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UN Peacekeepers uniformed and civilian personnel, with the slogan 'Fit for the future, building better together'

On the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, officially celebrated on 29 May of each year, we promote the tangible impact of peacekeeping and pay tribute to the dedication, professionalism, and courage of personnel who serve in missions around the world. It is also a moment to reflect on the sacrifice made by peacekeepers who have lost their lives serving the cause of peace under the UN flag over the past 76 years.

The theme for 2024 International Day of UN Peacekeepers is “Fit for the future, building better together.” 

This year, the United Nations Office at Geneva will mark the International Day of UN Peacekeepers on Friday 31 May. Join us for a ceremony at the United Nations Memorial in the Ariana Park of the Palais des Nations.


Commemoration of the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers

Friday, 31 May 2024, from 3 p.m. to 3:40 p.m.

United Nations Memorial (Ariana Park)

Palais des Nations, Geneva


3.00 p.m.         United Nations flag-raising and wreath-laying ceremony at the United Nations Memorial with the representatives of the United Nations Office at Geneva, of the Permanent Missions, and of the International Association of Peacekeepers and observance of a minute of silence                               


                        Speech by Ms. Tatiana Valovaya, Director-General, United Nations Office at Geneva, 

                        Speech by Mr. Laurent Attar-Bayrou, President of the International Association of Peacekeepers (IASP)

                        Speech by Major General Ms. Germaine Seewer, Commander of the Armed Forces College and Deputy Chief of Training and Command, Swiss Armed Forces

                        Speech by His Excellency Mr. Ram Prasad Subedi, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Nepal the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva 

                        Musical interlude

                        Photo opportunity

3.40 p.m.       End of the ceremony