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Solemn Commemoration Ceremony of the World Humanitarian Day

Michael Møller

19 août 2016
Cérémonie commémorative solennelle de la Journée mondiale de l'aide humanitaire

Remarks by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
World Humanitarian Day 2016

Friday, 19 August 2016 at 11:30
Palais des Nations, in front of Room XX

Part II: Solemn Commemoration Ceremony:

Dear Survivors of attacks on humanitarian workers,
Dear Families and Friends of the Colleagues Lost in Humanitarian
Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen:

Welcome to the commemoration ceremony on the World Humanitarian Day. We are holding this ceremony in front of two plaques, paying tribute to the victims of the terrorist attacks on the United Nations premises in Baghdad in 2003 and in Algiers in 2007. Baghdad and Algiers are but two places that symbolize the many victims in other duty stations across the world where attacks on humanitarian workers have taken place and continue to do so. Such assaults target people devoting their lives to helping others. These attacks are clearly unacceptable. I say that every year on this occasion – and we all have to say this – again and again –until we see a serious reversal of these attacks all over the world.

In 2015, major attacks against aid operations affected 217 humanitarian workers of which 95 were killed while others were wounded or kidnapped. In 2016, some 65 humanitarians have already fallen victim to attacks, including 28 who paid the ultimate price.

We are indebted to those who risk their lives and work around the clock under extreme conditions, to bring humanitarian aid to the people most in need. These dedicated humanitarians ensured that:

- medical care could be brought to 9 million people affected by the Syrian crisis
- emergency food or cash assistance was delivered to 7.8 million people in Yemen and
- 2.1 million people in Iraq received food assistance.

To name but a few examples. There are hundreds others.

The international community is proud of these and many other crucial achievements and grateful to all the people who made them possible.

However, while humanitarians on the ground work tirelessly to assist the victims, the gap between the needs and funding continues to widen and there is no quick fix in sight. In addition to the funding gap, both the helpers and victims are also exposed to serious threats to their safety and dignity.

Protracted, conflict-driven emergencies continue to test the humanitarian community’s capacity. Two thirds of international humanitarian assistance continues to go to long-term recipients.

Mesdames et messieurs, j’ai commencé ma propre carrière dans l’humanitaire, en travaillant pour le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés, à la fois sur le terrain et au siège. Ces expériences au cœur des crises humanitaires étaient incroyablement enrichissantes; elles m’ont inspiré et motivé pendant le reste de ma carrière professionnelle et continuent à le faire.

Chacun de nous a la responsabilité d’assister et de soutenir les personnes qui en ont besoin. La solidarité de l’humanité pour construire un monde meilleur est testée tous les jours dans des endroits de plus en plus nombreux. C’est seulement grâce à une solidarité plus forte qu’on trouvera des réponses plus durables et efficaces aux multiples crises actuelles. Nos collègues humanitaires qui travaillent jour et nuit pour améliorer le sort des victimes restent des acteurs clés dans ce contexte et je les remercie pour leurs efforts et engagements.

Nous sommes redevables envers ceux qui se sont engagés pour faire la différence auprès des gens sur le terrain. Leur courage et leur engagement demeurent une grande source d'inspiration et de motivation. Nos pensées aujourd'hui sont avec ceux qui ont été blessés et ceux qui ont payé le prix ultime pour leur engagement dans l'humanitaire et avec leur famille et amis. Les attaques contre les humanitaires sont inacceptables, quelle que soit la situation ou le contexte. Il faut que ce message ne soit pas seulement entendu mais aussi respecté par tout le monde.

Je vous remercie beaucoup.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.