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Opening of the ASEAN Geneva Film Festival 2015

Michael Møller

1 septembre 2015
Opening of the ASEAN Geneva Film Festival 2015

Remarks by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
Opening of the ASEAN Geneva Film Festival 2015

Tuesday, 1 September 2015 at 12.30 p.m.
Palais des Nations, Cinema, Kazakh Room XIV

Ambassador Muhammad,
Distinguished Ambassadors of ASEAN countries,
Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am very pleased to welcome you to today’s event brought to us by the Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN. This is the second time in less than a year that ASEAN contributes to cultural diplomacy at the Palais des Nations – last year in September we were invited to a photo exhibition. This year’s event is all about film.

I thank the Permanent Missions of ASEAN member states for jointly organizing this event, enriching our cultural programme which is a unique feature of the United Nations Office in Geneva. I extend special thanks to the Permanent Mission of Malaysia, the current Chair of ASEAN, who took the lead on coordinating this festival.

As the United Nations, we are proud to have ASEAN as an important partner: Holder of Observer status at the United Nations General Assembly since 2006, ASEAN has broadened and deepened its cooperation with the United Nations since the adoption of the Joint Declaration on Comprehensive Partnership in 2011. A Work-Plan for 2015 sets priorities for the implementation of this declaration and defines ASEAN’s post-2015 vision as complementary to the United Nations post-2015 development agenda in the region.

The ASEAN Geneva Film Festival 2015 will feature nine films. It takes us on a journey through the vibrant ASEAN region and spoils us with a culinary tasting!

As you will notice, in all films, family relations play a central role. You will witness the contractions and conflicts, the joy and sadness, that come with human relationships. Ultimately, the festival speaks about feeling close to one another, despite all the differences, and about ‘being stronger together’ as a family.

ASEAN itself is a big family where members come from diverse cultural backgrounds. They may not always agree, but by working together they have achieved enormous economic growth and stability. Their collaboration now also encompasses political and security as well as social and cultural aspects.

As the United Nations family, we witness the same phenomena: We know that we need each other and that we are stronger together as a family.

Let me once again thank the Permanent Mission of Malaysia and all ASEAN Members for bringing this festival to the Palais des Nations and sharing with us the cultural richness of their countries. So, let us begin this festival with the screening of the first film, a touching human tale from Malaysia, “Mukhsin”. And what better way to pay tribute to Malaysia’s Independence, the 58th anniversary of which was celebrated yesterday.

Thank you very much.
Enjoy the film.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.