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Opening of the Exhibition “Grito de la Memoria” (Scream of memory)

Michael Møller

17 septembre 2015
Opening of the Exhibition “Grito de la Memoria” (Scream of memory)

Message by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
Opening of the Exhibition “Grito de la Memoria” (Scream of memory)

Thursday, 17 September 2015 at 6 p.m.
Palais des Nations, Salle des pas perdus

Delivered on the Director-General’s behalf by Ms. Charlotte L. Warakaulle,
Chief, UN Library at Geneva

Ambassador Espinosa Garcés
Mr. Fidel Jaramillo
Mr. Pavel Égüez
Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am very pleased to welcome you to the exhibition “Grito de la Memoria”, Scream of memory, showcasing oil canvases and oil drawings by the famous Ecuadorian artist Pavel Égüez.

I wish to thank the Permanent Mission of Ecuador for initiating this exhibition which will be on display at the Palais des Nations until 30 September.

On the sidelines of the 30th session of the Human Rights Council, this exhibition brings back sad memories of a period in Ecuador‘s history, in particular between 1984 and 1988 but also during the 20 years that followed, which was marked by serious human rights abuses.

I salute current President Rafael Correa and his administration for courageously taking on the challenge and bringing to conclusion a “Truth Commission to Impede Impunity” which delivered its report in 2010. The Commission found at least 456 individuals to be victims of human rights violations such as extrajudicial executions, torture and sexual violence during the period under review.

For those victims and family members their lives will forever be changed. Though the scars will forever remain, the truth is important for the victims to make peace with the past. For us, knowing the truth is important not to forget.

Pavel Égüez helps us feel the suffering of the victims. The artist has been an ambassador for multiculturalism, diversity and human rights on his continent and globally.

This exhibition is a timely reminder that around the globe people continue to fall victim to violence and torture every day, even in 2015.

However, it also shows that the culture of violence can be overcome. And therefore the exhibition is a powerful call to action, to use the human rights mechanisms at our disposal, and in particular the Human Rights Council which currently meets, to identify and address human rights violations and to make the rights and freedoms of people a reality everywhere.

Ecuador has been a strong partner to the United Nations in tackling human rights issues and it has been an example to other nations trying to deal with their past.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me once more thank the Permanent Mission of Ecuador for bringing this exhibition to the Palais des Nations.

Thank you and enjoy your evening.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.