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Director-General's remarks at the Fourth Annual Security Symposium

Tatiana Valovaya

Fourth Annual Security Symposium 

“Innovative and Tech-Enabled Security Risk Management” 

Monday, 24 June 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

Room VII, Palais des Nations


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Distinguished guests, 

Dear colleagues, 

Good morning and welcome to the Security Symposium at the United Nations Office in Geneva. It is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to both in person and virtual participants. I would like to thank Mr. Gilles Michaud, Under-Secretary-General for Safety and Security, for his virtual presence despite the time difference with New York, and a special thank you to Mr. William Blanchard, Director of the Department of Field Operations at UNDSS, for being here with us in person.

Of course, I would also like to acknowledge the combined efforts of the brilliant team of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS), who made today’s event possible. Thank you, Mr. Luky Eko Wuryanto, for traveling all the way from Beijing to be with us today.

For the fourth consecutive year, the Security Symposium stands as a forum for collaboration among international organizations, Member States, academia, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector. Geneva, as a global hub for international cooperation and diplomacy, serves as the ideal location to bring together such a diverse group. I hope you will be inspired to share experiences, best practices, and to engage in meaningful discussions on strategic and policy issues that shape the global security environment.

As we embark on this year’s Symposium, we find ourselves navigating a complex and often unpredictable security landscape - we are all in this together as we operate amidst global crises, with geopolitical fractures, looming food shortages, unprecedented cost-of-living crisis, technological possibilities and threats, energy and environmental crisis, and potential economic and social chaos.  This context adds layers of complexity to the global security environment. 

In my role as Designated Official in Switzerland, I have witnessed firsthand the indispensable value of the collaborative approach of the United Nations Security Management System (UNSMS) in implementing the stay-and-deliver strategy across the globe. This approach focuses on effectively managing the risks to which our personnel are exposed, ensuring that the United Nations can continue to deliver its programs, even in very-high risk environments.

The momentum for the Security Symposium reflects our collective commitment to strengthening strategic safety and security partnerships. This event provides a valuable opportunity to enhance collaboration between UNSMS organizations and other key stakeholders, including think tank leaders, representatives of international organizations, and the private sector. The presence of representatives from the Permanent Missions to the United Nations in Geneva reflects the timely nature of our discussions also to Member States. 

The theme of this year’s Symposium, “Innovative and Tech-enabled Security Risk Management”, will hopefully facilitate greater awareness and understanding of how innovation and technology can enhance our ability to anticipate, plan, and respond to emergency situations, enabling informed decision-making. It will also shed some light on the less helpful role of technology and the risks associated with the fast-evolving use of artificial intelligence. The rapid advancements in technology can transform the way we manage and mitigate security risks: for instance, at the United Nations Office in Geneva, we have leveraged tech-enabled solutions to provide digital badges for visitors. This has enhanced security protocols for the benefit of personnel and visitors. 

Over the course of today, you will explore a range of aspects related to innovative security risk management, from the latest technological advancements to strategic policy issues. I am confident that the knowledge and expertise shared here will further solidify the importance of the Security Symposium and its lasting impact to security partnerships and knowledge-sharing.

Thank you, I look forward to a productive Security Symposium and wish you a fruitful discussion.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.