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Meeting Summaries

The President of the Conference on Disarmament today informed the Conference that consensus on implementation of the programme of work of the Conference was not possible at this stage. China and Iran thanked the President for her efforts and transparent consultations to promote agreement on the programme of work and pledged to continue to support efforts to reach consensus.

Ambassador Caroline Millar of Australia, President of the Conference on Disarmament, said that since CD/1864 had been adopted on 29 May, successive Presidents of the Conference had consulted exhaustively with a wide range of delegations to achieve a decision on its implementation so that the Conference could get back to work. In recent weeks, draft decisions CD/1870 and then CD/1870 rev.1 had been circulated which took into account and addressed all the issues raised by delegations. Subsequently, additional concerns had been raised and the Presidency had worked closely to try to address them, keeping the interests of all delegations in mind. As of this morning, it seemed that consensus was not possible at this stage on a decision to implement CD/1864. Should this decision change, the Presidency would advise delegations and reconvene. If not, she would call the last plenary under the Presidency of Australia at 10 a.m. on Thursday, 20 August.

Ambassador Wang Qun of China commended the President of the Conference for her efforts, especially in promoting agreement by all parties on the programme of work, including the transparent consultations carried out for that purpose. China hoped that all the parties would continue with their endeavours in order to reach a common understanding or agreement on the programme of work. China would continue to play a constructive role in this process and they hoped that the Conference would soon embark on substantive work.

Mohammad Taghi Husseini of Iran thanked the President and said Iran appreciated her efforts, consultations and diligence to provide the Conference with a decision on the implementation of the programme of work. The efforts of the previous Presidents of the Conference were also commendable. The Conference had achieved a lot this year with the agreement on a programme of work after a 10 year stalemate. It was important to build on this progress. Iran always insisted on equilibrium and balance and the need for consensus in the Conference. Because of the nature of the Conference, they needed all members on board. Iran supported the efforts of the President to bring the Conference to a consensus on the implementation of CD/1864. Iran asked the President to continue with her consultations.

Document CD/1864 is the adopted programme of work for the Conference on Disarmament's 2009 session. Draft decision CD/1870/Rev.1, on the implementation of CD/1864, outlines the conduct of work and decision-making under the Conference Working Groups and Special Coordinators and the rotation and equitable geographic representation of office bearers. The draft decision also includes a list of proposed names for the office bearers of the different Working Groups and Special Coordinators. The draft further includes a timetable of activities for the Working Groups and Special Coordinators, up to the end of the 2009 session.

At the beginning of the meeting, the President of the Conference bid farewell to Ambassador Anton Pinter from Slovakia. She said he was an extraordinary professional and had tremendous skills. He would be missed and on behalf of the Conference she wished him all the luck in his future endeavours.

The next plenary of the Conference will take place at 10 a.m. on Thursday, 20 August.

For use of the information media; not an official record
