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25th Anniversary of the Forum of Small States (FOSS)

Michael Møller

4 décembre 2017
25ème Anniversaire du Forum of Small States (FOSS)

Remarks by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
25th Anniversary of the Forum of Small States (FOSS)
Monday, 04 December 2017, at 18:30
Serpent Bar, Palais des Nations

Ambassador Foo,
Ladies and Gentlemen:

The late Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld once observed that the United Nations is not so much for the ‘big Powers’ as it is for all other states. He said that – and I quote – “the Organization is first of all their Organization and I deeply believe in the wisdom with which they will be able to use it and guide it”.

Being here with you tonight, to celebrate the anniversary of the Forum of Small States with 107 countries, I am reminded of his words; of how true they are today as they were decades ago.

So let me first of all say: Congratulations and thank you!

You are testament to the truth that is at the heart of our United Nations: that we do not seek a world cut after a single pattern, but that we seek unity, not uniformity, out of the world’s diversity.

You bring together perspectives from North and South, East and West, developed and developing countries.

You may not always take common negotiating positions, but you build bridges across your differences and thereby build the consensus necessary to progress in our mutual pursuit of peace and security, human rights, and sustainable development.

After all, you may be “small” in individual size, but the same cannot be said about the ambition of your ideas or the reach of your influence.

We have all benefitted from this over the past quarter century, and I am confident we will benefit just as much – if not more – in the decades to come.

For the challenges we face are enormous – and none more so than the threat of a changing climate.

Floods, fires, extreme storms and drought are growing in intensity and frequency – alarming reminders that the catastrophic impact of climate change is here already.

This is not news to the small states that are facing the existential threat that climate change entails for them. But this danger looms before us all. And so the voice of these small states must not be the only one heard, it must be the voice of us all.

The fundamental premise of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development is to “leave no one behind”.

This means above all two things:

̶ On the ground, it means that if we do not succeed in lifting the fortunes of the most vulnerable – the youngest and oldest in society, persons with disabilities, refugees and IDPs – we won’t have succeeded at all.

̶ In the international arena, it means that every country – small, large, poor, rich, and everything in between – needs to buy into the global effort to create a world that is comprehensively sustainable: socially fair; environmentally secure and economically prosperous.

To achieve this – namely buy-in from every country to impact everybody – we need to be more integrated and act more collaboratively than ever before.

And this is why I believe your work – the work of the Forum of Small States – will only increase in importance. At the beginning, I mentioned the bridges that you are building between you. As we progress in our implementation of the Agenda 2030, knowledge about best practices, about what works and doesn’t work, can travel over these bridges. You may find that the lessons learned by a small island state surrounded by oceans can be valuable for a landlocked country in the Himalayas. Joined up, you can be at the vanguard of implementation, raising the benchmark for us all.

Your resolve to advance your vision and common interests has amplified your voice and leverage within the United Nations. As we count on you to engage and support us on United Nations reforms and other matters, you can count on us to vigorously pursue the full implementation of the Agenda 2030, and to raise our ambitions even higher.

In closing, let me acknowledge the leadership of Singapore in the establishment, growth, and impact of the Forum over these past 25 years. Thank you, Ambassador Foo, and all the very best for the years ahead.

Thank you.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.