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Press Conferences

The following is the message by Sergei Ordzhonikidze, the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, at the opening of the exhibition “Iranian Art: a Different Perspective”, at the Palais des Nations today. The message was delivered by Pierre le Loarer, Chief United Nations Librarian in Geneva:

"It is a pleasure for me to extend my welcome to you to the Palais des Nations for this remarkable exhibition organized by the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This event is yet another illustration of Iran’s commitment to cultural dialogue among peoples as an indispensable foundation for peace and development. As an active contributor to our Cultural Activities Programme, Iran is an example and an inspiration to other Member States. Mr. Ambassador, thank you for your contributions and your commitment.

This exhibition shows Iran’s rich and varied cultural tradition in a different perspective. It highlights facets and features that may not be widely known. In this way, the exhibition adds a new and important dimension to our understanding of Iran and the country’s cultural heritage.

In addressing the urgent challenges of the 21st century, we also need a different perspective. In this collective task, we need to draw on the experience and expertise of all peoples. We need to combine the particular strengths of each individual country to add a fresh dimension to our joint efforts to address the threats and challenges facing our world.

As you know, the Secretary-General’s recent report, “In Larger Freedom”, puts forward proposals for consideration by Member States at the Millennium Summit + 5, which will take place in New York in September of this year. These proposals build on the combined knowledge and know-how of the United Nations – indeed, the title itself is taken from the preamble to the Charter – and points at the same time to innovative means and mechanisms for moving our world further towards development, security and human rights for all. The Report distils pertinent lessons of the past and brings forward suggestions on how to employ those lessons to address our present-day realities. In doing so, the report gives us the different perspective that is needed to move ahead.
This exhibition is a welcome reminder of the importance of drawing on our collective experience and combining our strengths to creatively chart the way forward. I hope that you will enjoy it in that spirit."

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For use of information media; not an official record
