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Director-General's remarks at the Opening Session of FerMUN 2024

Tatiana Valovaya

FerMUN 2024

Opening Session

Wednesday, 10 January 2024, at 10:00 a.m.

Room XIX – Palais des Nations


Bonjour et bienvenue au Modèle des Nations Unies du Lycée international de Ferney Voltaire

Welcome to FerMUN 2024!

It is a real pleasure for me to welcome you - local students from our region, and those who have joined us from 39 schools across 22 countries worldwide - to the Palais des Nations. We gather here today to mark a significant moment of connection and collaboration.

Today’s conference is the fourteenth edition of FerMUN.  Through the years, FerMUN has evolved in a remarkable way, empowering thousands of students in the skills of multilateral negotiation.  Your dedication to this endeavour is commendable, and you should take pride in taking this important step towards inspiring global youth to engage in international issues and embrace UN values.

The past year presented numerous challenges for the United Nations and for the world. Widespread conflicts took a severe toll, particularly on vulnerable populations, including women and children. Climate change is causing unprecedented disasters and menacing the existence of humankind. Ungoverned technologies are driving hate and division. Alarming human rights violations and social injustices test the foundational principles of peace, dignity, and equality. And our UN staff faced severe risks in unstable regions, addressing humanitarian crises.

Amidst these trials, the UN made significant strides in promoting peace, sustainable development, human rights, and climate action.  Efforts to eradicate poverty, ensure quality education and decent work, and promote inclusive economic growth have grown. The commitment to safeguarding human rights remains resolute, alongside international cooperation to combat climate change.  Advancements in gender equality are also notable, yet further dedication is essential.

As we reflect on these accomplishments, it is essential to recognize the growing need for sustained, multilateral efforts to combat injustices at many levels around the globe.  Our world is at a critical juncture, and the challenges we face require a united front. Young people, in particular, have shown remarkable resilience and determination in demanding change.  Their voices are powerful agents of progress, and we must listen and act in collaboration with them.

In his Our Common Agenda report, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres underscored the pivotal role of youth engagement, making it a central commitment. This report outlines tangible steps the UN is taking to foster youth involvement in decision-making and enhance access to education and sustainable employment for young individuals.

The Secretary-General emphasized that investing in the priorities of youth yields immediate benefits while concurrently building human capital and fostering social cohesion over the long term. This strategic focus on the aspirations and contributions of young people reflects a shared commitment to creating a future where their voices shape and enrich global progress.

They say youth are the leaders of tomorrow, but I see leaders in each of you today. Your presence at this conference attests to your commitment and efforts over the past months, investing your time in honing negotiation skills and delving into critical issues. Once again, I applaud your dedication!

Here at the Palais des Nations today, you will continue to engage in transformative discussions and collaborate to solve challenges, just as we do in our daily work at the UN.  Model UNs, like this one, foster understanding and the ability to find common ground on global issues.

Yet, let this not be the end of your journey. Carry the knowledge and skills gained here back home.  Let FerMUN be a catalyst for positive change in the world. Translate your visions into actions, becoming true ambassadors of the United Nations and leaders in your communities.

Working together is humanity’s best hope, and that is a vision which the women and men of the United Nations make a reality every day. But we cannot do it alone. We need your help, your voice, and your passion, to make our world a better place.

Together, we can overcome the challenges that lie ahead and build a world where peace, dignity, and equality flourish on a healthy planet.

Thank you very much.  Merci beaucoup.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.