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Tree-planting ceremony and plaque dedication in memory of the late Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Somalia to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva, H.E. Ambassador Yusuf Mohamed Ismail

Michael Møller

22 avril 2015
Tree-planting ceremony and plaque dedication in memory of the late Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Somalia to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva, H.E. Ambassador Yusuf Mohamed Ismail

Remarks by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Acting Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

Tree-planting ceremony and plaque dedication in memory of the late Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Somalia to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva, H.E. Ambassador Yusuf Mohamed Ismail

Palais des Nations
Wednesday, 22 April 2015 at 15:00

Dear Madam Zamzam Abshir
Dear Family and Friends of Yusuf
Dear Colleagues and Friends:

Thank you for joining us today for this solemn ceremony to pay tribute to our friend and colleague, Ambassador Yusuf Mohamed Ismail.

Please join me in a minute of silence in his honour.

Minute of silence

The tragic news from Mogadishu that a cowardly terrorist attack had taken the life of our friend and colleague still seems unreal. Our sense of shock and anger was sadly only reinforced earlier this week when we lost four colleagues from UNICEF in another terrorist attack in Somalia, and we express our condolences to their families and friends at this difficult time. Just as our thoughts go to the families and friends of the victims of the recent attack by ISIL on Ethiopian nationals in Libya, and of the all too many victims of terrorist acts across our world.

We are here to remember Yusuf, to pay our respects and to reaffirm our commitment to the defence of human rights that was at the heart of his work here in Geneva. And we are here to support and to show our solidarity with Madam Zamzam Abshir and all of the family on their loss. We are grateful for your strength in sharing this important moment with us.

Each one of us is here with different personal and cherished memories. But they are all tied together by the way that our lives were touched by Yusuf’s commitment to dialogue and understanding, his kindness and thoughtful nature, and his deep passion for a better future for the people of Somalia. The impressive turn-out here today is testament to the impact he had on everyone he met - diplomats, civil society, friends from all walks of life.

Today, we symbolically plant a tree in Yusuf’s honour. We plant it alongside trees dedicated to United Nations staff who also died serving the international community and working for our shared vision for a better world. Our wish is for his vision for peace and progress in Somalia and in the region to take root, and for it to bloom and to inspire others.

When Yusuf took up his functions in Geneva, he vowed that “our partnership should yield tangible benefits for the most vulnerable among the Somali people in the most crucial period of the history of my beloved country.” I believe that he achieved that - and his death is a deep loss to the people of Somalia.

His focus was always on those who need us the most: victims of violence, women in situations of vulnerability, human rights defenders, persons with albinism and others who look to the international community for support. He defended their rights and championed their cause. In his memory, we will continue advancing our shared goal of a world where all are treated with dignity and respect.

He is and will be much missed in our International Geneva family.

May he rest in peace.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.