva to get to know one another better and to strengthen our friendship. This of course is thanks to the special status of Geneva as the international city. Over the course of the next few hours, you will be able to witness first hand what hundreds of diplomats, for whom the international city of Geneva is their home, experience on a day-to-day basis.

The work of the United Nations consists of, among other things, helping to establish conditions that allow for freedom and peace and the promotion of economic and social progress and the protection of human rights worldwide. I am happy to see so many of you here today, especially quite a lot of young faces. Your commitment is essential since you represent our future.

Je vous invite donc à profiter de cette occasion pour être le « diplomate d’un jour » et à méditer sur notre responsabilité collective pour un monde plus sûr et plus juste. Les Suisses, et les Genevois en particulier, sont réputés pour leur diversité culturelle ainsi que pour leur respect envers les autres cultures. Demandons-nous ce que nous pouvons faire ensemble pour agir maintenant.

Merci pour votre engagement continu aux Nations Unies. Je vous souhaite une très agréable journée".

For use of the information media; not an official record
