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OCHA & UNICEF joint Press conference (under embargo)

Press Conference Announcement
OCHA Global Humanitarian Overview 2020 and UNICEF Humanitarian Action for Children 2020
OCHA presents its annual Global Humanitarian Overview 2020, the world’s most comprehensive overview of the state of humanitarian action, number of people in need, and current trends. It presents coordinated response plans for humanitarian action across the world including the funding necessary to implement them.
UNICEF launches its Humanitarian Action for Children 2020 financial appeal to meet the needs of children affected by conflict and disaster across the globe. UNICEF’s HAC appeals are aligned with the GHO but include additional country and regional appeals.

EMBARGOED until Wednesday, 4 December 2019 - 05:00 GMT / 06:00 CET
Mark Lowcock, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Manuel Fontaine, Director of Emergency Programmes, UNICEF

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