28. Jun
Headquarter: Canada
7amleh - The Arab Centre for the Advancement of Social Media
Headquarter: Israel
Aalem for Orphan and Vulnerable Children,Inc.
Headquarter: Liberia
Headquarter: United States of America
Headquarter: Tunisia
ABAAD Resource Center for Gender Equality
Headquarter: Lebanon
Abaawa Hagar Saah Memorial Foundation
Headquarter: Ghana
ABC NGOrganization
Headquarter: Switzerland
ABC Tamil Oli
Headquarter: France
ABC4All (A Better Community For All)
Headquarter: Sierra Leone
Abibimman Foundation
Headquarter: Ghana
Abnaa Al Mahrousa Foundation for Development and Participation
Headquarter: Egypt
Abshar Atefeha Charity Institute
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Academic Council on the United Nations System
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Accept International
Headquarter: Japan
Access Now
Headquarter: United States of America
Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy, The
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Across Atlantic Development LTD
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
ACT Alliance - Action by Churches Together
Headquarter: Switzerland
Action 237-Suisse
Headquarter: Switzerland
Action Aides aux Familles Demunies
Headquarter: Mali
Action Canada for Population and Development
Headquarter: Canada
Action contre la faim
Headquarter: France
Email: Opens in new window
Action contre les Violations des Droits des Personnes Vulnerables
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Action De La Jeunesse Pour Le Développement Durable
Headquarter: France
Action for Development (Suisse)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration ETC Group
Headquarter: Canada
Action internationale pour la paix et le développement dans la région des Grands Lacs
Headquarter: Switzerland
Action of Human Movement (AHM)
Headquarter: India
Action on Disability and Development
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)
Headquarter: United States of America
Action pour l'Education et la Promotion de la Femme
Headquarter: Chad
Action pour la Protection des Droits de l'Enfant (APDE)
Headquarter: Chad
Action pour la Protection des Droits de l'Homme en Mauritanie
Headquarter: Mauritania
Action pour le Développement Humain au Congo
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Action pour le Respect et la Protection de l'Environnement
Headquarter: Cameroon
Action Sri Lanka
Headquarter: France
Headquarter: South Africa
Actions communautaires pour le développement integral
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Actions écologiques françaises
Headquarter: France
Email: actionsecologiquesfrancaises@gmail.comOpens in new window
Actions et Interventions pour le Développement et l'Encadrement Social
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Adaamasunle Foundation
Headquarter: Nigeria
ADALAH - Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel
Headquarter: Israel
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Headquarter: United States of America
Advocates for Human Rights
Headquarter: United States of America
AFEDESE - Association pour l'encadrement des demunis et des désherités
Headquarter: Switzerland
Afghanistan Democracy and Development Organization
Headquarter: Afghanistan
Afraz Cultural Association
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
AFRECure - All for Reparations and Emancipation
Headquarter: United States of America
Afri-health Optonet Association
Headquarter: Nigeria
Headquarter: Chad
Africa and Middle East Refugee Assistance - AMERA
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Africa Centre for Citizens Orientation
Headquarter: Nigeria
Africa Culture Internationale
Headquarter: Senegal
Africa Humanitarian Action
Headquarter: Ethiopia
Africa Speaks
Headquarter: South Africa
Africa Youths International Development Foundation
Headquarter: Nigeria
African Agency for Integrated Development (AAID)
Headquarter: Uganda
African Artists for Development
Headquarter: France
African Association of Education for Development
Headquarter: Switzerland
African Canadian Legal Clinic
Headquarter: Canada
Email: Opens in new window
African Centre for Community and Development
Headquarter: Cameroon
African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies
Headquarter: Gambia (Republic of The)
African Citizens Development Foundation
Headquarter: Nigeria
African Cultural Promotions Inc
Headquarter: United States of America
African Development Assistance Consult
Headquarter: Congo
African Development Association
Headquarter: Cameroon
Email: africandevelopmentassociation@yahoo.comOpens in new window
African Green Foundation International
Headquarter: Nigeria
African Heritage And Global Peace Initiative
Headquarter: Nigeria
African Medical and Research Foundation, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
African Regional Agricultural Credit Association
Headquarter: Ghana
African Youth Movement
Headquarter: Nigeria
African-American Society for Humanitarian Aid and Development
Headquarter: United States of America
Africans in America for Restitution and Repatriation Inc
Headquarter: United States of America
Africans Unite Against Child Abuse (AFRUCA)
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Afrique Esperance
Headquarter: Benin
Afro-European Medical and Research Network
Headquarter: Switzerland
Headquarter: France
AGE Platform Europe
Headquarter: Belgium
Agence internationale pour le développement
Headquarter: France
Agence pour les droits de l'homme
Headquarter: Switzerland
Agence Suisse pour le développement et les droits de l'homme - ASDH
Headquarter: Switzerland
Agir Ensemble pour les Droits de l'Homme
Headquarter: France
Aid Organization
Headquarter: Bangladesh
Aide Citoyenne Et Developpement Concerte
Headquarter: France
Ain o Salish Kendra - Law and Mediation Centre
Headquarter: Bangladesh
Ajemalebu Self Help (AJESH)
Headquarter: Cameroon
AJIS Association Jeunesse Insertion Solidarite
Headquarter: France
AKAHATÁ Equipo de Trabajo en Sexualidad y Géneros Asociación Civil
Headquarter: Argentina
Akshar Foundation
Headquarter: India
Al Baqee Organization Nfp
Headquarter: United States of America
Al Baraem Association for Charitable Work
Headquarter: Lebanon
Al Gora Community Development Association
Headquarter: Egypt
Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights
Headquarter: State of Palestine
Al Tawasul Wa Al Ekah Human Organization
Headquarter: Iraq
Al Zubair Charitable Foundation
Headquarter: Sudan
Al-Ayn Social Care Foundation
Headquarter: Iraq
Al-Basher Foundation for Development
Headquarter: Iraq
Al-Hakim Foundation
Headquarter: Switzerland
Al-Haq, Law in the Service of Man
Headquarter: State of Palestine
Al-khoei Foundation
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Alan Guttmacher Institute
Headquarter: United States of America
ALDET Centre-Saint Lucia, The
Headquarter: Saint Lucia
Aliança Nacional LGBTI
Headquarter: Brazil
Aliran Kesedaran Negara National Consciousness Movement
Headquarter: Malaysia
All China Women's Federation
Headquarter: China
All Win Network
Headquarter: United States of America
All-China Environment Federation
Headquarter: China
All-Russian public organization "Russian Public Intstitute of Electoral Law"
Headquarter: Russian Federation
All-Russian Social Fund, "The Russian Children Foundation"
Headquarter: Russian Federation
Alliance Creative Community Project
Headquarter: Canada
Alliance Defending Freedom
Headquarter: United States of America
Alliance for Health Promotion (A4HP)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Email: sozanskig@alliance4healthpromotion.orgOpens in new window
Alliance Globale contre les Mutilations Génitales Féminines
Headquarter: France
Alliance internationale pour la défense des droits et des libertés
Headquarter: France
Alliance Vita
Headquarter: France
Allied Rainbow Communities International
Headquarter: Canada
Headquarter: Saudi Arabia
Alsalam Foundation
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Alulbayt Foundation
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Aman against Discrimination
Headquarter: Libya
American Anthropological Association
Headquarter: United States of America
American Arabic Academy of Science and technology, LLC
Headquarter: N/A
Email: Opens in new window
American Association of Jurists
Headquarter: United States of America
American Association of University Women
Headquarter: United States of America
American Automotive Policy Council, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
American bar association
Headquarter: United States of America
American Center for International Labor Solidarity
Headquarter: United States of America
American Civil Liberties Union
Headquarter: United States of America
American Heart Association, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
American Indian Law Alliance
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: Opens in new window
American Psychological Association
Headquarter: United States of America
Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain Inc
Headquarter: United States of America
Amis des Etrangers au Togo (A.D.E.T.)
Headquarter: Togo
Amitofo Care Center International
Headquarter: United States of America
Amity Foundation
Headquarter: China
Amman Center for Human Rights Studies
Headquarter: Jordan
Amnesty International
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
ANAJA (L'Eternel a répondu)
Headquarter: Togo
Anciens Esclaves Nouveaux Citoyens
Headquarter: Mauritania
Anglican Consultative Council
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
ANO "Organization" "Vector of Friendship"
Headquarter: Russian Federation
Anti-Slavery International
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Antioch Christian Centre
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Apostle Johnson Suleman
Headquarter: South Africa
Apostolic Ministerial International Network (AMIN)
Headquarter: Ghana
Appui aux femmes démunies et enfants marginalisés au Kivu
Headquarter: Switzerland
AquaFed - International Federation of Private Water Operators
Headquarter: France
Arab African Council for Integration and Development
Headquarter: Egypt
Arab Commission for Human Rights
Headquarter: France
Arab European Forum for Dialogue and Human Rights
Headquarter: Switzerland
Arab Forum for Environment and Development
Headquarter: Lebanon
Arab Media Union
Headquarter: United Arab Emirates
Arab Mexican Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Civil Association
Headquarter: Mexico
Arab NGO Network for Development
Headquarter: Lebanon
Arab Organization for Human Rights
Headquarter: Egypt
Arab Penal Reform Organization
Headquarter: Switzerland
Arab Society for Academic Freedoms
Headquarter: Jordan
Arab-European Center of Human Rights and International Law (AECHRIL)
Headquarter: Norway
ArabEuropean Forum for Dialogue and Human Rights
Headquarter: Switzerland
ARCH Disability Law Centre
Headquarter: Canada
Archbishop E. Kataliko Actions for Africa "KAF"
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Archconfraternity of Papal Knights
Headquarter: United States of America
Ardha Jabesa Foundation
Headquarter: Kenya
Ariel Foundation International
Headquarter: Switzerland
Arigatou International
Headquarter: Japan
Arise From Ashes (AFA) Incorporated
Headquarter: Liberia
Armenian Constitutional Right-Protective Centre
Headquarter: Armenia
Armenian Relief Society
Headquarter: United States of America
Headquarter: Switzerland
Article 19 - International Centre Against Censorship, The
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Article 36 Limited
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Asabe Shehu Yar Adua Foundation
Headquarter: United States of America
Asia Centre Co., Ltd.
Headquarter: Thailand
Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact
Headquarter: Thailand
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development
Headquarter: Thailand
Asia Pacific Transgender Network
Headquarter: Thailand
Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center
Headquarter: Japan
Asian Buddhists Conference for Peace
Headquarter: Mongolia
Asian Dignity Initiative
Headquarter: Republic of Korea
Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development
Headquarter: Thailand
Asian Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Network (AITPN)
Headquarter: India
Asian Legal Resource Centre
Headquarter: China
Asian-Eurasian Human Rights Forum
Headquarter: India
Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW)
Headquarter: Malaysia
Asistencia Legal por los Derechos Humanos, Asociación Civil
Headquarter: Mexico
Asociación Campaña Colombiana contra Minas CCCM
Headquarter: Colombia
Asociación Civil Hecho por Nosotros
Headquarter: Argentina
Asociación Cubana de Producción Animal
Headquarter: Cuba
Asociacion HazteOir.org
Headquarter: Spain
Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente
Headquarter: United States of America
Asociacion Kunas Unidos por Nabguana
Headquarter: Panama
Asociatia Obsteasca "Promo-LEX"
Headquarter: Republic of Moldova
Asocio Esperanto Radikala
Headquarter: Italy
Assembly of First Nations - National Indian Brotherhood
Headquarter: Canada
Associacao Brasileira de Gays, Lesbicas e Transgeneros
Headquarter: Brazil
Associação Brasileira Interdisciplinar de AIDS
Headquarter: Brazil
Associação Jadir de Taekwondo
Headquarter: Brazil
Associated Country Women of the World
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Association "Paix" pour la lutte contre la Contrainte et l'injustice
Headquarter: Mauritania
Association A.M.O.R
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association Adala-Justice
Headquarter: Morocco
Association Africa 21
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association Aide aux femmes et enfants
Headquarter: Congo
Association apprentissage sans frontieres
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association Assistance Communautaire et Développement
Headquarter: Mauritania
Association Bharathi Centre Culturel Franco-Tamoul
Headquarter: France
Association Burkinabé pour la Survie de l'Enfance
Headquarter: Burkina Faso
Association canadienne pour le droit et la vérité
Headquarter: Canada
Association caritative étudiante pour la jeunesse
Headquarter: France
Association CHS Alliance
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association Congolaise pour le Développement Agricole
Headquarter: Congo
Association Culture Femmes
Headquarter: France
Headquarter: France
Association d'Aide à l'Education de l'Enfant Handicapé (AAEEH)
Headquarter: France
Association d'Entraide Médicale Guinée
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association de Défense des Droits de l'Homme
Headquarter: France
Association de Developpement Agricole, Educatif et Sanitaire de Manono
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Association de la solidarité des étudiants de Bordeaux
Headquarter: France
Association de lutte contre la dépendance
Headquarter: Mauritania
Association de Lutte pour le Respect des Droits Humains
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association de l’Unité Spéciale Républicaine (ASUS RELUC)
Headquarter: Cameroon
Association Democratique des Femmes du Maroc
Headquarter: Morocco
Association des Citoyens pour le Progrès du Centre (ASCIPROC)
Headquarter: Haiti
Email: Opens in new window
Association des étudiants tamouls de France
Headquarter: France
Association des Fabricants Européens de Munitions de Sport
Headquarter: Belgium
Association des femmes pour la lutte contre la pauvreté
Headquarter: France
Association des femmes pour le développement à la base
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Association des Femmes pour le Développement Durable
Headquarter: France
Association Des Jeunes Du Village
Headquarter: France
Association des Jeunes pour l'Agriculture du Mali
Headquarter: Mali
Association des ONG de l'environnement (A.O.E.)
Headquarter: Côte D'Ivoire
Association des relais communautaires d'Oshwé (ARCO)
Headquarter: Congo
Association des Ressortissants et Amis d'Eseka
Headquarter: Cameroon
Association Droit et Talents de Femmes
Headquarter: France
Association du développement communautaire en Mauritanie
Headquarter: Mauritania
Association du Développement et de la Promotion de Droits de l'Homme
Headquarter: Mauritania
Association Dunenyo
Headquarter: Togo
Association Elmostakbell pour le Développement
Headquarter: Togo
Association Femmes de la médiation
Headquarter: France
Association Fonds d'Aide Internationale au Developpement
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association for Citizen's Tolerance and Cooperation
Headquarter: North Macedonia
Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Association for Emissions Control by Catalyst - AECC
Headquarter: Belgium
Association For Life of Africa-Liberia
Headquarter: Liberia
Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
Headquarter: South Africa
Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Science in Africa
Headquarter: Ethiopia
Association for the Prevention of Torture
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association for the Protection of Women and Children’s Rights (APWCR)
Headquarter: United States of America
Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)
Headquarter: Canada
Association for World Education
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: Opens in new window
Association François-Xavier Bagnoud - FXB International
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association Gabonaise pour les Nations Unies (AGNU)
Headquarter: Gabon
Association Genèse
Headquarter: Congo
Association Geneva Action Platform for Engaging, Learning and Information
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association Graines de Paix
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association Humaniste de France
Headquarter: France
Association Humanitaire Franco-Sri Lankaise
Headquarter: France
Association Initiative Assurance Qualité Humanitaire
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association INMISUISSE (Inter Migrants Suisse)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association Internationale de la Libre Pensée
Headquarter: France
Association Internationale Droits Homme
Headquarter: France
Association Internationale pour l'égalité des Femmes (AIEF)
Headquarter: France
Association Internationale Soufie Alawiyya
Headquarter: France
Association Jesuit Worldwide Learning - Higher Education at the Margins
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association Lutte Contre La Violence Faite Aux Femmes
Headquarter: India
Association Ma'onah for Human Rights and Immigration
Headquarter: Yemen
Association Malienne de Savoir Construire (A.M.S.C.)
Headquarter: France
Association mauritanienne d'appui aux nécessiteux
Headquarter: N/A
Association Mauritanienne pour la promotion des Droits de l'Homme
Headquarter: Mauritania
Association Mauritanienne pour la promotion du droit
Headquarter: Mauritania
Association Mauritanienne pour la santé de la mère et de l'enfant
Headquarter: Mauritania
Association MIMAN
Headquarter: France
Association Miraisme International
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association M’zab prévention routière et développement
Headquarter: Morocco
Association nationale de promotion et de protection des droits de l'homme
Headquarter: Cameroon
Association Nationale des Echanges Entre Jeunes (ANEJ)
Headquarter: Algeria
Association of Former International Civil Servants for Development
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association of Iranian Jurists Defending Human Rights
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Association of Iranian Short Statured Adults
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Association of Iranian Short Statured Adults
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Association of the Bar of the City of New York, The
Headquarter: United States of America
Association of United Families
Headquarter: United States of America
Association of Women for Action and Research
Headquarter: Singapore
Association of Women Professional Financial Managers
Headquarter: Nigeria
Email: charteredinstitute.forensic@gmail.comOpens in new window
Association of World Citizens
Headquarter: United States of America
Association of Youths with Vision (AOYWV)
Headquarter: Gambia (Republic of The)
Association PANAFRICA
Headquarter: France
Association Points-Coeur
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association pour l'Éducation et la Santé de la Femme et de l'Enfant (AESFE)
Headquarter: Mauritania
Association pour la Défense des Droits de la Femme Mauritanienne
Headquarter: Mauritania
Association pour la solidarité France-Afrique
Headquarter: France
Association Pour la Solidarité Internationale
Headquarter: France
Association pour le Développement Humain en Mauritanie
Headquarter: Mauritania
Association pour le Droit de l’Homme et Le Développement Durable
Headquarter: France
Association pour les Droits de l'Homme et l'Univers Carcéral
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association pour les Victimes Du Monde
Headquarter: Cameroon
Email: associationpourlesvictimes@gmail.comOpens in new window
Association Respect Cameroun
Headquarter: Cameroon
Association Solidarité Internationale pour l'Afrique (SIA)
Headquarter: Mali
Association Sphere
Headquarter: Switzerland
Association Thendral
Headquarter: France
Association tunisienne de la santé de la reproduction
Headquarter: Tunisia
Association Un Monde Avenir
Headquarter: Cameroon
Associazione Comunita Papa Giovanni XXIII
Headquarter: Italy
Assyrian Aid Society - Iraq
Headquarter: Iraq
Asylum Access
Headquarter: United States of America
Atheist Alliance International
Headquarter: United States of America
Athletes United for Peace
Headquarter: United States of America
AUA Americas Chapter Inc
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: Opens in new window
Aula Abierta
Headquarter: Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
Auspice Stella
Headquarter: France
Australasian Explosives Industry Safety Group Incorporated
Headquarter: Australia
Avocats Sans Frontières
Headquarter: Belgium
Avocats sans Frontières Québec
Headquarter: Canada
AVSI Foundation
Headquarter: Italy
AWTAD Organization For Combating Corruption
Headquarter: Yemen
Azerbaijan Women and Development Center
Headquarter: Azerbaijan
Email: Opens in new window
B'nai B'rith
Headquarter: United States of America
B.C. Aboriginal Network on Disability Society
Headquarter: Canada
Bachehaye Asemane Kamran Rehabilitation Institute
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights
Headquarter: State of Palestine
Baha'i International Community
Headquarter: United States of America
Bahjat Al-Baqir Charity Foundation
Headquarter: Iraq
Bahrain Center for Human Rights
Headquarter: Denmark
Bahrain Jurists Society
Headquarter: Bahrain
Bangladesh Friendship Education Society
Headquarter: Bangladesh
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication
Headquarter: Bangladesh
Bangwe et Dialogue
Headquarter: Switzerland
Baptist World Alliance
Headquarter: United States of America
Barinu Institute For Economic Development
Headquarter: United States of America
Barzani Charity Foundation / BCF
Headquarter: Iraq
Bäuerliche Erzeugergemeinschaft Schwäbisch Hall w.V.
Headquarter: Germany
Be Positive Association
Headquarter: Lebanon
Email: info.unijabi.organization@gmail.comOpens in new window
Beijing Changier Education Foundation
Headquarter: China
Beijing Children's Legal Aid and Research Center
Headquarter: China
Beijing Crafts Council
Headquarter: China
Beijing Global Talent Exchange Association
Headquarter: China
Beijing Greenovation Institute for Public Welfare Development
Headquarter: China
Beijing Guangming Charity Foundation
Headquarter: China
Beijing International Exchange Association
Headquarter: China
Beijing NGO Association for International Exchanges
Headquarter: China
Beijing Zhicheng Migrant Workers' Legal Aid and Research Center
Headquarter: China
Belgische associatie voor mensenrechten en ontwikkeling
Headquarter: Belgium
Best Practices Policy Project, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: bestpracticespolicyproject@gmail.comOpens in new window
Better World
Headquarter: Republic of Korea
Beyond Beijing Committee
Headquarter: Nepal
Biopolitics International Organisation
Headquarter: Greece
Biovision Stiftung für ökologische Entwicklung
Headquarter: Switzerland
Bir Dünya Çocuk Derneği
Headquarter: Türkiye
Bischöfliches Hilfswerk Misereor e.V.
Headquarter: Germany
BJD Reinsurance Consulting, LLC
Headquarter: United States of America
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University
Headquarter: India
Brazzaville Foundation for Peace and Conservation
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation
Headquarter: Sweden
British Humanist Association
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Broad National Movement ( BNM ) Limited Ltd
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Brussels For Human Rights And Development
Headquarter: Belgium
Brussels International Center for Research and Human Rights
Headquarter: Belgium
Buddha's Light International Association
Headquarter: United States of America
Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation
Headquarter: United States of America
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Senioren-Organisationen
Headquarter: Germany
Bureau International des Containers et du Transport Intermodal BIC
Headquarter: France
Bureau Pour la Croissance Intégrale et la Dignité de l'Enfant
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Business Humanitarian Forum
Headquarter: Switzerland
C-Fam, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies
Headquarter: Switzerland
Cameroon Development and Education Foundation (CADEF)
Headquarter: Cameroon
Cameroon Youths and Students Forum for Peace
Headquarter: Cameroon
Campagne Internationale pour l'Abolition des Armes Nucléaires
Headquarter: Switzerland
Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC)
Headquarter: United States of America
Campus Salute ONLUS
Headquarter: Italy
Campus Watch
Headquarter: France
Canada's National Firearms Association
Headquarter: Canada
Canadian Centre on Disability Studies Inc.
Headquarter: Canada
Canadian Council for International Cooperation
Headquarter: Canada
Email: Opens in new window
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Headquarter: Canada
Canadian International Chaplaincy Association
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: cicainternationaluniversity@cica-chaplaincy.orgOpens in new window
Canadian Pugwash Group
Headquarter: Canada
Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women
Headquarter: Canada
Cancer Aid Society
Headquarter: India
Email: piyushgupta@canceraidsocietyindia.orgOpens in new window
Canners International Permanent Committee
Headquarter: United States of America
Care International
Headquarter: Switzerland
Carelle Moukemaha-Niang
Headquarter: France
Carlsron Initiative for Peace and Human Rights
Headquarter: Nigeria
Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs (CCEIA)
Headquarter: United States of America
Carter Center, Inc., The
Headquarter: United States of America
Catholic Agency For Overseas Development
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Catholic International Education Office
Headquarter: Italy
Email: secretaire.general@oiecinternational.comOpens in new window
Caucasian Jews World Congress
Headquarter: Israel
Center for Africa Development and Progress
Headquarter: Ghana
Center for China & Globalization Limited
Headquarter: China
Center for Constitutional Rights Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Center for Defending Freedom of Journalists
Headquarter: Jordan
Center for Economic and Social Rights, The
Headquarter: United States of America
Center for Environmental and Management Studies
Headquarter: Canada
Center for Global Nonkilling
Headquarter: United States of America
Center for Innovative and Pragmatic Development Initiative (CIPDI)
Headquarter: United States of America
Center for Inquiry
Headquarter: United States of America
Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
Headquarter: United States of America
Center for International Human Rights
Headquarter: United States of America
Center for Justice and International Law
Headquarter: United States of America
Center for Organisation Research and Education
Headquarter: India
Center for Policy Studies
Headquarter: Russian Federation
Center for Reproductive Rights, Inc., The
Headquarter: United States of America
Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
Headquarter: United States of America
Center for Women and Development
Headquarter: Viet Nam
Center for Women's Global Leadership
Headquarter: United States of America
Center of Political Analysis and Information Security
Headquarter: Russian Federation
Centre catholique international de Genève (CCIG)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Centre d'accompagnement des alternatives locales de développement
Headquarter: Cameroon
Centre d'accompagnement des filles désoeuvrées
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Centre d'action pour le développement rural
Headquarter: Togo
Centre d'Encadrement et Développement des Anciens Combattants (CEDAC)
Headquarter: Burundi
Centre d'études juridiques africaines (CEJA)
Headquarter: N/A
Centre d'Information et de Promotion de l'Image d'une Nouvelle Afrique (CIPINA)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Centre de Documentation, de Recherche et d'Information des Peuples Autochtones (doCip)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Centre de Formation et de Recherche pour le Développement (CFRD)
Headquarter: Belgium
Centre du Commerce International pour le Développement.
Headquarter: Guinea
Centre d’Education et de Développement pour les Enfants Mauriciens
Headquarter: Mauritius
Centre Europe - Tiers Monde - Europe-Third World Centre
Headquarter: Switzerland
Centre for Adivasee Studies & Peace
Headquarter: India
Centre for Civil and Political Rights (CCPR)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Centre For Climate Change & Environmental Study
Headquarter: Nigeria
Email: aminu.zakari@center4climatechange.comOpens in new window
Centre for Convention on Democratic Integrity Ltd/Gte
Headquarter: Nigeria
Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development India
Headquarter: India
Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation
Headquarter: Canada
Centre for Gender Justice and Women Empowerment
Headquarter: Cameroon
Centre for Health Science and Law (CHSL)
Headquarter: Canada
Email: billjeffery@healthscienceandlaw.caOpens in new window
Centre for Human Rights
Headquarter: South Africa
Centre for Human Rights and Peace Advocacy
Headquarter: Cameroon
Centre for Public Health
Headquarter: Nigeria
Centre for Youth and Literacy Development
Headquarter: Ghana
Centre Intercommunautaire Congolais Pour Les Personnes Avec Handicap
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Centre International d'Investissement
Headquarter: Switzerland
Centre pour les Droits Civils et Politiques - Centre CCPR
Headquarter: Switzerland
Centre Zagros pour les Droits de l'Homme
Headquarter: Switzerland
Centrist Democratic International
Headquarter: Belgium
Centro de Apoio aos Direitos Humanos "Valdício Barbosa dos Santos"
Headquarter: Brazil
Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustin Pro Juarez
Headquarter: Mexico
Centro de Direitos Economicos e Sociais - CDES
Headquarter: Brazil
Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS) Asociación Civil
Headquarter: Argentina
Centro de Estudios Sobre la Juventud
Headquarter: Cuba
Email: Opens in new window
Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos y Justicia de Genero
Headquarter: Chile
Centro UNESCO De Donostia-San Sebastián
Headquarter: Spain
Centrul de Resurce Juridice
Headquarter: Romania
Cercle de Recherche sur les Droits et les Devoirs de la Personne Humaine
Headquarter: Switzerland
Cercles Nationaux de la Recherche sur la Jeunesse
Headquarter: France
Email: Opens in new window
CGFNS International, Inc.,
Headquarter: United States of America
Chamber of Computer Logistics People Worldwide
Headquarter: India
Chant du Guépard dans le Désert
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Charitable Institute for Protecting Social Victims, The
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Chernobyl - Hibakusha Support, Kansai
Headquarter: Japan
Child Development Foundation
Headquarter: Sudan
Child Foundation
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Child Helpline International
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Email: info@childhelplineinternational.orgOpens in new window
Child Rights Connect
Headquarter: Switzerland
Email: secretariat@childrightsconnect.orgOpens in new window
Child Soldiers International
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Childhood Education International
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: dwhitehead@ceinternational1892.orgOpens in new window
Childlink Foundation
Headquarter: Ghana
Children's Human Rights Centre of Albania
Headquarter: Albania
Chin Human Rights Organization
Headquarter: Canada
China Agricultural University
Headquarter: China
China Association for NGO Cooperation
Headquarter: China
China Association for Science and Technology
Headquarter: China
China Charity Alliance
Headquarter: China
Email: zhoujiaxing@charityalliance.org.cnOpens in new window
China Disabled Person's Federation
Headquarter: China
China Ethnic Minorities’ Association for External Exchanges
Headquarter: China
China Family Planning Association
Headquarter: China
China Federation of Internet Societies
Headquarter: China
China Foundation for Human Rights Development
Headquarter: China
China Foundation for Peace and Development
Headquarter: China
China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation
Headquarter: China
China Foundation for Rural Development
Headquarter: China
China Great Wall Society
Headquarter: China
China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE)
Headquarter: China
China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS)
Headquarter: China
China Soong Ching Ling Foundation
Headquarter: China
China Women's Development Foundation
Headquarter: China
China-Africa Business Council
Headquarter: China
Chinese Association for International Understanding
Headquarter: China
CHIRAPAQ - Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú
Headquarter: Peru
Chongqing Centre for Equal Social Development
Headquarter: China
Christian Aid
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Christian Blind Mission
Headquarter: Germany
Christian Conference of Asia
Headquarter: Thailand
Christian Solidarity International (CSI)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Christian Solidarity Worldwide
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Chunhui Children's Foundation
Headquarter: China
Church World Service
Headquarter: United States of America
Headquarter: Belgium
CIPINA (Centre d’Information et de Promotion de l’Image d’une Nouvelle Afrique)
Headquarter: Switzerland
CIRID (Centre Independent de Recherches et d'Iniatives pour le Dialogue)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Cities of Peace, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: info@internationalcitiesofpeace.orgOpens in new window
Citizens for Global Solutions
Headquarter: United States of America
Citoyens en action pour la démocratie et le développement
Headquarter: Switzerland
City2000 Youth Action International
Headquarter: Ghana
Email: City2000youthinternational@gmail.comOpens in new window
CIVICUS - World Alliance for Citizen Participation
Headquarter: South Africa
CLAN (Caring & Living as Neighbours) Incorporated
Headquarter: Australia
CLEAR Global, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: aimee@translatorswithoutborders.orgOpens in new window
Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network
Headquarter: Cameroon
Headquarter: France
Club of Dakar
Headquarter: France
Club of Madrid (COM)
Headquarter: Spain
Club Ohada Thies
Headquarter: Senegal
Cmax Foundation, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
Headquarter: United States of America
Coalition of Somali Human Rights Defenders (CSHRD)
Headquarter: Somalia
Coastal Association for Social Transformation (COAST) Trust
Headquarter: Bangladesh
Collectif de femmes pour les droits de l'homme - CFDH
Headquarter: France
Collectif Haitien des Droits Humains
Headquarter: France
Colombian Commission of Jurists
Headquarter: Colombia
Comisión Unidos Vs Trata
Headquarter: Mexico
Comité de lutte et d'orientation sur les conséquences du divorce
Headquarter: Mauritania
Comité de Vigilance pour la Démocratie en Tunisie
Headquarter: Belgium
Comité des observateurs des droits de l'homme
Headquarter: France
Comité International De Coordination Humanitaire
Headquarter: France
Comite National d'Action pour les Droits de l'Enfant et de la Femme
Headquarter: Cameroon
Comité Permanente por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos
Headquarter: Colombia
Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches
Headquarter: Switzerland
Commission to Study the Organization of Peace
Headquarter: United States of America
Committee for Justice
Headquarter: Switzerland
Committee to Protect Journalists, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative
Headquarter: India
Commonwealth Medical Trust
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Community Human Rights and Advocacy Centre (CHRAC)
Headquarter: Cameroon
Community Restoration Initiative Project
Headquarter: Uganda
Compagnons D'action pour le Développement Familial
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Company of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul
Headquarter: France
Concern Worldwide US, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Conectas Direitos Humanos
Headquarter: Brazil
Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO)
Headquarter: United States of America
Conglomeration of Bengal's Hotel Owners
Headquarter: India
Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd
Headquarter: Italy
Congregation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel - Carmelite NGO
Headquarter: United States of America
Congregation Pirchei Shoshanim, a New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation
Headquarter: United States of America
Congregations of St. Joseph
Headquarter: United States of America
Conquer Nepal
Headquarter: Nepal
Conscience and Peace Tax International (CPTI)
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Conscious Giving, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Conseil de jeunesse pluriculturelle (COJEP)
Headquarter: France
Conseil national des droits de l'homme et du citoyen
Headquarter: France
Conseil pour l'éducation et le développement
Headquarter: Burundi
Consejo de Iglesias de Cuba
Headquarter: Cuba
Conselho Indigenista Missionário CIMI
Headquarter: Brazil
Consortium for Street Children, The
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Convention of Independent Financial Advisors-CIFA
Headquarter: Switzerland
Convention pour le bien être social
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Cooperazione Internazionale
Headquarter: Italy
Coordinadora Europea de Familias Numerosas
Headquarter: Spain
Coordinating Board of Jewish Organizations
Headquarter: United States of America
Coordination africaine des droits de l'homme pour les armées (CADHA)
Headquarter: Côte D'Ivoire
Coordination Immigrés du Sud du Monde/C.I.S.M.-Vénétie
Headquarter: Italy
Coordination nationale des associations des consommateurs
Headquarter: Mauritania
Cordoba Peace Institute - Geneva
Headquarter: Switzerland
Corporación Centro de Estudios de Derecho Justicia y Sociedad
Headquarter: Colombia
Corporación Colectivo de Abogados Jose Alvear Restrepo
Headquarter: Colombia
Corporate Accountability International
Headquarter: United States of America
Corps de Réflexion et de Planification pour l'Utilité Sociale (CORPUS)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Council on Environmental Economics and Development Union
Headquarter: United States of America
Covenant House
Headquarter: United States of America
Creators Union of Arab
Headquarter: Egypt
Cultural Survival
Headquarter: United States of America
Cœur d'Afrique - Fondation Roger MILLA
Headquarter: Cameroon
Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation
Headquarter: Sweden
Damanhur Education
Headquarter: Italy
Dangerous Goods Advisory Council (DGAC)
Headquarter: United States of America
Dansk Flygtningehjælp
Headquarter: Denmark
Database Center for North Korean Human Rights (NKDB)
Headquarter: Republic of Korea
David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies
Headquarter: United States of America
Defence for Children International
Headquarter: Switzerland
DESSI International
Headquarter: Pakistan
Deutsche Model United Nations e.V.
Headquarter: Germany
Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era
Headquarter: Fiji
Development Assistance International, Inc.
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Development Initiatives Poverty Research Limited
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Development Innovations and Networks
Headquarter: Switzerland
Dhaka Ahsania Mission
Headquarter: Bangladesh
Dialogue & Development Forum
Headquarter: Yemen
Dianova International
Headquarter: Spain
Digital Democracy Now
Headquarter: United States of America
Dignidad y Justicia en el Camino, Asociación Civil
Headquarter: Mexico
Dignité Impact / Dignity Impact
Headquarter: Switzerland
Dignity - Danish Institute Against Torture
Headquarter: Denmark
Headquarter: Malta
Diplomatic Council e.V.
Headquarter: Germany
Disability Association of Tavana
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Disability Organisations Joint Front
Headquarter: Sri Lanka
Disability Rights Fund Inc
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: cdevandas@disabilityrightsfund.orgOpens in new window
Disabled Women's Association
Headquarter: Azerbaijan
Doha International Family Institute (DIFI)
Headquarter: Qatar
Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
Headquarter: United States of America
Dominicans for Justice and Peace - Order of Preachers
Headquarter: Switzerland
Headquarter: France
Dones per la Llibertat i Democracia
Headquarter: Spain
Email: Opens in new window
DoTheDream Youth Development Initiative
Headquarter: Nigeria
Down Syndrome International
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Dr M Chandrasekhar International Foundation
Headquarter: India
Email: drmcsinternationalfoundation@gmail.comOpens in new window
Drammeh Institute, Inc
Headquarter: United States of America
DRCNet Foundation, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Dreikönigsaktion - Hilfswerk der Katholischen Jungschar
Headquarter: Austria
Headquarter: France
Dui Hua Foundation, The
Headquarter: United States of America
Dynamique Gender ONGD International
Headquarter: Canada
Eagle Vision Charity, Inc
Headquarter: United States of America
Earth Law Center
Headquarter: United States of America
Headquarter: United States of America
East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project
Headquarter: Uganda
East Eagle Foundation
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
East-West Management Institute
Headquarter: United States of America
Eastern Sudan Women Development Organization
Headquarter: Sudan
Eco-Accord - Center for Environment and Sustainable Development
Headquarter: Russian Federation
Ecoforum of NGOs of Uzbekistan
Headquarter: Uzbekistan
Ecospirituality Foundation
Headquarter: Italy
Ecumenical Federation of Constantinopolitans
Headquarter: Greece
Edfu Foundation Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Edmund Rice International Limited
Headquarter: Switzerland
Education and English For You (EEFY)
Headquarter: Côte D'Ivoire
Education for Social Justice Foundation (ESJF)
Headquarter: United States of America
Education Prénatale - Information
Headquarter: Belgium
Egypt Peace for Development and Human Rights
Headquarter: Egypt
Egyptian Center for Women's Rights
Headquarter: Egypt
Egyptian Organization for Human Rights
Headquarter: Egypt
Eiropas demokrātijas attīstības centrs
Headquarter: Latvia
El Cantare Foundation
Headquarter: United States of America
El Hak Foundation for Freedom of Expression and Human Rights
Headquarter: Egypt
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
Headquarter: United States of America
Elizka Relief Foundation
Headquarter: Ghana
EMERGENCY - Life Support for Civilian War Victims
Headquarter: Italy
Emmaus International Association
Headquarter: France
Email: a.gournay@emmaus-international.orgOpens in new window
Empowering Humanity
Headquarter: India
Empowerment Initiative for Women and Youth Uganda
Headquarter: Uganda
Endeavour Forum Inc.
Headquarter: Australia
Headquarter: United States of America
Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM)
Headquarter: France
Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development
Headquarter: Serbia
Equality Now
Headquarter: United States of America
Equitas centre international d’education aux droits humains
Headquarter: Canada
Erevna International Peace Center Inc. (EIPC)
Headquarter: Cyprus
Ertegha Keyfiat Zendegi Iranian Charitable Institute
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
ESCR-Net - International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
ESCR-Net - International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Espace Afrique International
Headquarter: Switzerland
Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, The - (ERLC),
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: Opens in new window
Etudiants Pour Une Societe Durable Paris
Headquarter: France
Eurasia Partnership Foundation
Headquarter: Armenia
Eurazijos žalos mažinimo asociacija
Headquarter: Lithuania
Headquarter: Belgium
Europe Business Assembly Limited
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Europe External Programme for Africa
Headquarter: Belgium
European Association of Automotive Suppliers
Headquarter: Belgium
European Boating Association, The (EBA)
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
European Broadcasting Union
Headquarter: Switzerland
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights
Headquarter: Germany
European Chemical Industry Council
Headquarter: Belgium
European coalition for just and effective drug policies (ENCOD)
Headquarter: Belgium
European Disability Forum
Headquarter: Belgium
European Environmental Bureau
Headquarter: Belgium
Email: Opens in new window
European Federation of Psychologists Associations
Headquarter: Belgium
European Humanist Federation
Headquarter: Belgium
European Industrial Gases Association
Headquarter: Belgium
European Law Students' Association, The (ELSA)
Headquarter: Belgium
European Natural Gas Vehicle Association
Headquarter: Belgium
European Region of the International Lesbian and Gay Federation
Headquarter: Belgium
European Union of Jewish Students
Headquarter: Belgium
European Union of Public Relations
Headquarter: Italy
European Union of Women
Headquarter: Spain
European Youth Forum
Headquarter: Belgium
EURORDIS European Organisation for Rare Diseases
Headquarter: Belgium
Every Casualty Worldwide
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: Opens in new window
Eye Care Foundation
Headquarter: N/A
F N Forbundet
Headquarter: Denmark
Families of Victims of Involuntary Disappearance (FIND)
Headquarter: Philippines
Famille Debout
Headquarter: Belgium
Family for Every Child
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Email: francina.mhundwa@familyforeverychild.orgOpens in new window
Family Health Association of Iran
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Farah Foundation for Development
Headquarter: Egypt
Federal Lezghin National and Cultural Autonomy
Headquarter: Russian Federation
Federal Union of European Nationalities
Headquarter: Germany
Federatie van Nederlandse Verenigingen tot Integratie Van Homoseksualiteit - COC Nederland
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Federation for Women and Family Planning
Headquarter: Poland
Fédération internationale des associations d'inventeurs
Headquarter: Switzerland
Fédération internationale des véhicules anciens
Headquarter: Italy
Federation of American Women's Clubs Overseas (FAWCO)
Headquarter: France
Federation of Cuban Women
Headquarter: Cuba
Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe
Headquarter: Germany
Feekr Organization For Dialogue and human rights defense
Headquarter: Yemen
Femmes Afrique Solidarité
Headquarter: Switzerland
Femmes Solidaires
Headquarter: France
FIA Foundation for the Automobile and Society
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
FIAN International e.V.
Headquarter: Germany
Fields of Green for All NPC
Headquarter: South Africa
First Modern Agro. Tools - Common Initiative Group (FI.MO.AT.C.I.G)
Headquarter: Cameroon
Headquarter: Mali
Fondation Botnar
Headquarter: Switzerland
Email: communications@fondationbotnar.orgOpens in new window
Fondation Community Initiatives for Peace and Development
Headquarter: Guinea
Fondation Cordoue de Genève
Headquarter: Switzerland
Fondation d'Auteuil
Headquarter: France
Fondation des Oeuvres pour la Solidarité et le Bien Etre Social - FOSBES ONG
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Fondation Genereuse Developpement
Headquarter: Cameroon
Fondation Jérôme Lejeune
Headquarter: France
Fondation Kalipa pour le Développement
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Fondation Medicines Patent Pool
Headquarter: Switzerland
Fondation Ngangambi
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Fondation pour l'éradication du travail des enfants dans la culture du tabac
Headquarter: Switzerland
Fondation pour un Centre pour le Développement Socio-Eco-Nomique
Headquarter: Switzerland
Fondation Secours Humanitaire
Headquarter: Switzerland
Fondation Suisse de Déminage (FSD)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Fondation Surgir
Headquarter: Switzerland
Fondation Tamukwidi Matiti Donatien
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Fondation VIMANIS
Headquarter: Switzerland
Fondazione di ricerca scientifica ed umanistica Antonio Meneghetti
Headquarter: Switzerland
Fondazione Ernesto Illy
Headquarter: N/A
Fondazione GEM
Headquarter: Italy
Fondazione Marista per la Solidarietà Internazionale ONLUS
Headquarter: Italy
Fondazione Mater
Headquarter: Switzerland
Fondazione Proclade Internazionale - Onlus
Headquarter: United States of America
Force juvénile pour un avenir rassurant
Headquarter: Benin
Forest Stewardship Council AC
Headquarter: Mexico
Forevergreen Fenosoa
Headquarter: Madagascar
Fortify, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Forum 21 Institute
Headquarter: United States of America
Forum Azzahrae pour la Femme Marocaine
Headquarter: Morocco
Forum des femmes autochtones du Cameroon (FFAC)
Headquarter: Cameroon
Forum for Development and Human Rights Dialogue
Headquarter: Egypt
Forum of Women's NGOs of Kyrgyzstan
Headquarter: Kyrgyzstan
Forum Réfugiés-Cosi
Headquarter: France
Foundation for GAIA
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief, The
Headquarter: Türkiye
Foundation of International Servant leadership Exchange Association
Headquarter: United States of America
Foundation of Japanese Honorary Debts
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Email: international@japanse-ereschulden.nlOpens in new window
Fountain of Hope Global Ministry
Headquarter: South Africa
Fracarita International
Headquarter: Belgium
France Libertes : Fondation Danielle Mitterrand
Headquarter: France
Franciscans International
Headquarter: United States of America
Fraternite Notre Dame, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Freedom House
Headquarter: United States of America
Freedom Now
Headquarter: United States of America
Freemuse - The World Forum on Music and Censorship
Headquarter: Denmark
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Headquarter: Germany
Friedrich Naumann Foundation
Headquarter: Germany
Friends of the Earth International
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Friends World Committee for Consultation
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Frontline AIDS LTD.
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Fundação Antonio Meneghetti
Headquarter: Brazil
Fundación Abba Colombia
Headquarter: Colombia
Fundación Centro Latinoamericano de Derechos Humanos
Headquarter: Argentina
Fundación Cepaim, Acción Integral con Migrantes
Headquarter: Spain
Fundación DARA Internacional
Headquarter: Spain
Fundación de Capellanes "Sendas de Dios"
Headquarter: N/A
Fundacion Democratica Italo-Americana
Headquarter: Argentina
Fundación Derechos & Justicia Asociados
Headquarter: Colombia
Fundacion Eudes
Headquarter: Mexico
Email: Opens in new window
Fundacion Hernandiana
Headquarter: Argentina
Fundación Latinoamericana por los Derechos Humanos y el Desarrollo Social
Headquarter: Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
Fundación Luz María
Headquarter: United States of America
Fundacion Mi Casa / Mi Casa Foundation
Headquarter: Chile
Fundacion Migrantes y Refugiados sin Fronteras
Headquarter: Argentina
Fundacion para Estudio Investigacion de la Mujer
Headquarter: Argentina
Fundación para la Democracia Internacional
Headquarter: Argentina
Email: larachiavarini@democraciainternacional.orgOpens in new window
Fundación Regional de Asesoría en Derechos Humanos
Headquarter: Ecuador
Fundacion Vida - Grupo Ecologico Verde
Headquarter: Spain
Fundamental Human Rights & Rural Development Association
Headquarter: Pakistan
Future Hope International
Headquarter: Ghana
GAHT-US Corporation
Headquarter: United States of America
Gap Intercessors Ministry International
Headquarter: N/A
Geledés - Instituto da Mulher Negra
Headquarter: Brazil
General Conference of Seventh Day Adventists
Headquarter: United States of America
General Forum of the Arabic and African Non-Governmental Organizations
Headquarter: Mauritania
Generation recherche action & formation pour l'environnement
Headquarter: Switzerland
Geneva Agape Foundation
Headquarter: Switzerland
Geneva Centre for Human Rights Advancement and Global Dialogue
Headquarter: Switzerland
Geneva Infant Feeding Association
Headquarter: Switzerland
Geneva Institute for Human Rights (GIHR)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Geneva International Model United Nations (GIMUN)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Genève pour les droits de l’homme : formation internationale
Headquarter: Switzerland
Geo Expertise Association
Headquarter: Switzerland
Georgetown University (The)
Headquarter: United States of America
Gesellschaft Bosnischer Akademiker in Österreich
Headquarter: Austria
Gestos Soropositividade Comunicação e Gênero
Headquarter: Brazil
Headquarter: South Africa
Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Giving Life Nature Volunteer
Headquarter: Ghana
Global Action for Trans* Equality Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Global Action on Aging
Headquarter: United States of America
Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women
Headquarter: Thailand
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
Headquarter: Switzerland
Global Alliance for Justice Education, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Global Alliance for Surgical, Obstetric, Trauma, and Anaesthesia Care
Headquarter: United States of America
Global Alliance Office on Drugs and Crime (GAODC)
Headquarter: Austria
Global Appreciation and Skills Training Network
Headquarter: Ghana
Email: info@globalappreciationnetwork.orgOpens in new window
Global Campaign for Education
Headquarter: South Africa
Global Center on Cooperative Security Inc
Headquarter: United States of America
Global Eco-Village Network, The
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Email: Opens in new window
Global Forum for Media Development
Headquarter: Belgium
Global Forum for the Defence of the Less Privileged (GFDLP)
Headquarter: Cameroon
Global Fund for Widows
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: heather.ibrahim@globalfundforwidows.orgOpens in new window
Global Health Council
Headquarter: United States of America
Global Health Foundation
Headquarter: Sudan
Global Helping to Advance Women and Children
Headquarter: United States of America
Global Hope Network International
Headquarter: Switzerland
Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Headquarter: United States of America
Global Institute for Water, Environment and Health
Headquarter: Switzerland
Global Justice Center
Headquarter: United States of America
Global Life Savers Inc
Headquarter: Ghana
Global Medic Force (Europe)
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Global Migration Policy Associates (GMPA)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Global Network for Rights and Development (GNRD)
Headquarter: Norway
Global Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS, The
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Email: Opens in new window
Global Network of Sex Work Projects Limited
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Global New Car Assessment Programme
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Global Peace and Development Association
Headquarter: Kenya
Global Policy Forum
Headquarter: United States of America
Global Rights for Women
Headquarter: United States of America
Global Social Observatory
Headquarter: Switzerland
Email: Opens in new window
Global Srilankan Forum United Kingdom
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Global Welfare Association
Headquarter: Cameroon
Global Zero
Headquarter: United States of America
Globethics.net Foundation
Headquarter: Switzerland
Gobal Institute for Water Environement and Health
Headquarter: Switzerland
GongGam Human Rights Law Foundation
Headquarter: Republic of Korea
Good Neighbors International
Headquarter: Republic of Korea
Graduate Women International (GWI)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Grand Council of the Crees - Eeyou Istchee
Headquarter: Canada
Greek Council for Refugees
Headquarter: Greece
Green and Better World
Headquarter: Cameroon
Green Cross International
Headquarter: Switzerland
Email: Opens in new window
Green Mobilisation Initiative
Headquarter: Nigeria
Email: greenmobilisationinitiative@yahoo.comOpens in new window
Greenpeace International
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Grikob Foundation Ghana
Headquarter: Ghana
Groupe d'action pour la promotion socioculturelle et l'alphabetisation: Nouvelle Energie
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Groupement Romand D'études des Addictions GREA
Headquarter: Switzerland
Grupo de Informacion en Reproduccion Elegida, A.C. (GIRE)
Headquarter: Mexico
Grupo de Mujeres de la Argentina - Foro de VIH, mujeres y familia
Headquarter: Argentina
Grupo Intercultural Almaciga
Headquarter: Spain
GSM Association
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Guinee Humanitaire
Headquarter: France
Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR) Limited
Headquarter: Ireland
Gulf Research Center Foundation
Headquarter: Switzerland
Habitat International Coalition
Headquarter: Egypt
Haiti Cholera Research Funding Foundation Inc
Headquarter: United States of America
Hamraah Foundation
Headquarter: India
Handicap International
Headquarter: France
Hawa Society for Women
Headquarter: Sudan
Hawau Eniola Foundation
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Hazrat Javad-al-Aemeh Cultural Charity Institute
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Heal The Planet Global Organisation - HTP
Headquarter: Uganda
Health and Environment Program (HEP)
Headquarter: Cameroon
Health Finance Institute
Headquarter: United States of America
Health on the Net Foundation (HON)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
Headquarter: Republic of Korea
Heavenly Shower of Peace Church of God
Headquarter: Nigeria
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS, Inc.)
Headquarter: United States of America
Heinrich Boell Foundation
Headquarter: Germany
Helios Life Association
Headquarter: Switzerland
Hellenic Association of Political Scientists
Headquarter: Greece
Headquarter: Pakistan
HelpAge International
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
HelpAge USA
Headquarter: United States of America
Helpline Foundation for the Needy, Abuja
Headquarter: Nigeria
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights
Headquarter: Poland
Henry Dunant Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue
Headquarter: Switzerland
Hepatitis Australia Inc
Headquarter: Australia
HERE-Humanitarian Exchange and Research Center
Headquarter: Switzerland
Heritage Foundation, The
Headquarter: United States of America
High Security Newplate Limited
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Himalayan Research and Cultural Foundation
Headquarter: India
Holly Heart United
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Hong Kong Federation of Women
Headquarter: China
Hope and Homes for Children
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Horizon d'échange et de lutte contre la pauvreté
Headquarter: Senegal
Horizon Foundation
Headquarter: Sierra Leone
House of Africa
Headquarter: Chad
Housing Works Inc
Headquarter: United States of America
Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society
Headquarter: United States of America
Human Development Society the Gambia
Headquarter: Gambia (Republic of The)
Human Is Right
Headquarter: Cameroon
Human Rights & Democratic Participation Center "SHAMS"
Headquarter: State of Palestine
Human Rights Advocates Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Human Rights and Forest Brain Africa (HURIFBA)
Headquarter: Cameroon
Human Rights Association for Community Development in Assiut
Headquarter: Egypt
Human Rights at Sea
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Email: david.hammond@humanrightsatsea.orgOpens in new window
Human Rights Center in Iraq
Headquarter: Iraq
Human Rights Commission of Pakistan
Headquarter: Pakistan
Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities (HRCBM)
Headquarter: United States of America
Human Rights Council of Australia, Inc.
Headquarter: Australia
Human Rights First
Headquarter: United States of America
Human Rights for Kids
Headquarter: United States of America
Human Rights House Foundation
Headquarter: Norway
Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems International
Headquarter: Switzerland
Human Rights Information and Training Center
Headquarter: Yemen
Human Rights Law Centre
Headquarter: Australia
Human Rights Law Centre
Headquarter: Australia
Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa
Headquarter: Canada
Human Rights Now
Headquarter: Japan
Human Rights Research League
Headquarter: Norway
Human Rights Sanrakshan Sansthaa
Headquarter: India
Human Rights Solidarity Organization
Headquarter: Switzerland
Human Rights Watch
Headquarter: United States of America
Human Security Initiative Organization
Headquarter: Sudan
Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Humanists International
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Humanitarian Accountability Partnership International
Headquarter: Switzerland
Humanitarian Focus Foundation
Headquarter: United States of America
Hungarian Helsinki Committee
Headquarter: Hungary
Hunger Project, The
Headquarter: United States of America
Huqooq-ul-Ebad Development Foundation
Headquarter: Pakistan
IBON.International Foundation Inc.
Headquarter: Philippines
Email: jennifermalonzo@iboninternational.orgOpens in new window
IBUKA-Mémoire et Justice-Section Suisse
Headquarter: Switzerland
ICT for Peace Foundation
Headquarter: Switzerland
IDEAS Centre
Headquarter: Switzerland
IDPC Consortium
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Iepe - Instituto de Pesquisa e Formacao Indigena
Headquarter: Brazil
Ihsan Foundation for West Africa
Headquarter: United States of America
Il Cenacolo
Headquarter: Italy
ILGA World
Headquarter: Switzerland
Images For Inclusion Inc
Headquarter: United States of America
Imam Ali Charity Institution
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Imam Ali’s Popular Students Relief Society
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society
Headquarter: Russian Federation
Inclusion Canada
Headquarter: Canada
Inclusion International (International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicaps)
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
India Media Centre
Headquarter: India
India Water Foundation
Headquarter: India
Indian Council of Education
Headquarter: India
Indian Council of South America (CISA)
Headquarter: Peru
Indian Law Resource Centre
Headquarter: United States of America
Indian Movement "Tupaj Amaru"
Headquarter: Switzerland
Indigenous People of Africa Coordinating Committee
Headquarter: South Africa
Indigenous Peoples' International Centre for Policy Research and Education
Headquarter: Philippines
Indigenous World Association
Headquarter: Canada
Ingenieurs du Monde
Headquarter: France
Headquarter: United States of America
Initiative d'opposition contre les discours extrémistes
Headquarter: Mauritania
Initiative Féministe Européenne
Headquarter: France
Initiative for African Youth Advancement Advocacy and Empowerment
Headquarter: Nigeria
Initiatives of Change International
Headquarter: Switzerland
INPUD Limited
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Insamlingsstiftelsen Kvinna till Kvinna
Headquarter: Sweden
INSHED - International Network for Standardization of Higher Education Degrees
Headquarter: Switzerland
Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya
Headquarter: Spain
Institut de la démocratie et de la coopération
Headquarter: France
Institut International Arabe pour la Paix et l'Education
Headquarter: Switzerland
Institut International de l’Écologie Industrielle et de l’Économie Verte
Headquarter: Switzerland
Institut international pour la paix, la justice et les droits de l'Homme- IIPJDH
Headquarter: Switzerland
Institut International pour les Droits et le Développement
Headquarter: Switzerland
Institut Jules-Destrée
Headquarter: Belgium
Email: delahaut.marie-anne@institut-destree.euOpens in new window
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Headquarter: United States of America
Institute for Economics and Peace Limited
Headquarter: Australia
Institute for Human Rights
Headquarter: Georgia
Institute for Human Rights & Business Limited
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Institute for NGO Research
Headquarter: Israel
Institute for Planetary Synthesis
Headquarter: Switzerland
Institute for Policy Studies
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety
Headquarter: Switzerland
Institute for Security and Safety GmbH
Headquarter: Germany
Institute for Sustainable Development and Research (ISDR)
Headquarter: India
Institute for Women's Studies and Research
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Email: Opens in new window
Institute of Inter-Balkan Relations
Headquarter: Greece
Institute of International Law
Headquarter: Switzerland
Institute of Noahide Code
Headquarter: United States of America
Institute of Sustainable Development
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Loreto Generalate
Headquarter: Italy
Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Instituto Alana
Headquarter: Brazil
Instituto Brasileiro de Analises Sociais e Economicas (IBASE)
Headquarter: Brazil
Instituto Brasileiro de Direitos Humanos
Headquarter: Brazil
Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Direitos Humanos - IDDH
Headquarter: Brazil
Instituto de Estudos Socioeconômicos
Headquarter: Brazil
Instituto Global Attitude
Headquarter: Brazil
Instituto Igarapé
Headquarter: Brazil
Instituto Sou da Paz
Headquarter: Brazil
Inter African Committee In Norway
Headquarter: Norway
Inter-Action Globale (I.A.G.)
Headquarter: Mali
Inter-American Statistical Institute
Headquarter: Panama
Interaction, American Council for Voluntary International Action
Headquarter: United States of America
Interfaith Encounter Association
Headquarter: Israel
Interfaith International
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Accountability Project
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: Opens in new window
International Action for Peace & Sustainable Development
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Action Network on Small Arms
Headquarter: Ghana
International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International AIDS Society (IAS)
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Air Transport Association
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Alliance for Responsible Drinking
Headquarter: United States of America
International Alliance of Women
Headquarter: Sweden
International Association Against Torture
Headquarter: United States of America
International Association for Community Development
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International Association for Democracy in Africa
Headquarter: Niger
International Association for Human Values
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles (IANGV)
Headquarter: New Zealand
International Association for Religious Freedom
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International Association of Applied Psychology
Headquarter: Canada
Email: Opens in new window
International Association of Charities
Headquarter: Belgium
International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL)
Headquarter: United States of America
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Headquarter: United States of America
International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists
Headquarter: Israel
International Association of Judges
Headquarter: Italy
International Association of Justice Watch
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms
Headquarter: United States of America
International Association of Lions Clubs
Headquarter: United States of America
International Association of Peace Foundations
Headquarter: Russian Federation
International Association of Schools of Social Work
Headquarter: Italy
International Association of Seed Crushers
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International Association of Soldiers for Peace
Headquarter: France
International Association of Y's Men's Clubs
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Association of Youth and Students for Peace, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
International Bar Association
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation
Headquarter: Türkiye
International Bridges to Justice
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Buddhist Foundation (IBF)
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Buddhist Relief Organisation
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International Campaign to Ban Landmines - Cluster Munition Coalition ICBL-CMC
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Cancer Expert Corps
Headquarter: United States of America
International Career Support Association
Headquarter: Japan
International Catholic Child Bureau
Headquarter: France
International Catholic Migration Commission
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (INCPL)
Headquarter: United States of America
International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development
Headquarter: Switzerland
Email: Opens in new window
International Charitable Foundation "Alliance for Public Health"
Headquarter: Ukraine
International Christian Organisation of the Media
Headquarter: Switzerland
International College of Dentists
Headquarter: United States of America
International Commission of Jurists
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Committee for the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Communities Organisation Limited
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International Confederation of Midwives
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO)
Headquarter: Canada
International Council of Beverages Associations
Headquarter: United States of America
International Council of Chemical Associations
Headquarter: Belgium
International Council of Environmental Law
Headquarter: Spain
International Council of Jewish Women
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International Council of Nurses
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Council of Psychologists
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Council of Russian Compatriots (ICRC)
Headquarter: Russian Federation
International Council of Voluntary Agencies
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Council of Women
Headquarter: France
International Council on Environmental Economics and Development Union
Headquarter: United States of America
International Council on Social Welfare
Headquarter: United States of America
International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Dalit Solidarity Network
Headquarter: Denmark
International Dental Federation
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Detention Coalition Inc.
Headquarter: Australia
International Development Information Organization-DevNet
Headquarter: China
International Disability Alliance
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Doctors for Healthier Drug Policies
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International Educational Development, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
International Electrotechnical Commission
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Emergency and Development Aid
Headquarter: United States of America
International Eurasia Press Fund
Headquarter: Azerbaijan
International Federation for Home Economics
Headquarter: Germany
International Federation for Human Rights Leagues
Headquarter: France
International Federation for the Protection of the Rights of Ethnic, Religious, Linguistic & Other Minorities
Headquarter: United States of America
International Federation of Associations of the Elderly
Headquarter: France
International Federation of Building and Wood Workers
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Federation of Journalists
Headquarter: Belgium
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
International Federation of Medical Students' Associations
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations (IFPMA)
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Federation of Rural Adult Catholic Movements
Headquarter: Belgium
International Federation of Settlements and Neighbourhood Centres
Headquarter: Finland
International Federation of Social Workers
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Federation of Women Lawyers
Headquarter: Nigeria
International Federation on Ageing
Headquarter: Canada
International Fellowship of Reconciliation
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
International Food and Beverage Alliance (IFBA)
Headquarter: Belgium
International Forum
Headquarter: France
International Foundation For African Children
Headquarter: Nigeria
International Foundation Witnesses Ashoora
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
International Harm Reduction Association (IHRA)
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International HIV/AIDS Alliance
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International Hospital Federation (IHF)
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Human Rights Association of American Minorities (IHRAAM)
Headquarter: Canada
International Human Rights Commission Relief Fund Trust
Headquarter: Pakistan
International Human Rights Council
Headquarter: India
International Human Rights Internship Program
Headquarter: United States of America
International Human Rights Observer (IHRO) Pakistan
Headquarter: Pakistan
International Indian Treaty Council
Headquarter: United States of America
International Inner Wheel
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International Institute for Child Protection
Headquarter: Gambia (Republic of The)
International Institute for Non-Aligned Studies
Headquarter: India
International Institute for Promotion and Development of Dynamic Peace Ideas
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
International Institute for Sustainable Development
Headquarter: Canada
International Institute for the Rights of the Child
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Institute of Applied Technologies (IIAT)
Headquarter: Belgium
International Institute of Humanitarian Law
Headquarter: Italy
International Institute of Inforamtization and Public Administration named after.P.A. Stolypin
Headquarter: Russian Federation
International Investment Center
Headquarter: Russian Federation
International Islamic Relief Organization
Headquarter: Saudi Arabia
International Islamic Youth League
Headquarter: Sierra Leone
International Justice Resource Center, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
International Kolping Society
Headquarter: Germany
International Law Enforcement Federation
Headquarter: United States of America
International Lawyers org
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Longevity Center Global Alliance, Ltd.
Headquarter: United States of America
International Longevity Centre Canada
Headquarter: Canada
International Mediation Institute Stichting
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee
Headquarter: Belgium
International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association (IMMA)
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Movement ATD Fourth World
Headquarter: France
International Multiracial Shared Cultural Organization
Headquarter: United States of America
International Muslim Women's Union
Headquarter: Sudan
International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
Headquarter: United States of America
International Network of Liberal Women
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists
Headquarter: Canada
International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development
Headquarter: Indonesia
International Ocean Institute
Headquarter: Malta
International Organization for Educational Development
Headquarter: India
International Organization for Standardization
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Organization for the Right to Education and Freedom of Education (OIDEL)
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Organization of Automobile Manufacturers
Headquarter: France
International Organization of Employers
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Organization of Experts (ORDINEX)
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Paediatric Association
Headquarter: United States of America
International Paint and Printing Ink Council
Headquarter: United States of America
International Partnership for Human Rights
Headquarter: Belgium
International Peace and Development Organization
Headquarter: Sudan
International Peace Bureau
Headquarter: Switzerland
International PEN
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Headquarter: United States of America
International Planned Parenthood Federation
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International Police Association
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International Police Executive Symposium
Headquarter: United States of America
International Port Community Systems Association EEIG
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Email: richard.morton@ipcsa.internationalOpens in new window
International Presentation Association
Headquarter: United States of America
International Press Institute
Headquarter: Austria
International Prison Chaplains' Association
Headquarter: Australia
International Probono Legal Services Association Limited
Headquarter: China
International Psychoanalytical Association Trust
Headquarter: United States of America
International Public Organization "Sovereign Knightly order of Christ the Savior"
Headquarter: United States of America
International Publishers Association
Headquarter: Switzerland
Email: secretariat@internationalpublishers.orgOpens in new window
International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Real Estate Federation
Headquarter: France
International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims
Headquarter: Denmark
International Relations Students' Association of McGill University
Headquarter: Canada
International Relief Services
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
International Religious Liberty Association
Headquarter: United States of America
International Rescue Committee, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
International Risk Governance Council (IRGC)
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Road Assessment Programme
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International Road Federation
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Road Transport Union
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Schools Association
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Service for Human Rights
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Social Service
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Society for Human Rights
Headquarter: Germany
International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems (ISME)
Headquarter: Japan
Email: Opens in new window
International Society for Peace and Safety
Headquarter: Nigeria
International Society of City and Regional Planners
Headquarter: N/A
International Society of Doctors for the Environment
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Student Surgical Network
Headquarter: Belgium
International Studies Association
Headquarter: United States of America
International Support For Human Rights
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Sustainable Energy Organisation for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ISEO)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Email: Opens in new window
International Trade Union Confederation
Headquarter: Belgium
International Transport Workers' Federation
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International Tunnelling Association
Headquarter: Switzerland
International Union for Cooperation Towards Development
Headquarter: Italy
Email: Opens in new window
International Union of Architects
Headquarter: France
International Union of Interventional Radiologists
Headquarter: France
International Union of Latin Notariat
Headquarter: Italy
International Union of Railways (UIC)
Headquarter: France
International Union of Socialist Youth
Headquarter: Austria
International Volunteer Organization for Women Education Development (IVOWED)
Headquarter: Ghana
Email: Opens in new window
International Women Bond
Headquarter: Sudan
International Women's Health Coalition
Headquarter: United States of America
International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific
Headquarter: Malaysia
International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs
Headquarter: Denmark
International Yazidis Foundation for the Prevention of Genocide
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
International Youth Council - Yemen Chapter (IYCY)
Headquarter: Yemen
Headquarter: Switzerland
Internationale Romani Union (IRU)
Headquarter: Austria
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
Headquarter: United States of America
Internet Society
Headquarter: United States of America
Headquarter: Switzerland
Interregional non-governmental organization Centre for Support of Indigenous Peoples of the North (CSIPN)
Headquarter: Russian Federation
Interregional Public Charitable Organization of Assistance to Persons with Disabilities “SAIL OF HOPE”
Headquarter: Russian Federation
INTERSOS Humanitarian Aid Organization
Headquarter: Italy
Inuit Circumpolar Council
Headquarter: Denmark
Investment Migration Council
Headquarter: Switzerland
IOGT International
Headquarter: Sweden
Headquarter: United States of America
Iran Autism Association
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Iran Human Rights Documentation Center
Headquarter: United States of America
Iranian Elite Research Center
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Iranian Thalassemia Society
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Iraqi Al-Amal Association
Headquarter: Iraq
Iraqi Development Organization
Headquarter: Iraq
Irene Menakaya School Onitsha
Headquarter: Nigeria
Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF)
Headquarter: Türkiye
Islamic Human Rights Commission
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Islamic Relief
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Islamic Women's Institute of Iran
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
İstanbul Kadin Ve Kadin Kuruluşlari Derneği
Headquarter: Türkiye
Istituto Diplomatico Internazionale
Headquarter: Italy
Email: liaisonoffice@idi-international.orgOpens in new window
Istituto Internazionale Maria Ausiliatrice delle Salesiane di Don Bosco
Headquarter: Switzerland
IT for Change
Headquarter: India
IUS PRIMI VIRI International Association
Headquarter: Italy
iuventum e.V.
Headquarter: Germany
J'ai Rêvé Foundation
Headquarter: Central African Republic
JACE (Japan Asia Cultural Exchanges)
Headquarter: Japan
Jameh Ehyagaran Teb Sonnati Va Salamat Iranian
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Jammu and Kashmir Council for Human Rights (JKCHR)
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Jana Utthan Pratisthan - JUP / Academy for Public Upliftment
Headquarter: Nepal
Email: Opens in new window
Japan Federation of Bar Associations
Headquarter: Japan
Japan Society for History Textbook
Headquarter: Japan
Japanese Association for the Right to Freedom of Speech
Headquarter: Japan
Japanese Association of International Women's Rights (JAIWR)
Headquarter: Japan
Japanese Workers' Committee for Human Rights
Headquarter: Japan
Jerusalem Institute of Justice
Headquarter: Israel
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS)
Headquarter: Italy
Jeunes en action pour le développement durable
Headquarter: Cameroon
Jeunes Enterprises / Junior Achievement Afrique
Headquarter: Kenya
Jeunes Verts - Togo
Headquarter: Togo
Jeunesse Etudiante Tamoule
Headquarter: France
Jose Marti Cultural Society
Headquarter: Cuba
Joseph Adedayo Foundation
Headquarter: Nigeria
Jossour Forum des Femmes Marocaines
Headquarter: Morocco
Jssor Youth Organization
Headquarter: Iraq
Jubilee Campaign
Headquarter: United States of America
Junior Chamber International
Headquarter: United States of America
Juristes pour l'enfance
Headquarter: France
Jus Cogens
Headquarter: United States of America
Justiça Global
Headquarter: Brazil
Justice for Girls Outreach Society (JFG)
Headquarter: Canada
Justice for Iran, Ltd
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Kapo Seba Sangha KSS
Headquarter: Bangladesh
Kathak Academy
Headquarter: Bangladesh
Kaurareg Aboriginal Land Trust
Headquarter: Australia
Kawish Resource Center
Headquarter: Pakistan
Kayan - Feminist Organization
Headquarter: Israel
Kejibaus Youth Development Initiative
Headquarter: Nigeria
Ken. G. Morka Foundation
Headquarter: South Africa
Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture
Headquarter: Lebanon
Khmer National Liberation Front
Headquarter: Denmark
Khubaib Foundation
Headquarter: Pakistan
Kids First Fund
Headquarter: United States of America
Kindernothilfe, Help for Children in Need
Headquarter: Germany
King Abdulaziz Center for National Dialogue
Headquarter: Saudi Arabia
Kirkon Ulkomaanavun Säätiö
Headquarter: Finland
Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women (KFAW)
Headquarter: Japan
Kiyana Karaj Group
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Knowledge Mill International Foundation
Headquarter: Nigeria
Headquarter: Togo
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.
Headquarter: Germany
Korea Center for United Nations Human Rights Policy
Headquarter: Republic of Korea
Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation
Headquarter: Republic of Korea
Korea Women's Associations United (KWAU)
Headquarter: Republic of Korea
Korean Disability Forum
Headquarter: Republic of Korea
Kulturverein - IDEA Society
Headquarter: Austria
Kuu Tinaa
Headquarter: Switzerland
Kuwait Society for Human Rights
Headquarter: Kuwait
L'Observatoire Mauritanien des Droits de l'Homme et de la Démocratie
Headquarter: Mauritania
La Brique
Headquarter: Togo
La grande puissance de Dieu
Headquarter: Benin
Email: onglagrandepuissancededieu@gmail.comOpens in new window
La Manif Pour Tous
Headquarter: France
Labour, Health and Human Rights Development Centre
Headquarter: Nigeria
Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation (LGWPF)
Headquarter: Italy
Land is Life, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Latin American Federation of Associations of Relatives of Disappeared Detainees
Headquarter: Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
Latter-Day Saint Charities
Headquarter: United States of America
Law Association for Asia and the Pacific
Headquarter: Australia
Law Council of Australia
Headquarter: Australia
Lawyers for Lawyers
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Lawyers Without Borders
Headquarter: United States of America
Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada
Headquarter: Canada
Lazarus Union
Headquarter: Austria
Email: secretary-general@lazarus-union.orgOpens in new window
Le Conseil des Jeunes Congolais de l'Etranger (CJCE)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Le Conseil International Pour Les Droits De L'homme
Headquarter: France
Le conseil universel des droits de l'homme
Headquarter: France
Le Pont
Headquarter: France
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund
Headquarter: United States of America
Leadership Initiative for Transformation & Empowerment
Headquarter: Nigeria
Leadership Watch
Headquarter: Nigeria
Lebanese Cyberspace Association
Headquarter: Lebanon
Legal Action Worldwide
Headquarter: Switzerland
Legal Analysis and Research Public Union
Headquarter: Azerbaijan
Legal Resources Center
Headquarter: South Africa
Leonard Cheshire Disability
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Les Amis du Projet Imagine
Headquarter: France
Email: frederique.bedos@leprojetimagine.comOpens in new window
Les Caribous Libérés
Headquarter: France
Les Enfants de Frankie
Headquarter: Monaco
Liberal International
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
LICHT FÜR DIE WELT - Christoffel Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Headquarter: Austria
Email: Opens in new window
Lidskoprávní organizace Práva a svobody obcanučů Turkmenistánu z.s.
Headquarter: Czech Republic
Life Maker Meeting Place Organization USA
Headquarter: Yemen
Ligue Camerounaise des droits de l'homme
Headquarter: Cameroon
Ligue internationale contre le racisme et l'antisémitisme
Headquarter: France
Ligue Marocaine de la citoyenneté et des droits de l'homme
Headquarter: Morocco
Ligue Mauritanienne pour l'appui aux initiatives associatives
Headquarter: Mauritania
Ligue pour la solidarité congolaise
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Lion Damien Club
Headquarter: South Africa
Lobbying Social Fundation A.C.
Headquarter: Mexico
Lucis Trust Association
Headquarter: Switzerland
Luis De La Calle Foundation, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Lumos Foundation
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Lutheran World Federation
Headquarter: Switzerland
Email: Isaiah.Toroitich@lutheranworld.orgOpens in new window
L´auravetli´an Information and Education Network of Indigenous People (LIENIP)
Headquarter: Russian Federation
Maarij Foundation for Peace and Development
Headquarter: Sudan
Maasai Aid Association (M.A.A.)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights Association
Headquarter: Egypt
Mabade'a Society for Human Rights
Headquarter: N/A
Madre, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Maharat Foundation
Headquarter: Lebanon
Email: Opens in new window
Headquarter: India
Make Mothers Matter - MMM
Headquarter: France
Maloca Internationale
Headquarter: Switzerland
Man Up Campaign US, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Mandat International
Headquarter: Switzerland
Email: Opens in new window
Mandela Center International
Headquarter: Cameroon
Email: mandelacenterinternational@yahoo.comOpens in new window
Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc.
Headquarter: Canada
Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights
Headquarter: Greece
Markaz Toseeh Tehran
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Martial Arts Academy
Headquarter: France
Maryam Ghasemi Educational Charity Institute
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Mayors for Peace
Headquarter: Japan
Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association
Headquarter: Cameroon
Medecins du Monde (international)
Headquarter: France
Medecins sans frontières (International)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Medical Support Association for Underprivileged Iranian Patients
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Medico International
Headquarter: Germany
Mednarodni Inštitut za Bližnjevzhodne in Balkanske Študije
Headquarter: Slovenia
Meezaan Center for Human Rights
Headquarter: Israel
MenEngage Global Alliance
Headquarter: United States of America
Mental Disability Rights International
Headquarter: United States of America
Mercy Corps
Headquarter: United States of America
Merja Zarka
Headquarter: Morocco
Michael and Francisca Foundation
Headquarter: Nigeria
Email: michaelfranciscafoundation@gmail.comOpens in new window
Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA) Inc.
Headquarter: Philippines
Mijoro Mandroso (Mi.Ma.)
Headquarter: Madagascar
Millennium Institute
Headquarter: United States of America
MINBYUN - Lawyers for a Democratic Society
Headquarter: Republic of Korea
Mines Action Canada
Headquarter: Canada
Mines Advisory Group
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Email: lizzie.humphreys@maginternational.orgOpens in new window
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life Inc. Education Fund
Headquarter: United States of America
Minority Rights Group
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Misère Option Zéro
Headquarter: Togo
Mission to Elderlies Foundation
Headquarter: Nigeria
Modern Advocacy, Humanitarian, Social and Rehabilitation Association
Headquarter: Cameroon
More Trust
Headquarter: India
Mother of Hope Cameroon Common Initiative Group
Headquarter: Cameroon
mothers2mothers South Africa (Association Incorporated Under Section 21)
Headquarter: South Africa
Mouvement alternatives citoyennes
Headquarter: Morocco
Mouvement associatif des jeunes et des étudiants
Headquarter: France
Mouvement de la Paix
Headquarter: France
Mouvement des Jeunes pour le Réveil et le Développement
Headquarter: Benin
Mouvement National des Jeunes Patriotes du Mali
Headquarter: Mali
Mukono Multi-purpose Youth Organisation
Headquarter: Uganda
Musawah Global Vision Berhad
Headquarter: Malaysia
Muslim World League
Headquarter: Saudi Arabia
Muslims for Progressive Values
Headquarter: United States of America
Nagorik Uddyog
Headquarter: Bangladesh
Naija Worldwide Charities Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Nanjing World Youth Development Service Center
Headquarter: China
Nardo aviation innovation organization (Asia Pacific) Limited
Headquarter: China
National Alliance of Women's Organizations
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (NaYORA)
Headquarter: Azerbaijan
National Association for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms
Headquarter: Egypt
National Association of Cuban Economists
Headquarter: Cuba
National Association of Vocational Education of China
Headquarter: China
National Board of Catholic Women of England and Wales
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
National Congress of American Indians
Headquarter: United States of America
National Native Title Council
Headquarter: Australia
National Old Folks of Liberia
Headquarter: Liberia
National Rifle Association of America Institute for Legislative Action
Headquarter: United States of America
National Secular Society
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
National Solar Energy Federation of India
Headquarter: India
National Union of Jurists of Cuba, The
Headquarter: Cuba
National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ)
Headquarter: Somalia
Native American Rights Fund
Headquarter: United States of America
Native Women's Association of Canada
Headquarter: Canada
Nazra for Feminist Studies
Headquarter: Egypt
Negev Coexistence Forum
Headquarter: Israel
Netherlands Association of Women’s Interests, Women’s Work and Equal Citizenship
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Network of Women's Non-governmental Organizations in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
New Future Foundation, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
New Humanity
Headquarter: United States of America
New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council
Headquarter: Australia
Email: Opens in new window
New Sunshine Charity Foundation
Headquarter: China
New Vision International - NVI
Headquarter: Switzerland
NGO Coordination post Beijing Switzerland
Headquarter: Switzerland
Niger Delta Women's Movement for Peace and Development
Headquarter: Nigeria
Niger Talents
Headquarter: Niger
Nigeria Model United Nations Society
Headquarter: Nigeria
Nigeria-Togo Association
Headquarter: Nigeria
Nigerian Association of Commercial Commuters
Headquarter: Nigeria
Nippon Foundation
Headquarter: Japan
No borders humanity organization
Headquarter: Iraq
Noble Institution for Environmental Peace Inc.
Headquarter: Canada
Non c'è pace senza giustizia
Headquarter: Italy
Non-Profit Foundation The Foundation for the Study of Democracy and Geopolitics
Headquarter: Russian Federation
Nonviolence International
Headquarter: United States of America
Nonviolent Peaceforce
Headquarter: United States of America
Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty
Headquarter: Italy
Nord-Sud XXI - North-South XXI
Headquarter: Switzerland
Norwegian Refugee Council
Headquarter: Norway
Nouveau Point De Vue (N.P.D.V.)
Headquarter: France
Nouveaux droits de l'homme (NDH)
Headquarter: Cameroon
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
Headquarter: United States of America
O.N.G. Derechos Digitales
Headquarter: Chile
Objectif Sciences International
Headquarter: Switzerland
Observatoire de gestion de la formation et administration scolaire
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Observatoire du Crime Organisé
Headquarter: Switzerland
Observatoire National pour les Droits de l'Electeur
Headquarter: Morocco
Headquarter: Switzerland
Headquarter: Switzerland
ODHIKAR - Coalition for Human Rights
Headquarter: Bangladesh
Oeuvre d'Orient
Headquarter: France
Ohaha Family Foundation
Headquarter: Nigeria
Oidhaco, Bureau International des Droits Humains - Action Colombie
Headquarter: Belgium
OIPA - Organizzazione Internazionale Protezione Animali
Headquarter: Italy
OLPC Foundation
Headquarter: United States of America
Omega Research Foundation Limited
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
ONG Cruz Verde Ambiental
Headquarter: Colombia
ONG Hope International
Headquarter: Switzerland
Open Net Incorporated Association
Headquarter: Republic of Korea
Open Society Institute
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: rita.lo@opensocietyfoundations.orgOpens in new window
Operation Smile, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil Conselho Federal
Headquarter: Brazil
Ordre Suprême des Ancêtres
Headquarter: Benin
Organisation Attawassoul pour la Santé, la Femme et l'Enfant
Headquarter: Mauritania
Organisation camerounaise pour la protection de l'arbre
Headquarter: Cameroon
Organisation des Laics Engagés du Sacré-Coeur pour le Développement de Kimbondo
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Organisation Européenne des Centres Islamiques (OECI)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Organisation Futur Rayonnant
Headquarter: Mauritania
Organisation Internationale pour la Sécurité des Transactions Electroniques OISTE
Headquarter: Switzerland
Organisation internationale pour les pays les moins avancés (OIPMA)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Organisation Marocaine des Droits Humains
Headquarter: Morocco
Organisation Mondiale des associations pour l'éducation prénatale
Headquarter: Switzerland
Organisation Mondiale des Experts-Conseils Arbitres
Headquarter: France
Organisation pour de nouvelles Initiatives en Développement et Santé au Burkina Faso
Headquarter: Burkina Faso
Organisation Suisse d'aide aux réfugiés
Headquarter: Switzerland
Email: jelena.schwarzenbach@fluechtlingshilfe.chOpens in new window
Organisation Technique eropéenne du Pneumatique et de la Jante ADF
Headquarter: Belgium
Organização das Famílias da Ásia e do Pacífico
Headquarter: China
Organization for Defending Victims of Violence
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Organization For Immigrants Peace And Federal Development
Headquarter: Ghana
Organization for International Economic Relations
Headquarter: Austria
Organization for Research and Community Development
Headquarter: Afghanistan
Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities
Headquarter: Saudi Arabia
Oromia Support Group in Australia Inc.
Headquarter: Australia
Oronos Stiftung
Headquarter: Switzerland
Orphan Charity Foundation
Headquarter: Iraq
Osdife Osservatorio sulla Sicurezza e Difesa CBRNe
Headquarter: Italy
Oui Pour une Enfance Noble
Headquarter: Mali
Outreach Social Care Project
Headquarter: South Africa
OutRight Action International
Headquarter: United States of America
Oxfam GB
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Oxfam International
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
P3 Foundation
Headquarter: New Zealand
Pace University
Headquarter: United States of America
Pakistan Rural Workers Social Welfare Organization (PRWSWO)
Headquarter: Pakistan
Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms "MADA"
Headquarter: State of Palestine
Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
Headquarter: State of Palestine
Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH)
Headquarter: State of Palestine
Pan African Federation of Agricultural Trade Unions
Headquarter: Ghana
Pan African Union for Science and Technology
Headquarter: Congo
Pan American Development Foundation
Headquarter: United States of America
Pan European Forest Certification Council
Headquarter: Switzerland
Pan Pacific and South East Asia Women's Association
Headquarter: Thailand
Pan Pacific and South East Asia Women's Association of Thailand
Headquarter: Thailand
PANGEE ONG Ingénierie de paix
Headquarter: France
Parliamentarians for Global Action
Headquarter: United States of America
Pars Non Trading Development Activists Co.
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Partners For Transparency
Headquarter: Egypt
Passionists International
Headquarter: United States of America
Pasumai Thaayagam Foundation
Headquarter: India
Patiala Foundation
Headquarter: India
Patriotic Vision
Headquarter: Lebanon
Pax Christi International, International Catholic Peace Movement
Headquarter: Belgium
payamavaran hamyari (chatra)
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Paz y Cooperación
Headquarter: Spain
Email: presidente.pazycooperacion@gmail.comOpens in new window
PEAC Institute A NJ Nonprofit Corporatio
Headquarter: United States of America
Peace and Conflict Science (PACS) Institute
Headquarter: Sweden
Peace Boat
Headquarter: Japan
Peace Brigades International
Headquarter: Belgium
Peace Brigades International Switzerland
Headquarter: Switzerland
Peace Corps of Nigeria
Headquarter: Nigeria
Peace Society of Kenya
Headquarter: Kenya
Peace Track Initiative
Headquarter: Canada
Peace Worldwide
Headquarter: Pakistan
Peacebuilding Solutions
Headquarter: United States of America
Peaceland Foundation
Headquarter: China
Peivande Gole Narges Organization
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Penal Reform International
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
People for Equality and Relief in Lanka Inc
Headquarter: United States of America
People for Successful Corean Reunification
Headquarter: Republic of Korea
People of Good Heart
Headquarter: Nigeria
People with Disability Australia, Inc.
Headquarter: Australia
People's Cultural Centre
Headquarter: India
People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy
Headquarter: Republic of Korea
Personhood Education
Headquarter: United States of America
Physicians for Human Rights
Headquarter: United States of America
Pioneers of Goodness International Organization
Headquarter: Lebanon
Pirate Parties International Headquarters
Headquarter: Belgium
Pitirim Sorokin - Nikolai Kondratieff International Institute
Headquarter: Russian Federation
Plan International, Inc.
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Inc., The
Headquarter: Canada
Plataforma de Organizaciones de Infancia
Headquarter: Spain
Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants
Headquarter: Belgium
Platform for Youth Integration and Volunteerism
Headquarter: Cameroon
Pleaders of Children and Elderly People at Risk "PEPAINGO"
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Policy & Economic Alliance Caring of Earth
Headquarter: China
Pompiers humanitaires
Headquarter: Benin
Headquarter: India
Prajachaitanya Yuvajana Sangam
Headquarter: India
Headquarter: India
Precious Gems
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Presse Embleme Campagne
Headquarter: Switzerland
Prevention Association of Social Harms (PASH)
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Privacy International
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Pro-Biodiversity Conservationists in Uganda Limited
Headquarter: Uganda
Profesionales por la Ética
Headquarter: Spain
Progetto Alfa Cultural Association
Headquarter: Italy
Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH)
Headquarter: United States of America
Program in International Human Rights Law
Headquarter: United States of America
Project 1948 Foundation
Headquarter: United States of America
Promotion des Yaelima de Dekese
Headquarter: Congo
Promotion du Développement Economique et Social - PDES
Headquarter: Switzerland
Protection for Legal & Human Rights Foundation
Headquarter: Bangladesh
Protestant Agency for Diakonie and Development
Headquarter: Germany
Email: silke.pfeiffer@brot-fuer-die-welt.deOpens in new window
Public Aid Organization
Headquarter: Iraq
Public Eye, Verein auf der Grundlage der Erklärung von Bern, Bern
Headquarter: Switzerland
Public International Law and Policy Group
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: PILPG-Institutional-Registration@pilpg.orgOpens in new window
Public Organization "Public Advocacy"
Headquarter: Ukraine
Public Services International
Headquarter: France
Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs
Headquarter: Italy
Qatar Foundation for Social Work
Headquarter: Qatar
Radha Soami Sat Sang Beas
Headquarter: India
Email: Opens in new window
Rahbord Peimayesh Research & Educational Services Cooperative
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Rainforest Foundation International
Headquarter: United States of America
Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan
Headquarter: India
Rashid international e.V.
Headquarter: Germany
Rawsam Human Development Center
Headquarter: Iraq
Rebirth Charity Society
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Recreation Vehicle Industry Association
Headquarter: United States of America
Recreation Vehicle Industry Association, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Red, Paz, Integración y Desarrollo "PAZINDE"
Headquarter: Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Rede Latino Americana de Organizações Não Governamentais de Pessoas com Deficiência e suas Famílias (RIADIS)
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Redress Trust
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Refugee Council of Australia
Headquarter: Australia
Refugees International (RI)
Headquarter: United States of America
RefugePoint, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Regards de Femmes
Headquarter: France
Release Legal Emergency and Drugs Service Limited
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Relief International
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: Opens in new window
Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary
Headquarter: Italy
Rencontre Africaine pour la defense des droits de l'homme (RADDHO)
Headquarter: Senegal
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Rescue the Poor Child
Headquarter: Sweden
Réseau Communautaire pour le Pauvre
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Reseau de Formation et de Recherche sur les Migrations Africaines (REFORMAF)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Réseau Européen pour l'Egalité des Langues
Headquarter: France
Réseau Européen pour l'Égalité des Langues
Headquarter: France
Réseau International des Droits Humains (RIDH)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Réseau Unité pour le Développement de Mauritanie
Headquarter: Mauritania
Headquarter: Switzerland
RET International
Headquarter: Switzerland
Réveil communautaire d'assistance aux victimes
Headquarter: Burundi
Reyada for Capacity Building Studies & Consultations
Headquarter: Sudan
Right Livelihood Award Foundation
Headquarter: Sweden
RightsTech Women
Headquarter: Switzerland
Roads of Success
Headquarter: United States of America
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Rokpa International
Headquarter: Switzerland
Rotary International
Headquarter: United States of America
Royal Academy of Science International Trust
Headquarter: United States of America
Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Rozaria Memorial Trust
Headquarter: Zimbabwe
Rural Development Centre
Headquarter: India
Rural Relief Foundation
Headquarter: Nigeria
Email: Opens in new window
Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Headquarter: Russian Federation
Russian Peace Foundation
Headquarter: Russian Federation
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Rwanda Women Community Development Network
Headquarter: Rwanda
Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy (RCPA)
Headquarter: Uganda
Saami Council
Headquarter: Norway
Sacro Militare Ordine Costantiniano di San Giorgio
Headquarter: Italy
SAE International
Headquarter: United States of America
Safe Care Trust International
Headquarter: Pakistan
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Salesian Missions, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Salvation Army, The
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: Victoria.Edmonds@Salvationarmy.orgOpens in new window
Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled
Headquarter: India
Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference
Headquarter: United States of America
Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Sanad Charity Foundation
Headquarter: Sudan
Sanid Organization for Relief and Development
Headquarter: Yemen
Sanya Public Diplomacy Institute
Headquarter: N/A
Save a Child's Heart in Memory of Dr. Ami Cohen
Headquarter: Israel
Save Cambodia
Headquarter: United States of America
Save the Children International
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Email: savechildrenun@savethechildren.orgOpens in new window
Save the Climat
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Jugendverbände
Headquarter: Switzerland
Secure World Foundation
Headquarter: United States of America
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Sergius Oseasochie Ogun Foundation
Headquarter: Nigeria
Servas International
Headquarter: Sweden
Servicios y Asesoría para la Paz
Headquarter: Mexico
Headquarter: Cameroon
Shaanxi Patriotic Volunteer Association
Headquarter: China
Shaik Taher Azzawi Charity Organization
Headquarter: Libya
Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre
Headquarter: India
Headquarter: Lebanon
Shirley Ann Sullivan Educational Foundation
Headquarter: United States of America
Shivi Development Society
Headquarter: India
Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society of Nursing, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Sikh Human Rights Group
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Silver Lining for the Needy Initiative
Headquarter: Nigeria
Simon Wiesenthal Center
Headquarter: France
Sindhi Adhikar Manch (Association)
Headquarter: India
Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association
Headquarter: Singapore
Sisterhood Is Global Institute
Headquarter: United States of America
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Headquarter: United States of America
Sivil Yaşam Derneği
Headquarter: Türkiye
Smile Train, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Social Empowerment for Economic Development (S.E.E.D)
Headquarter: South Africa
Socialist International
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Email: secretariat@socialistinternational.orgOpens in new window
Socialist International Women
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Sociedad Espiritista Kardeciana Cruzada Quisicuaba
Headquarter: Cuba
Sociedade Maranhense de Direitos Humanos
Headquarter: Brazil
Societé Internationale d’Oncologie Gériatrique (SIOG)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Society for Development and Community Empowerment (SDCE)
Headquarter: Nigeria
Society for International Development
Headquarter: Italy
Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc.
Headquarter: N/A
Society for the Protection and Assistance of the Socially Disadvantaged Individuals, The
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Society for the Protection for the Rights of the Child
Headquarter: Pakistan
Email: Opens in new window
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
Headquarter: United States of America
Society for Threatened Peoples
Headquarter: Germany
Society of Iranian Women Advocating Sustainable Development of Environment
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Society Studies Centre (MADA ssc)
Headquarter: Sudan
Soka Gakkai International
Headquarter: Japan
Solar Cookers International
Headquarter: United States of America
Solidariedade Na Mokili
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Solidariedade Na Mokili
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Solidarité Agissante pour le Devéloppement Familial (SADF)
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Solidarité Internationale Santé-Logistique Humanitaire
Headquarter: France
Solidarité pour un Monde Meilleur
Headquarter: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Solidarité Suisse-Guinée
Headquarter: Switzerland
Email: barry_baud@solidaritesuisseguinee.orgOpens in new window
Somali Help-Age Association
Headquarter: Somalia
Sonke Gender Justice Network
Headquarter: South Africa
Sons of the Prophet Network SADC with Apostle Johnson Suleman
Headquarter: South Africa
Email: sonsoftheprophetnetworksadc@gmail.comOpens in new window
Soroptimist International
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Soroptimist International of Europe
Headquarter: Switzerland
SOS Education
Headquarter: Côte D'Ivoire
SOS Kinderdorf International
Headquarter: Austria
SOS Urgence
Headquarter: Mauritania
South Asian Association of Pediatric Dentistry
Headquarter: India
South Youth Organization
Headquarter: Iraq
Sovereign Imperial and Royal House of Ghassan Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (OSMTH)
Headquarter: United States of America
Headquarter: Singapore
Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute
Headquarter: United States of America
Standing Voice
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Stichting Basug (Bangladesh Support Group)
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Stichting Chinese Initiative on International Law
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Stichting CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Stichting Confederation of European Maritime Technology Societies
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
stichting dance4life
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Stichting Ezidis
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Stichting Fibree
Headquarter: Malta
Stichting Forest Peoples Programme
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Stichting Global Human Rights Defence
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Stichting Iranian Center for International Criminal Law
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Stichting Justitia et Pax Nederland
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Stichting Mama Cash
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Stichting Samenwerkingsverband IKV - Pax Christi
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Stichting War Child
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Stichting Youth for Road Safety (Yours)
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Stiftung Brot fuer Alle
Headquarter: Switzerland
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
Headquarter: Germany
Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA)
Headquarter: Uganda
Strength in Diversity Development Centre
Headquarter: Nigeria
Stroke Association SupportNetwork - Ghana
Headquarter: Ghana
Structural Analysis of Cultural Systems
Headquarter: Germany
Studium Generale Ambrosianum
Headquarter: Italy
STUF United Fund Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Subjective Physics Sciences
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Sudan Council of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA)
Headquarter: Sudan
Sudanese Women General Union
Headquarter: Sudan
Sudanese Women Parliamentarians Caucus
Headquarter: Sudan
Sunny Trust
Headquarter: Pakistan
Suomen YK-liitto Ry
Headquarter: Finland
Support Centre for Food Development (SCFD)
Headquarter: Nigeria
Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN)
Headquarter: Uganda
Support Women Initiatives to Transform Children
Headquarter: Nigeria
Susila Dharma International Association
Headquarter: Canada
Email: Opens in new window
Swedish Association for Sexuality Education
Headquarter: Sweden
Swedish NGO Foundation for Human Rights
Headquarter: Sweden
Headquarter: Sweden
Swiss Academy for Development, SAD
Headquarter: Switzerland
Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund
Headquarter: Switzerland
Swiss Peace Foundation
Headquarter: Switzerland
Synergie Feminine Pour La Paix Et Le Developpement Durable
Headquarter: Guinea
Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression
Headquarter: France
Tabernacle Worship and Prayer Ministry Inc
Headquarter: United States of America
Tamdeen Youth Foundation
Headquarter: Yemen
Tamil Uzhagam
Headquarter: France
Headquarter: France
Tandem Project, The
Headquarter: United States of America
Tchad agir pour l'environment
Headquarter: Switzerland
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Technical Centre for Fine Art and Computer Studies CIG
Headquarter: Cameroon
Teresian Association
Headquarter: Spain
Terra de Direitos
Headquarter: Brazil
Email: terradedireitos@terradedireitos.org.brOpens in new window
Terre Des Hommes Federation Internationale
Headquarter: Switzerland
Email: flore-anne.bourgeois@terredeshommes.orgOpens in new window
Thalassaemia International Federation Limited
Headquarter: Cyprus
The Amal Alliance Inc
Headquarter: United States of America
The Arab Council for Supporting Fair Trial
Headquarter: Egypt
The Association of Citizens Civil Rights Protection "Manshour-e Parseh"
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
The Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers
Headquarter: Egypt
The Bahrain Young Ladies Association
Headquarter: Bahrain
The Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work
Headquarter: Canada
The Center for Justice and Accountability
Headquarter: United States of America
The Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Foundation Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
The Conflict and Environment Observatory
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Death Penalty Project Limited
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Emmanuel Ivorgba Foundation
Headquarter: Nigeria
The Equal Rights Trust
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Geneva Consensus Foundation
Headquarter: Switzerland
Email: president@genevaconsensusfoundation.orgOpens in new window
The Global Centre for Risk and Innovation
Headquarter: Canada
The HALO Trust
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Heritage Foundation
Headquarter: United States of America
The Inclusivity Project, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: johannes@theinclusivityproject.orgOpens in new window
The Institute for Protection of Women's Rights (IPWR)
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
The International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Email: Opens in new window
The International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations (ILEP)
Headquarter: Switzerland
The Islamic Relief Association for the Orphan and the Poor
Headquarter: Israel
The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan
Headquarter: Republic of Korea
The Law Society
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Mary Robinson Foundation
Headquarter: Ireland
Email: Opens in new window
The May 18 Memorial Foundation
Headquarter: Republic of Korea
The National Association of Familial Security
Headquarter: Kuwait
The Next Century Foundation
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Organization for Poverty Alleviation and Development
Headquarter: Sweden
The Palestinian Return Centre Ltd
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Partnering Initiative
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Regional Center for the Welfare of Ageing Persons in Cameroon
Headquarter: Cameroon
The Secure Aid Relief Foundation
Headquarter: United States of America
The Society for Recovery Support
Headquarter: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
The Union of Arab Banks
Headquarter: Lebanon
The Vision for Teenagers Adolescents and Youths Wellbeing Initiative
Headquarter: Nigeria
The Well Being Foundation
Headquarter: Nigeria
The World Academy of Art and Science
Headquarter: United States of America
The Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Themis - Gender, Justice and Human Rights
Headquarter: Brazil
Third World Institute - Instituto del Tercer Mundo
Headquarter: Uruguay
Third World Network
Headquarter: Malaysia
Third World Network- Africa
Headquarter: Ghana
Tides Center
Headquarter: United States of America
Tiye International
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
TOBE Foundation for Rights & Freedoms
Headquarter: Yemen
Toplumsal Haklar ve Araştirmalar Derneği (TOHAD)
Headquarter: Türkiye
Tourner la Page
Headquarter: France
Touro Law Center, The Institute on Human Rights and The Holocaust
Headquarter: United States of America
Traditions pour demain
Headquarter: Switzerland
Transatlantic Christian Council
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Email: hjvanschothorst@christiancouncilinternational.orgOpens in new window
Transform Drug Policy Foundation
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Translators Without Borders - US, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Email: aimee@translatorswithoutborders.orgOpens in new window
Transparency International
Headquarter: Germany
TRIAL International
Headquarter: Switzerland
Trust for Youth Child Leadership (TYCL)
Headquarter: India
Trustees of Tufts College
Headquarter: United States of America
Truth Foundation
Headquarter: Republic of Korea
Tumuku Development and Cultural Union (TACUDU)
Headquarter: Cameroon
U.S. Federation for Middle East Peace, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
UCC Whale Center Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Ukrainian World Congress
Headquarter: Canada
Umuada Igbo Nigeria
Headquarter: Nigeria
Email: umuadaigbonigeriafounder@gmail.comOpens in new window
Un Ponte Per...
Headquarter: Italy
UNANIMA International
Headquarter: United States of America
Under The Same Sun Fund
Headquarter: Canada
UNESCO Association, Guwahati
Headquarter: India
UNESCO Centre of Catalonia
Headquarter: Spain
UNESCO Etxea (UNESCO Centre Basque Country)
Headquarter: Spain
Union de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba
Headquarter: Cuba
Union des peuples autochtones pour le réveil au développement
Headquarter: Burundi
Union for International Cancer Control
Headquarter: Switzerland
Union Internationale des Avocats - International Union of Lawyers
Headquarter: France
Union Nations Federation
Headquarter: Comoros
Email: president@unionnationsfederation.orgOpens in new window
Union of Arab Jurists
Headquarter: Switzerland
Union of Disabled People Organizations of Azerbaijan
Headquarter: Azerbaijan
Union of International Associations
Headquarter: Belgium
Union of Northwest Human Rights Organisation
Headquarter: Cameroon
Union of Producers, conveyors and Distributors of Electric Power in Africa
Headquarter: Côte D'Ivoire
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
Headquarter: United States of America
United Bible Societies Association
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United Church of Christ - Board for World Ministries
Headquarter: United States of America
United Cities and Local Governments
Headquarter: Spain
United for Human Rights
Headquarter: Switzerland
United Methodist Church - General Board of Church and Society
Headquarter: United States of America
United Methodist Church - General Board of Global Ministries
Headquarter: United States of America
United Nations Association of Australia Incorporated
Headquarter: Australia
United Nations Association of China
Headquarter: China
United Nations Association of Russia
Headquarter: Russian Federation
United Nations Association of Sweden
Headquarter: Sweden
United Nations Association of the United States of America
Headquarter: United States of America
United Nations Watch
Headquarter: Switzerland
United Network of Young Peacebuilders (UNOY Peacebuilders)
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
United Religions Initiative
Headquarter: United States of America
United Schools International
Headquarter: United States of America
United States Council for the International Business, Incorporated
Headquarter: United States of America
United States International Council on Disabilities
Headquarter: United States of America
United Towns Agency for North-South Cooperation
Headquarter: Switzerland
Universal Esperanto Association
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Universal Institute of Professional Management
Headquarter: Indonesia
Universal Peace and Violence Amelioration Centre
Headquarter: Nigeria
Universal Peace Federation
Headquarter: United States of America
Universal Rights Group
Headquarter: Switzerland
Universal Soul Love
Headquarter: United States of America
Universal Versatile Society Nagathana, Ta./Dist.:Washim
Headquarter: India
Universalis Matter
Headquarter: France
Universities Allied for Essential Medicines, Corp.
Headquarter: United States of America
Unspoken Smiles Foundation
Headquarter: United States of America
UPR Info
Headquarter: Switzerland
US Committee for Human Rights in North Korea
Headquarter: United States of America
US Human Rights Network Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Headquarter: India
Validity Foundation – Mental Disability Advocacy Centre
Headquarter: Hungary
Value Health Africa
Headquarter: Cameroon
Vent 2 Sables
Headquarter: France
Verein Sudwind Entwicklungspolitik
Headquarter: Austria
Victorious Youths Movement
Headquarter: France
Vida y Familia de Guadalajara A.C.
Headquarter: Mexico
Vie et Santé du Centre
Headquarter: Cameroon
Vie Médicale
Headquarter: Cameroon
Vie Montante International (VMI)
Headquarter: France
Vier Pfoten International - gemeinnützige Privatstiftung
Headquarter: Austria
Viešoji įstaiga "Trust in Development"
Headquarter: Lithuania
Vietnam Family Planning Association (VINAFPA)
Headquarter: Egypt
Vietnam Peace and Development Foundation
Headquarter: Viet Nam
Village Suisse ONG
Headquarter: Switzerland
Villages Unis (United Villages)
Headquarter: Switzerland
Villes de France
Headquarter: France
Email: Opens in new window
Virtual Activism Incorporated
Headquarter: United States of America
Vision mondiale de la santé "VIM'S"
Headquarter: France
Vithu Trust Fund
Headquarter: Switzerland
VIVAT International
Headquarter: United States of America
Voice of African Women
Headquarter: South Africa
Voie éclairée des enfants démunis (V.E.D.)
Headquarter: France
Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo
Headquarter: Italy
Všį "Žmogaus teisių apsauga"
Headquarter: Lithuania
Vətəndaşların Sosial Rifahı Naminə" ictimai birliyi
Headquarter: Azerbaijan
War Resisters International
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Wash United gGmbh
Headquarter: Germany
Headquarter: Switzerland
Wedad International Foundation
Headquarter: Switzerland
WEFA – Humanitäre Organisation e.V
Headquarter: Germany
Widows for Peace through Democracy
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Email: Opens in new window
Widows Rights International
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Wiener Drogen Komitee (Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs)
Headquarter: Austria
Wildlife Conservation Society
Headquarter: United States of America
Headquarter: United States of America
WJ Mudolo Foundation
Headquarter: South Africa
WO=MEN, Dutch Gender Platform
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Wockhardt Foundation
Headquarter: India
Email: Opens in new window
Women Against Mutilations: WAM
Headquarter: Switzerland
Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE)
Headquarter: Austria
Women and Child Watch Initiatives
Headquarter: Nigeria
Women and Child Watch Initiatives
Headquarter: Nigeria
Women and Development Association in Alexandria
Headquarter: Egypt
Women and Media Collective
Headquarter: Sri Lanka
Women Deliver, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Women Enabled
Headquarter: United States of America
Women Environmental Programme
Headquarter: Nigeria
Women for Human Rights, single women group
Headquarter: Nepal
Women for Water Partnership
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Women for Women's Human Rights - New Ways
Headquarter: Türkiye
Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF)
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Women in Global Health
Headquarter: United States of America
Women in Law and Development in Africa
Headquarter: Togo
Women Organization for Development and Capacity Building
Headquarter: Sudan
Women With Disabilities Australia Inc.
Headquarter: Australia
Women's Board Educational Cooperation Society
Headquarter: Nigeria
Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling
Headquarter: Israel
Women's Environment and Development Organization
Headquarter: United States of America
Women's Federation for World Peace International
Headquarter: United States of America
Women's General Association of Macau, The.
Headquarter: China
Women's Human Rights International Association
Headquarter: France
Women's International Democratic Federation
Headquarter: El Salvador
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Headquarter: Switzerland
Women's International Zionist Organization
Headquarter: Israel
Women's Network for Change
Headquarter: United States of America
Women's Refugee Commission, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Women's Right to Education Programme
Headquarter: Nigeria
Women's World Summit Foundation
Headquarter: Switzerland
Headquarter: Switzerland
WomenNC-NC Committee for CSW/CEDAW
Headquarter: United States of America
WOOMB International Ltd
Headquarter: Australia
Email: manager@thebillingsovulationmethod.orgOpens in new window
Word of Life Christian Fellowship
Headquarter: Jamaica
World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action
Headquarter: Malaysia
World Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations
Headquarter: Switzerland
World Association for Christian Communication
Headquarter: Canada
World Association for Element/building and Prefabrication
Headquarter: Germany
World Association for the School as an Instrument of Peace
Headquarter: Switzerland
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
World Barua Organization (WBO)
Headquarter: Switzerland
World Blind Union
Headquarter: Canada
World Council of Arameans (Syriacs)
Headquarter: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
World Eco-Design Conference
Headquarter: China
World Environment and Resources Council (WERC)
Headquarter: Belgium
World Evangelical Alliance
Headquarter: United States of America
World Family Organization
Headquarter: France
World Federalist Movement
Headquarter: United States of America
World Federation for Mental Health
Headquarter: United States of America
World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies
Headquarter: China
World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies
Headquarter: China
World Federation of Engineering Organizations
Headquarter: France
World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
World Federation of Public Health Associations
Headquarter: Switzerland
World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
World Federation of the Deaf (WFD)
Headquarter: Finland
World Federation of Trade Unions
Headquarter: Switzerland
World Federation of Ukrainian Women's Organizations
Headquarter: Canada
World Federation of United Nations Associations
Headquarter: United States of America
World for World Organization
Headquarter: Italy
World Forum on Shooting Activities
Headquarter: Belgium
World Fund for Development and Planning (WFDP)
Headquarter: Egypt
World Future Council Foundation
Headquarter: Germany
World Heart Federation
Headquarter: Switzerland
World Indigenous Tourism Alliance Limited
Headquarter: New Zealand
World Information Transfer
Headquarter: United States of America
World Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection and Development Foundation, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
World Jewish Congress
Headquarter: United States of America
World Jurist Association of the World Peace Through Law Center
Headquarter: United States of America
World Lebanese Cultural Union, Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
World Medical Association
Headquarter: France
World Muslim Congress
Headquarter: Pakistan
World Organisation Against Torture
Headquarter: Switzerland
World Organization for Early Childhood Education
Headquarter: Republic of Korea
World Organization of Governance and Competitiveness
Headquarter: United States of America
World Organization of the Scout Movement
Headquarter: Malaysia
World ORT Union
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
World Peace Council
Headquarter: Greece
World Russian People’s Council
Headquarter: Russian Federation
World Safety Organization
Headquarter: United States of America
World Trade Point Federation
Headquarter: Switzerland
World Union for Progressive Judaism
Headquarter: Israel
World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations
Headquarter: Italy
World Veterans Federation
Headquarter: France
World Vision International
Headquarter: United States of America
World Welfare Association
Headquarter: Pakistan
World Wide Fund for Nature International
Headquarter: Switzerland
World Young Women's Christian Association
Headquarter: Switzerland
World Youth Alliance
Headquarter: United States of America
World Youth Summit NPC
Headquarter: South Africa
Worldwide Organization for Women
Headquarter: United States of America
Wuxi Lingshan Charity Foundation
Headquarter: China
Headquarter: Switzerland
Yakutia - Our Opinion
Headquarter: Russian Federation
Headquarter: France
Yolse, Santé Publique et Innovation
Headquarter: Switzerland
YouChange China Social Entrepreneur Foundation
Headquarter: China
Young Women's Christian Association of Australia
Headquarter: Australia
Email: Opens in new window
Youth Bridge Foundation
Headquarter: Ghana
Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (YCSRR)
Headquarter: Canada
Youth Enhancement Organization
Headquarter: Nigeria
Youth in Technology and Arts Network (YOTAN)
Headquarter: Liberia
Youth Leaders Foundation
Headquarter: Egypt
Youth Love Egypt Foundation
Headquarter: Egypt
Youth Parliament for SDG
Headquarter: Switzerland
Youth with a Mission
Headquarter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
YOUTHLEAD (Jeunes Leaders)
Headquarter: Togo
Zaka Rescue and Recovery
Headquarter: Israel
Zala briviba
Headquarter: Latvia
Zero Pauvre Afrique
Headquarter: Guinea
Email: thierno.balde@zeropauvreafrique.orgOpens in new window
Zhongguancun Federation of Social Organizations
Headquarter: China
Zhongguancun Green Mine Industry Alliance
Headquarter: China
Zoï Environment Network
Headquarter: Switzerland
Zomi Innkuan USA Inc.
Headquarter: United States of America
Zonta International
Headquarter: United States of America
Əlil Təşkilatları İttifaqı
Headquarter: Azerbaijan