The IT Equipment and Furniture Donation Programme supports IT equipment and furniture donation to the following eligible entities: intergovernmental organizations, governments, permanent missions and permanent observer offices to the United Nations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) or affiliated with the Department of Public Information, and other non-profit organizations subject to specific review and clearance.
UN Geneva may donate desktops or laptops, flat screen monitors, printers, scanners and furniture depending on the request as well as availability of equipment. Usually a maximum of ten desktops or laptops, ten flat screen monitors, three printers and three scanners may be donated per request. Requests for furniture will be considered on an ad hoc basis and according to availability.
- UNOG is not responsible for the packaging, delivery or transport of any donated IT equipment or furniture.
- This programme does not provide any technical support for donated equipment.
- This programme is not required to provide complete sets or purchase any computer device, accessory or miscellaneous cables to complete a set.
- Donated computers are delivered with no software.
- Requests for more than 10 desktops or laptops, 10 flat screen monitors,3 printers and 3 scanners may be accommodated if indicated in letter of request.
Eligible entities interested in IT equipment and furniture should submit their requests by letter on an official letterhead paper signed by the Head or Chief of the eligible entity, to be sent by email at psb@un.org or to the following address:
United Nations Office at Geneva
Central Support Services
Palais des Nations, Room S29
1211 Geneva 10
The Central Support Services will process the requests received on a first come first served basis. When the equipment requested is available, eligible entities will be informed as to when they can collect it from the UNOG warehouse (Dock 30).
Upon withdrawal of the equipment, eligible entities will sign and date an act of donation confirming that they have taken the equipment. Through the act of donation, the transfer of property will be effective and UNOG will be relieved from obligations and liabilities.
For additional information, please contact the Central Support Services:
Email: psb@un.org