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From the Field: ‘Ordinary people’ pursuing ‘extraordinary outcomes’ - UN peacekeeping at 75

Peacekeepers working for the United Nations in some of the world’s most dangerous environments are “ordinary people striving to achieve extraordinary outcomes” according to a new exhibition marking 75 years of UN peacekeeping operations.

Yugoslav troops serving with the UN Emergency Force (UNEF) on patrol duty in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt in 1957.
UN Photo

The first so-called blue helmets were deployed as military observers to the Middle East in 1948 and since then more than two million uniformed and civilian personnel have served in 71 peacekeeping operations around the world.

The exhibition shows how, over three quarters of a century, peacekeepers have supported nations in the often-difficult journey from conflict to peace, reconciliation and ultimately development. 

The exhibition which is entitled ‘Peace Begins With Me’ also serves as a reminder that keeping the peace is the responsibility of all people, everywhere.

See the online exhibition here.


Peace Begins With Me: 75 years of UN Peacekeeping | United Nations