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Director-General's remarks at the "News Generation Against Hate: Promoting Sports as a Tool for Intercultural Dialogue"

Tatiana Valovaya


 “News Generation Against Hate: Promoting Sports as a Tool for Intercultural Dialogue", organized by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations

Wednesday, 17 April 2024 at 9.30 a.m.

Room XXVII, E Building, Palais des Nations


High Representative Moratinos,

Ambassador Jérôme Bonnafont,

Mr. Gilles Poux,

Mr. Alfonso Gómez,

Ladies and gentlemen,


A warm welcome to the Palais des Nations. 

It is a great pleasure to be here with you for the event “News Generation Against Hate: Promoting Sports as a Tool for Intercultural Dialogue”.

Let me thank the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and the Municipality of La Courneuve for organizing this important event here at the Palais des Nations – the heart of multilateralism. I would also like to thank Mr. Gilles Poux and Mr. Alfonso Gómez for their unwavering support. 

Amidst a world marred by divisions and intolerance, initiatives like this underscore the positive impacts of youth involvement.

With projections estimating a 7 percent increase in the global youth population by 2030, young people represent both the present and the future drivers of change. 

The United Nations recognizes the indispensable role of youth in paving the way to a better world. The UN Secretary-General’s Our Common Agenda, a blueprint for renewed solidarity between peoples and future generations, stresses the pivotal role of youth engagement, through three guiding principles: providing resources to youth, institutionalizing youth voices, and ensuring accessibility in decision-making processes. That’s why youth is actively engaged in the process of preparing for the upcoming Summit of the Future. 

Here in Geneva, the UN family also provides diverse activities tailored for young people, valuing opportunities for their engagement in multilateral fora and the development of solutions affecting their future. Initiatives like the Young Activists Summits, Model United Nations, sessions of Young Reporters at the UN, or the What’s Next Series launched by the SDG Lab in my Office foster intergenerational dialogue and empower the youth to shape the trajectory of sustainable development.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today’s gathering places a spotlight on youth in sport, highlighting their potential to drive intercultural understanding and social progress. Engagement of young people in sport not only promotes physical well-being but also cultivates values of teamwork, respect, and tolerance. It enhances their understanding of societal issues and improves their skills to participate effectively in contemporary discussions at various levels, from local to global.

Sport has the unique power to unite, ignite inspiration and catalyze positive change. It transcends geographical boundaries, cultural differences and languages, embodying the very essence of solidarity. Sport can be instrumental in preventing conflict and promoting long-lasting peace and development objectives. Initiatives like the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (6 April) or the adoption of the UN General Assembly resolution of November 2023 with the call to uphold peace during the upcoming Summer Olympics in France, contribute to global harmony.

UNOG recently implemented an initiative focused on promoting equality, tolerance, and peace in the realm of sports - a photo exhibition entitled “Not a Woman’s Job?: Breaking Barriers in Sports”. It not only celebrated women challenging gender stereotypes and inspiring future generations but also showcased their power in sports. 

Dear participants,

Your dedication to sport not only shapes your own journey but also has the potential to impact the world around you in profound ways. Through your passion and commitment, you inspire others to dream big and strive for excellence, regardless of the challenges they may face. Your discussions today are not only about sport but also about contributing to multilateralism and creating a better world for all.

I wish you all fruitful exchanges and hope that the insights gained will be helpful in shaping a more just and inclusive future for youth in sport. 

Thank you.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.