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L’Union postale universelle fête ses 140 ans en musique

Michael Møller

8 octobre 2014
L’Union postale universelle fête ses 140 ans en musique

Message by Mr. Michael Møller,
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Acting Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

“L’Union postale universelle fête ses 140 ans en musique”
Palais des Nations, Room XX,
E Building, 3rd Floor, Wednesday 8 October 2014 at 6:30 p.m.

Delivered on the Acting Director-General’s behalf
by Mr. Christian Friis Bach, Executive Secretary of UNECE

Mr. Hussein
Ambassador Fasel
Ambassador Prica
Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is my privilege to represent the Acting Director-General, Mr. Michael Møller, who very much regrets that he cannot be with you this evening. He has asked me to deliver a message to you in support of this important event:

The message goes as follows:

“It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Palais des Nations to a very special concert celebrating the 140th anniversary of the Universal Postal Union, on the occasion of World Post Day.
At the outset, I would like to thank Mr. Hussein, Director-General of the Universal Postal Union, for hosting this milestone event at the United Nations Office at Geneva. We are honoured to take part in the observance of World Post Day, and promote your important work to the Geneva family. I would also like to extend a special thank you to Ambassador Fasel and Ambassador Prica for their partnership and support.

In the course of its enduring history, UPU has brought the art of communication through letter writing to unprecedented heights. This distinguished service, as a vehicle of communication between individuals and entities throughout the world, may serve as an excellent example for other international organizations in terms of reaching out and engaging a wide variety of stakeholders in our common endeavours.

Communication is not only at the heart of multilateral diplomacy, but also a global service, both commercially and interpersonally. Therefore, the postal sector is certainly one area to adapt itself to the challenges of the 21st century, by creating a new globalized environment for communication. In a world in rapid transformation, the necessity to find newer, faster, more efficient ways to communicate is greater than ever.

With over 640,000 outlets worldwide, the Universal Postal network is incredibly far-reaching, extending even to remote communities. The direct impact of its work can be concretely measured, and is appreciated by every person on this planet. Its efforts are equally indispensable to the work of the United Nations, through collaboration with many UN entities on a variety of projects, including Geneva based organizations. We consider the UPU very much part of our extended Swiss UN family, and their work is an integral part of our wider efforts to promote peace, rights and well-being for all.

The orchestra we are about to hear represents the talented youth of five continents. The musicians have travelled the world, much like a rare and precious postage stamp, opening the eyes of other peoples to discover the unique beauties and influences of the world. In that vein, I would like to congratulate Miss Nataša Miloševic, of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on winning the gold medal in UPU’s 43rd International Letter-Writing Competition for Young People. Her letter, written from the point of view of a violin, is both touching and an inspiration to us all.

Thank you, once again, to the Universal Postal Union, the Permanent Mission of Switzerland and the Permanent Mission of Bosnia and Herzegovina, for offering us this remarkable concert in the spirit of World Post Day. I hope you will enjoy the performance.”

That was the end of the Acting Director-General’s message.

I join him in wishing you all a wonderful musical evening.

Thank you very much.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.