Accessing our collections
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UN Documents
Use the UN Digital Library to start a search for UN documents. Several tools are available to efficiently search for UN resources, find our top recommendations and research guides at: https://libraryresources.unog.ch/un
Open Access Resources
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- United Nations and Specialized Agencies - The Library houses the largest United Nations documents collection in Europe. It also maintains a comprehensive collection of materials of the specialized agencies and the United Nations affiliated bodies.
- Legal and Political Collections - The collections contain books and publications covering international relations, national and international law (dictionaries, encyclopedias, bibliographies, yearbooks, law digests, treaty series, law codes, and monographs).
- Economic, Social and Statistical Collections - The collections hold books and publications on economic and social topics such as business, finance, trade, transnational corporations, transport, energy, environment, population, women's advancement, etc. The collections also contain statistical publications from most countries of the world and from many intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.
- UNHCR/Refugee Studies Collection – In 2008, following the closure of the UNHCR Library, their highly specialized and precious collection was transferred to the UN Library & Archives Geneva, where it continues to be accessible. The Library regularly purchases books and electronic resources to support refugee studies and the work of UNHCR staff.
- Periodical and Newspaper Collections - The Library receives more than 1,000 periodicals and 80 newspapers from all over the world. The Library also subscribes to approximatively 70,000 electronic journals and newspapers, accessible via the Library workstations and to UN staff members directly from their office computers.
- Rare books collection - As the former library of the League of Nations, the collections also include notable books on peace from the pre-League period (XVIth-XIXth century).